plateau/no Carbs/14 day cutter experiment



  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Still doing no carbs but havce shifted a ton of energy and time to IF. Intermitten Fasting
    I love it and I am doing it with no carbs

    I will be under 180 by Monday so this two week no carbs did what it needed to do.
    I was going to complete sunday but not sure now with the IF program if I want to. I am having a bbq sunday and I would rather fast til 12 build up that calorie buffer and have at it. Little worried if I do that I will overload on carbs and hav a negative impact. Or I can fast start eating @ 12 and just have some little carbs, maybe 2 burgers with buns and then stay under my calorie intake for day.

    Who knows but I can't wait for the no carb phase to be over.
    Do I need to slow introduce carbs back into my life? I am under 40 a day now, maybe 50 on worst days. Come back up slowly?

    Overall experience is I needed the change up and I am glad I did it but I would have a hard time convincning myself it is the right diet to lose weight. Cal in Cal out is the wayto go and good carbs are good for you.

  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Overall No Carbs was what it was. It kinda sucked, lost some water weight and dropped 2-3 lbs. Overall I didn't love it nor will I ever do it again. Hard to believe depriving yourself fruits and veggies would be good. I get concept, but I don't like it.

    Also I began with IF in the middle of the no carbs so I guess I didnt give it a fair shot, near impossible to do at the same time. Just not funny.

    First day of carbs and I noticed last night I ate 23 carbs before I ingested dinner, wierd because I think placebo played some effext with my mind. For the two weeks prior when I ate carbs that low I didn't feel that good. I had some fruits and veggies when I had carbs yesterday so they weren't race carbs found in other foods.

    O well

    My overall opinion
    NO CARBS SUX AND ITS not fun

    Intermitten Fasting, now that is fun. I love it

  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    Done low carb diet and i think ur carbs r gonna be too high for much weight loss... Ye u gotta watch all ur macros... Cals included, eat 30-40 carbs a day, looots of fat and protein... Also buy ketostix at pharmacy to see if ur actuly in ketosis and at what stage o ketosis and if you need to drop more carbs. Also on a low carb diet it takes ur body about a week to get into ketosis then another week to get used to low carbs so suggest doing low carb for minimum 1 full month for full benefit therwise ur waisting time...
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I tried low carb once. I limited carbs to less than 20g per day. I could not get into ketosis, however. Yes, I had sticks to test my urine. After 10 days, I was ready to puke at the thought of the next fatty, slimy thing I had to eat. I desperately wanted some crunchy salad, a slice of toast, big plate of veggies, some cereal. Anything except more fat and protein. Just not for me, I guess.

    I've had more luck with staying the course, no cheating and changing up my exercise regimen.

    Good luck to you!!
  • jessicazanebell
    jessicazanebell Posts: 67 Member
    I am confused on what exactly ketosis is?
  • jessicazanebell
    jessicazanebell Posts: 67 Member
    I am confused on what exactly ketosis is?
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    I try to stay at 20 g of carbs as well. It definately keeps me in ketosis. And the amount of carbs that a person needs to get into ketosis depends on the person. Make sure to drink lots of water as well. It helps to avoid any kidney stones from braking down the amount of protein that you will be eating.
    Good luck. And keep sharing


    Kind of want to bring this thread back into play....

    For those who have attempted the very low carb (20-50 carbs per day), how did you feel? For the past few days, I have been eating low carb on purpose (while trying to raise my protein as well) and to be honest, I feel terrible. Very sluggish and hazy. My carbs have been around 40-60 the past few days. Also, are you counting 'net' carbs (carbs subtracting fiber grams)?

    Would love to hear other's experiences!

    Thanks much!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Do Low carbs for 1-2 days to mess with your body then have a huge carb up and just continue to count calories and exercise. Avoiding fruits and veggies for me makes little sense. OR maybe just come up a bit with your carbs. Maybe try 60.
    Also try having your carbs early in the day for engergy. Choose a nice slow digesting carb