Here are the 7 weight loss blocking foods:



  • spiritmachine
    Interesting list. I don't know if you can exclude all canned and frozen foods as being "weight loss blockers" though. They are not all created equal. Bottom line is read the labels for things like trans fat and sodium. Although IMO sodium is overhyped. All it will cause is water retention which isn't that big of a deal...unless you have high blood pressure.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Since you bring up unpasteurized or raw milk - do you know the fat content of raw milk?

    Also, be cautious giving raw milk to children as it naturally harbors bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonell and E. coli.

    I am not saying don't drink it, more like, be educated about it.
  • jantim1990
    jantim1990 Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with most of your post, but I don't think these foods need to be completely avoided. I eat cereal every morning with 2% milk. I have a frozen meal almost everyday for lunch. I don't drink soda or fruit juices (except cranberry juice occassionally), and I have lost 10 lbs. I think the "everything in moderation" applies here. You just have to make smart choices with your food/drinks.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I don't eat or drink anything raw that comes from an animal unless it has been cooked or pasturized. Too many things floating around in the meat and milk to even think about it. Don't care if it comes from the US, UK, Italy, Mars or anywhere else. I just think it's gross but it is a personal choice. Everyone has their own preference and I don't try and push my views on anyone else.
    I would never drink unpasturized milk. I just don't think it is safe enough. But I agree with the other suggestions

    When I studied in Italy, I did drink unpasteurized milk (they don't process milk like the US does) and it was actually very delicious! I never had any harmful effects from it, and generally, the food in Italy is MUCH healthier than here. Our food companies in the US are obsessed with pumping crap into everything, and then overcharging you if you want natural or organic. It really is disgusting.
    Anyway... however, due to laws in the U.S., I'm not sure you can find unpasteurized milk anyway.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks for the post - however I'm not in complete agreement on a few items. While a highly restrictive diet has merit, it is difficult to maintain for many, and impractical in many ways. You can lose weight eating everything, contrary to your title, provided its done in moderation, and always with an eye on nutritional content. Agreed - avoid high sodium foods (prominent in canned/frozen foods), watch your fat intake, limit processed sugars, but most importantly - exercise. You can experience significant weight loss by having a disciplined approach to eating all foods, which makes the weight loss journey more achievable, and sustainable for the majority of the population who struggle with their diet. You can do this without taking drastic measures like drinking raw milk.
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the tips!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I dont know, I lost 50lbs eating everything on that list.

    And I liked it.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Great list!! I cut out quite a bit of processed foods and have started drinking more almond milk but still have my 1% milk in some things.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Yeah cereal is the real kiler for me. It's like a guaranteed binge in a box.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I eat cereal, milk, canned vegetables (no sodium added), 1-2 diet sodas, and bread every single day. Cut the food out if you want to, but eating it in moderation will not stop you from losing weight.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    The only one that I think is dangerous on there is pasteurised milk. Good luck trying to find somehwere that you can legally obtain raw milk!

    There's a local store that I go to that have raw cow's milk and I've drank it and loved it. But there's more calories in it then the alomond milk I drink but raw cows milk is really good. NOM NOM.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Pretty sure all these things are alright as long as they're eaten in moderation. Granted, if your day consists of a bowl of lucky charms, chef boyardee, a frozen meal, and "processed" packaged items for a snack every day, yes you will probably see the scale drop slowly.

    Another item to add to this list is alcohol, in excess of course.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I eat cereal, milk, canned vegetables (no sodium added), 1-2 diet sodas, and bread every single day. Cut the food out if you want to, but eating it in moderation will not stop you from losing weight.

    You are right, it wont stop you from losing weight considering durin my 75 lb weight loss I ate all of those foods. However, it will keep you from reaching your fitness goals.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    The only one that I think is dangerous on there is pasteurised milk. Good luck trying to find somehwere that you can legally obtain raw milk!

    There's a local store that I go to that have raw cow's milk and I've drank it and loved it. But there's more calories in it then the alomond milk I drink but raw cows milk is really good. NOM NOM.

    Why does it taste better?? Why does it have more calories?

    Higher fat content!

    Raw milk, in a comercial dairy, has to be processed to bring it down to whole milk fat levels. BUT that is why it tastes better. It's a richer, fuller, more satisfying feel and taste when you consume it.

    Fats aren't bad things, you just have to understand them
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Well, I eat pretty much every thing on your list, and I've been losing consistently. I'm interesting in hearing if you have any evidence-based sources for your list, of if you're just spouting your personal opinion.

    I got this from another site and I wanted to share it. It shouldn't have been considered weightloss blocking foods however, processed foods and cereals and canned foods and all that aren't good for you and that's a fact. As for the cows milk it's all over the internet, to each their own. But I personally just wanted to share this bc it's basically pointin out something ppl already know and that it just stick to a clean diet. Which is not easy by all means. The two things I am guilty of which are holdin me back from reaching my fitness goals are the canned foods and the processed foods. I limit my bread to only a couple of times per week. But I thought this was a great overall post and wanted to share it. Sorry, I don't have any evidence-based sources. I am not a doctor nor am I a scientist. LOL but I do feel that a lil info can maybe help others.
  • smersh
    smersh Posts: 36
    You know... if you're existing entirely on these things, what you say is accurate. That being said, you're making some sweeping generalizations with little evidence to back them up.

    1. Cereal - Many cereals are loaded with sugar and are not great for you, and if you don't measure your portions you won't realize just how small a serving is. Oatmeal is better for you, but having a bowl of cereal for breakfast everyday WILL NOT block weight loss all by itself. Plain Cheerios are much better for you than Cap'n Crunch.

    2. Canned foods - There's no deception. Canned goods say precisely what they contain on the packaging. Many canned foods add salt in the canning process, this is true, but there are low or no sodium added versions of many (they are a little more expensive.)

    3. Processed foods - Read the packaging and know what you're putting into your body. There are healthier choices that can be made here. If you're just grabbing a package off the shelf because it looks good, there is a good chance you're making a poor choice; that does not mean that all processed foods are poor choices.

    4. Pasteurized milk - I like the bacteria in my milk dead, thanks. I'll get my iodine elsewhere.

    5. Fruit juices and sodas - LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS. Natural fruit juices that are made from fruit and water are not bad choices when used in moderation. Of course, it's foolish to drink a large proportion of your calories, but that's not a problem inherent to juice.

    6. Frozen meals - Look at the packaging. It takes some hunting, but it's possible to find frozen meals with under 400mg of sodium.

    7. Bread - Bread has more calories and more fat than many people think, but bread and grains are not bad for you.

    There's a lot of poor information here - it's not these foods that are blocking your weight loss. It's a matter of being a smart consumer, of reading the packaging and knowing what you're putting into your body, and of putting in a little time researching to find the better options.

    And remember, while fresher foods are preferable, canned vegetables are better than no vegetables for your dinner.
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    1) Cereal

    I am so sorry to be the one and burst the bubble, but cereal is deceiving too many people. While there are several types of cereals and nutritional values for each, the majority of them are fairly high in sugars and sodium.

    I agree that there are so many cereals out there that are not good for you, but all the cereals in my house that I eat are no high fructose corn syrup and not too bad on sugar. As for the Sodium I'm not sure what your body is supposed to be having. Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, and Kashi Berry Blossoms is what I have in my house. Cheerios and Kashi are only 100 cal and I have that with organic reduced fat milk. Honey Nut Cheerios is 110 cal. The sugar ranges from 1gram to 9 grams. Your body has to have some sugar and I think these cereals are fine.

    As for bread, I had a weakness for that, but I do much better now. I get Nature's Pride 100% Whole Wheat which has 22 grams of Whole Grains. There is no high fructose corn syrup.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks for the post. I avoid everything on the list except bread & cereal. But, I eat the 100% Whole Wheat bread & the cereal I eat has little to NO sodium & has 8 mg or less of sugar. For instance, the Kashi Go Lean cereal is one of my favorites & it has 10 grams of fiber, 13 grams of protein, 8 grams of whole grains, 85 mg of sodum, 480 mg of potassium, & only 6 grams of sugar, So while some cereals should definately be avoided, there are some that are actually really good for you. As for as the milk goes, I'm sticking to my good ole pasteruized store bought SKIM milk. :smile:
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I think this will be another UK/US distinction - it is illegal to sell unpastuerised milk here in the UK, and just about impossible to find.

    Besides, OK some of the nutirents may be lost in the process, but that doesn't make pastuerised milk a bad food, or one likely to inhibit weight loss, surely?

    no it's not. From the Food Standards Agency:

    "1. The current controls on the sale of raw cows' drinking milk in hygiene and food labelling regulations are:

    a) the milk may only be sold direct to consumers by registered milk production holdings (at the farm gate or in a farmhouse catering operation) or through milk roundsmen. Sales through other outlets have been banned since 1985 (although sales by the farmer at farmers markets are allowed);

    b) the supplying animals must be from a herd that is officially tuberculosis free, and either brucellosis free or officially brucellosis free;

    c) the production holding, milking premises and dairy, must comply with hygiene rules;

    d) the milk must bear the appropriate health warning;

    e) compliance with a) to d) above is monitored by inspections twice a year; and

    f) the milk is sampled and tested quarterly under the control of Animal Health Dairy Hygiene to monitor compliance with standards for total bacterial count and coliforms.

    2. The sale of raw drinking milk from sheep, goats or buffaloes:

    a) is not subject to the restriction at 1a) above;

    b) raw drinking milk from buffaloes has to comply with the herd status requirement at 1b) above;

    c) raw drinking milk from sheep and goats must come from animals belonging to a production holding that is either officially brucellosis free or brucellosis free;

    d) raw drinking milk from these 3 species must comply with dairy hygiene rules and microbiological standards;

    e) In England, raw drinking milk from sheep and goats, but not buffaloes, has to carry the health warning. In Wales, raw milk from all three species has to carry the appropriate health warning; and

    f) compliance with these requirements is monitored at inspections programmed on a risk basis.

    3. The sale of raw cream:

    a) is not subject to the restrictions at 1a) and d) above;

    b) must comply with all the requirements that apply to milk based products under dairy hygiene rules and microbiological standards;

    c) must be made with milk meeting the herd status criteria described in paragraphs 1b) and 2b) and c) above;

    d) raw cream is not required to carry the health warning; and

    e) compliance with these requirements is, again, monitored at inspections programmed on risk.

    I have some raw milk in my fridge, have just made yoghurt from it and am planning to make cheese. Raw milk is often easier to process for those who are have difficulty digesting milk due to the changes milk goes through when heating - ie. more of the nutrients can be absorbed better by the body. The raw milk I have is from Jersey cows, and oddly, tastes less fatty than pasteurised Jersey milk - which I would baulk at drinking.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    as for bread - I have a suspicion that good old-fashioned homemade bread or that made by an artisan baker is far better for your than shop-bought stuff and better nutritionally. Sourdough doubly so.