is 5'7 and 130 pounds unhealthy?



  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    What makes you think it would be unhealthy?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Sounds fine to me...what's wrong with it?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    What makes you think it would be unhealthy?

    I don't think it is unhealthily thin, but 130 is the ideal weight for someone 5'5" with a small build, so it makes sense it's going to be on the thin side for someone 2 inches taller.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    a rule of thumb for "ideal" weight is 100 lbs at 5' and add 5lbsper inch, so at 5'7" this would put you at 135 (100 +7*5) for large frame add 10% for smaller frame minus 10% so 121.5-148.5 depending on frame size.

    This. So much depends on your frame and your muscle mass.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What makes you think it would be unhealthy?

    I don't think it is unhealthily thin, but 130 is the ideal weight for someone 5'5" with a small build, so it makes sense it's going to be on the thin side for someone 2 inches taller.

    ideal for 5'5" is 125 (100+5*5) regular frame, small frame at 5'5" wold be between 112.5 and 125.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    What makes you think it would be unhealthy?

    I don't think it is unhealthily thin, but 130 is the ideal weight for someone 5'5" with a small build, so it makes sense it's going to be on the thin side for someone 2 inches taller.

    ideal for 5'5" is 125 (100+5*5) regular frame, small frame at 5'5" wold be between 112.5 and 125.

    Going by the previous calculation, except I am 5'5" every body type/shape etc calculator I have ever tried says I should be between 120 and 138. So I think the previously mentioned calculation is balls.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It certainly could be a healthy weight if you were eating right and exercising.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    remember muscle weighs more than fat.

    I am the same height. when i was 130 i looked Ana.

    try to do a lot of walking, if you don't have a gym. if you walk a couple miles every day you will see your hips and thighs sort of melt away.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    remember muscle weighs more than fat.

    I am the same height. when i was 130 i looked Ana.

    try to do a lot of walking, if you don't have a gym. if you walk a couple miles every day you will see your hips and thighs sort of melt away.
  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    Hi there!! I'm currently trying to lose 40 pounds, which would put me at 130. I'm also 5'7 in height, and very curvy (hips, thighs, chest, etc.), so I was wondering: is 130 unhealthy for me? I keep saying that it is my goal weight, but I'm starting to wonder now!

    Uh OH, I'm 5'7" goal weight is a little higher than 130...22lbs more to be exact. Wonder IF I need to lower my goal weight. HMMM...? At first, I thought that 130lbs would be unhealthy due to where it'd take your BMI to 20.3. After reading your comments, maybe I need to re-evaluate my goals. Thank-you so much for posting this's made me really think.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    a rule of thumb for "ideal" weight is 100 lbs at 5' and add 5lbsper inch, so at 5'7" this would put you at 135 (100 +7*5) for large frame add 10% for smaller frame minus 10% so 121.5-148.5 depending on frame size.

    This. So much depends on your frame and your muscle mass.

    yes, this.
    At 5'2" these calculations, which I have heard and known about for like 15 years now, put my height at 99-121, and being small framed, I aim to stay below 110 to maintain.

    Keep in mind, I heard this method was a way to calculate "minimum healthy weight" meaning a "don't go below this number" type of thing. You can be a little above this and be perfectly in the healthy RANGE, this is just the low end of that range.

    Also, for MEN, it is 106 lbs for the first 5' and 6 lbs each additional inch to calculate the minimum healthy weight.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    if you have a medium frame you average is 100lbs for 5feet and 5lbs for every inch over so 7inches would put you about 135. It all depends on you. You could always get to that weight and decide if you feel too skinny or still heavy. So long as your nutrition is good and you're not still trying to lose weight at that level, you should be ok.

    Try it on and see how it fits! If you don't like it, add 5lbs at a time until you're happy! It's your body, wear it well!
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    No, I don't think 130 is unhealthy. I'm 5'7". From the BMI calcs I've looked at, a 5'7" woman can be from 118-158 (40 lb. range). So that puts you at 138 lbs. in the center of that range. If you physically feel good there, don't worry about it.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    if you plug those numbers in the BMI calculater it results as healthy.
  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    Personally, I am 5'7" and if I go below 140 I look like a stick figure (not healthy) and used to get sick all the time ~ but I am a medium frame:smile: It really does depend on your body!
  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    **too impatient, double posted**:tongue:
  • Kellee_76
    Kellee_76 Posts: 91
    Just keep in mind that once you are in the 'healthy' weight range for your height, the type and amount of exercise you are doing will play a HUGE role in the shape of your body, how firm it is and what size you wear. So maybe 149 was a perfectly reasonable goal for you, but your exercise plan needed some changes in order to get you closer to the shape you wanted.

    I've always been fairly muscular, so I am often a smaller size at a higher weight than some other women of the same height if I'm working out regularly. Similarly, if I stop working out, I'll change sizes before my weight goes up at all. So also consider what exercise plan will get you into the shape you want and whether that's a plan you're willing to maintain.

    I've heard of people switching to more strength exercises after they lose weight, but I never thought about it, really. This is very true. When I was around 149-150 I was still extremely disappointed in my stomach and thighs. They never seemed to want to go away as much as I would like. I would love to wear a size six, but I don't even know if that's possible with my thighs and stomach. So - thank you very much! I will remember this. I will try to get to where I feel healthy and then focus on my shape. :)

    I'm not good with keeping up with a lot of exercise, although I do like to be very active. I have a treadmill and a little step climber machine, but no access to a gym. I'm so un-muscular and weak it's sometimes laughable, but I should think about working on that. :)

    You'll look better, honey, if you weigh more than 130 and are full of lean musce rather than being weakly (and wiggly) at 130. Put some muscle on and you'll boost your metabolism, too.
  • getzerica
    getzerica Posts: 1
    Defenitly check your BMI rating, just google Body Mass Index Calculator, and you'll be able to. I think that weight sounds great though! I am 5'4" and also curvy, and my goal weight is 110.
    Good luck!!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    What you're asking is really impossible to answer for us. It is certainly possible to be 5' 7" and 130lbs and be healthy. Focus your fitness of some other metrics like blood lipids, bodyweight percentage, athletic performance (2 mile run time, sit ups, pushups, etc) and how your clothes fit. Don't think about the number on the scale so much.

    If you dip under 14% bodyfat, you're getting too low. If you stop menstruating, you COULD have unhealthy bodyweight.

    If you want to be 130lbs, a good question would be "Have you EVER weighed 130lbs at your current height? If so, were you healthy then?"
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I really think it depends on your bone structure. My mom was 5'7 and weighed 102. :angry: At 5'5, I looked anorexic at 118. 135 is a good weight for me. My advice would be to get to where you look and feel good (and don't worry about what the number on the scale says).