Any Woman with an IUD (mirena) please help!



  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I had the Mirena put in and within 4 days gained 8 lbs. No change in eating or exercising. I could not get the weight off and my mood swings were horrible. I hated it. Gave me migrains, made my PMDD worse where my meds weren't helping, and I bled constantly, though not heavy. I kept it in for 6 months then got it out. I lost the 8 lbs in the same 4 days I gained it, migrains went away, and the attitude readjusted back to its normal state on my meds. I was one of the few women that has the sort of reaction with Mirena. Now I've lost another 13 lbs and still going!!!
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    I had the Mirena put in and within 4 days gained 8 lbs. No change in eating or exercising. I could not get the weight off and my mood swings were horrible. I hated it. Gave me migrains, made my PMDD worse where my meds weren't helping, and I bled constantly, though not heavy. I kept it in for 6 months then got it out. I lost the 8 lbs in the same 4 days I gained it, migrains went away, and the attitude readjusted back to its normal state on my meds. I was one of the few women that has the sort of reaction with Mirena. Now I've lost another 13 lbs and still going!!!
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    I had the Mirena put in and within 4 days gained 8 lbs. No change in eating or exercising. I could not get the weight off and my mood swings were horrible. I hated it. Gave me migrains, made my PMDD worse where my meds weren't helping, and I bled constantly, though not heavy. I kept it in for 6 months then got it out. I lost the 8 lbs in the same 4 days I gained it, migrains went away, and the attitude readjusted back to its normal state on my meds. I was one of the few women that has the sort of reaction with Mirena. Now I've lost another 13 lbs and still going!!!

    Sorry about the last post - just wanted to tell you that your doc should have told you that the Mirena is one of the worst contraceptive devices for PMDD. I'm sorry that you were not informed of that.
  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    I've had a Mirena IUD for almost 4 years with no problems gaining weight, or otherwise. I think it has more benefits than drawbacks, and will definitely get it replaced when the time comes. Good luck, whatever you decide!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I had one fitted three years ago, and although I've been putting weight on slowly for the past 6 or 7 years I can't say it went on any faster after it was fitted. I still have it, and I dont think I can blame it being difficult to lose weight on that - I think I'm just older!
  • ujunobia
    ujunobia Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for your post - so a person who naturally carries weight around the waist and hips is further disadvantaged because that's where Mirena's weight gain localizes. I am pear shaped, but have usually been able to lose weight through intense cardio exercise and cutting back carbs (50 min 4 or 5 days/week of cardio, in addition to squats, inner and outer thigh exercise). Since my Mirena was put in about 18 months ago, however, I haven't been able to shift weight as quickly by doing what used to work before. I originally chalked it up to having had not just one, but two pregnancies, but after 4 weeks of intense cardio and carb restriction, I've only lost a pound, unlike in the past. I had Mirena inserted when my second DS was only 7 weeks old, so I didn't pay too much attention to my weight before and after, but I know it's not normal for me not to shift any weigh after so many weeks of effort. I started to wonder what else could be going on, because I know of women who've been able to return to close to their previous size after after much more than two children. This led me to look for what other causes might be, and that's how I found this site. I've now made an appointment to have the Mirena removed - the weight I am now is not the "old me". I want to continue to work out and eat healthily, but I want that to be reflected in my clothes size!
  • becky611
    becky611 Posts: 77
    I have had my Mirena for 3 and a half years. My weight gain has been from too much food and no movement...
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    I have had my Mirena for 3 and a half years. My weight gain has been from too much food and no movement...

    ^^^This. I've had mine for over two years. Last year, between February and June, I dropped 15 lbs. Unfortunately, between October of last year and May of this year, I picked them back up again plus 5 more. For me, Mirena had nothing to do with it - a lack of self-control and reduced exercise had EVERYTHING to do with it. YMMV, of course.
  • ashleycarder24
    I am a pharmacist. Mirena is a progesterone derivative. Yes, it is possible you could gain weight. With any birth control, it depends on the person.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    OMG Thank you SOOOO much to those people who said the stuff about the mood swings and low sex drive. I have had mine for 4 years and it comes out in 1 more.

    I SWEAR to GOD I am a different person with this THING in me. My moods are HORRIBLE, and I go from laughing to screaming to crying at the drop of a hat, and I have zero interest in sex. Like I could care less if I ever have it again for the rest of my life. And let me tell you that was NOT the case before, hence the need for the birth control in the first place.

    It is causing problems in my relationship of 5 years and I told my doctor and she says it has NOTHING to do with the mirena and its not possible and wants to put another in when this one comes out. :cry:
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    ive been losing weight steadily while on mirena.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    OMG Thank you SOOOO much to those people who said the stuff about the mood swings and low sex drive. I have had mine for 4 years and it comes out in 1 more.

    I SWEAR to GOD I am a different person with this THING in me. My moods are HORRIBLE, and I go from laughing to screaming to crying at the drop of a hat, and I have zero interest in sex. Like I could care less if I ever have it again for the rest of my life. And let me tell you that was NOT the case before, hence the need for the birth control in the first place.

    It is causing problems in my relationship of 5 years and I told my doctor and she says it has NOTHING to do with the mirena and its not possible and wants to put another in when this one comes out. :cry:
    tell her no shes YOUR dr. you call the shots, not her, ask her for another form of BC. i myself have had no issues with any of that. Everybody's body reacts different though to hormones and what not though.