Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 2]



  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    My main alternative to my recipes is instead of using beef as the meat I use turkey. It is funny because my partner doesn't even pick up ground meat anymore. He is already adjusting to my healthy choices as well.

    That is my main alternative too. I substitute my bacon and sausage for turkey sausage. I also have stopped eating egg yolk. I think I drink more water now, than I have ever drank in my life.
  • TrimmingTracie
    Thursday QOTD: I am from Thailand and we love white jasmine rice, long grain. :) Once my 10bag of rice ran out this time, I decided to only cook with Brown rice instead. I feel doing this was equal to a smoker going cold turkey in after their last carton of cigarettes. Or something like that..lls.
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD response for Thursday...... My healthier choice would have to be Green Tea. I gave up coffee after drinking it since I was 3 years old! ( It's a German thing). I am 40 and to me that is amazing. I still have a cup on Saturday am. Part of my weekend ritual :) I was surprised that I could do it. I actually was scared to, but my trainer/nutirtionist really required it. I was shocked at my bodies response. My mucous went away. Tummy troubles, gone. Extreme fatigue every afternoon, buh bye. Just feel darn good now. Hudah Thunk,
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Thursday QOTD: I eat out WAY too much and am trying to find better things to order and ways to order to reduce calories and sodium. I have replaced my deep dish pizza for thin crust. And no more fries, potatoes, or rice on the side. Instead I order a side salad, soup, or vegetable without butter. Instead of margaritas or cosmos I do flavored vodka and diet coke. (Obviously not healthy but healthier). Oh, and I refuse to go to my favorite Chinese buffet. I tried it once a couple months ago and learned I cannot be trusted in there, yet. :blushing:
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    I use smart taste pasta whenever I have to use pasta for anything. I always use ground turkey or lean ground beef. Light, low fat cheese, sour cream, cream cheese goes in all of my recipes.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I put more vegetables and less meat on the plate (or in a recipe). I tried to love almond milk - I really tried :) But I can't stand it :( So I just stick with my skim milk and fat free dairy products.

    You can also try flax milk. It is very creamy. The watery consistency of almond milk turn many people off. LOL
  • komplexlysimple
    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    Yes I am a huge emotional eater. Exercise has really helped, but journaling and being honest about how I feel has been really helpful. I have been listening to a lot of music lately when I am stressed also. I find it to be very relaxing.

    Have a great day Ladies!!!!
  • chasekilgannon
    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I'm an emotional eater in the sense that I stop eating once I've hit my stress limit, and won't touch any food (coffee and energy drinks, my favorite energy drink being 0 calories) until I feel better/less stressed.

    But then I feel like I'm starved, and eat utter crap. I know it's one of my worst habits that I always keep an eye on.
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I recently began realizing how much of an emotional eater I am. In fact, it's not that being upset/stressed makes me want to eat but rather that I stop caring about making good choices. When I feel good about myself I want to do good things for my body. When I don't I just don't.

    Now that I am acknowledging this fact, I have started having conversations with myself. They go something like this, "Self, why are you going to eat that? Is it hunger or is it something else? You worked so hard to get here, are you an idiot?" So far, the conversation is working some of the time... but I'll be reading your responses for some better solutions!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    Now i think about I guess i am not so much of emotional eater. I think think and i am tired and i goto sleep.

    So not that much :)

  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Friday: I am a terrible emotional eater. If I am stessed or sad I start looking for comfort food. The more I deny myself the more I want it. My approach is to portion out a little of whatever it is I am craving.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I tend to eat a lot less when stressed or miserable but more when happy... so I guess I am a reverse emotional eater! Things have been pretty stressful lately so it has been great for my diet, but are on the up... I can feel old habits creeping in like grazing on chocolate in the cupboards. To cope with this I just have to not have junk in the house, if it isn't there, I can't eat it! X
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I don't think I'm as much of an emotional eater as a "bored" eater. I eat more when I'm bored. To help control this, I try to find replacement behaviors....paint my nails, take a walk, get online (to check mfp, of course), etc.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    I love Chinese and Thai food so I just purchased a wok so I can start making my own healthy version of my favorite dishes.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Friday: I am a terrible emotional eater. If I am stessed or sad I start looking for comfort food. The more I deny myself the more I want it. My approach is to portion out a little of whatever it is I am craving.

    I pray!!! Seriously this is a battle for me. The only way I see to over come this is by making this a personal journey of emotional and physical deliverance. I don't believe anyone can truly be free from being over weight until they learn to stop being emotional dependant on food. Good questions:wink:
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Whoa!! Emotional eater here! And drinker. I suppose my answer to stress is to stand in my pantry and eat whatever my eyes fall on. I actually told my PMD that when he asked why I was gaining weight and what to do about it. He told me to simply not eat. Easier said than done there hot shot doctor. So, I give myself some lee-way. I always save about 300-400 cals for a couple of beers at night, or popcorn.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I am an emotional eater. I tend to think "I've had a hard day and I deserve this!" When I take the time to listen, I can usually hear my inner child making that whine. When I recognize that it is coming from my inner child, sometimes I can talk her out of it, but sometimes I just cave. My inner child can be a bit of a brat.:wink:
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I am an emotional eater and if I am feeling stressed I will eat alot of junk that I would not normally eat. I am trying to overcome this by reading the bible to help with my spiritual health. I also try to eliminate stressors out of my life and just try to focus on the positive.
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I don't know that I am an emotional eater, like I have never been one to run out and eat a whole cake or bucket of ice cream b/c I am depressed or something. My problem is that I am entertained by food or something, cause I eat when I am bored. If I am not being active or I don't have something to do, I want to snack. It's always been like that, every since I was a kid, which is why this fat kid, turned into a fat adult.

    I have to make it a point to redirect my attention to something else, which is one huge reason I had to join a gym, b/c I couldn't just continue to keep focus at home. I work from home and I was doing workouts at home, therefore I was bored with home. I needed to get out, have somewhere to focus on my goal, so that my workouts wouldn't become pointless. Doing my biggest loser workout, and then snacking wasn't getting me anywhere.

    I love food. I sometimes feel like I am addicted. The messed up thing is that unlike alcohol or drugs, I actually need food to survive. I would sometime catch myself sitting at my desk daydreaming with a bag of chips, and once I refocused, the bag of chips were gone. I would be watching tv, and then go scrounging around for some oreos or something, just to have something to do.

    Once I realized this about myself. I really had to make it a point to pay attention to what I was doing. I joined a gym and made sure I had healthy choices around. I get up and go walking if I get bored or feel idle. So far 45 lbs's working in my favor, instead of me working against myself...Whew sorry I went off into a tangent.
  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    Thursday QOTD: When I use to make baked potatoes I would always load it with alot of bacon, cheese, sour cream, and butter, but now I just add a pinch of cheese and a little low fat sour cream. Tastes just as great.

    Friday QOTD: Yes I am an emotional eater now I try to workout instead of eating