Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 2]



  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one?

    I haven't altered any recipes, but I have incorporated new foods into my life, like tilapia and greek yogurt.

    QOTD::Friday 13th Edition:: Are you an emotional eater? If so how are trying to overcome eating your emotions?

    I am somewhat of an emotional eater. I tend to eat comfort foods or junk foods when I'm sad or stressed. Lately, I have tried to replace those urges to eat unhealthy foods when stressed by either working out or grabbing a healthy snack. However, I also tend to eat out of boredom as well. So, when I walk to the pantry just because there's nothing else going on, I stop myself and either call a friend, get online, or find an activity to engage in.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Friday QOTD: Emotional eater? Yes, definitely. Especially if I'm mad or irritated or upset - that's when my sweet tooth really shows up. The only reason I have changed behavior is that I don't want to write it down in my log. Maybe if I go without for long enough it will become a habit :)

    I agree with the diamonds who say they're more of a "bored" eater. I have that issue too. Like when you open the fridge, freezer, and every pantry door you have thinking that maybe something magically appeared there since the last time you opened it. Then you end up grabbing something that you really don't even want just because it's convenient and it's there. Ugh!!!
  • emchen
    emchen Posts: 48
    Friday QOTD: Emotional eater? Yes, definitely. Especially if I'm mad or irritated or upset - that's when my sweet tooth really shows up. The only reason I have changed behavior is that I don't want to write it down in my log. Maybe if I go without for long enough it will become a habit :)

    I agree with the diamonds who say they're more of a "bored" eater. I have that issue too. Like when you open the fridge, freezer, and every pantry door you have thinking that maybe something magically appeared there since the last time you opened it. Then you end up grabbing something that you really don't even want just because it's convenient and it's there. Ugh!!!

    I am with you on every single one of these points! As well, I am a stress eater! The minute work starts piling up, I start getting hungry.