I have pcos and its so hard to diet



  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Geez you're on a high dose! I have PCOS too and I only take the Metformin once a day. No increase in headaches from it so far, which is a huge relief since I already get migraines.

    From what you said it sounds like you need a second opinion and probably a doctor with a different philosophy. My doctor told me the key to successful diet change (as opposed to dieting) was to start with one thing you knew you could handle consistently. Then introduce one new thing at a time as the old things become easy/routine. I started with vegetables and exercise - just making sure I got 5 servings a day and half an hour of cardio 4-5 times a week. Once I got those down actually counting calories practically takes care of itself. It seems to be working; my latest blood work shows a much reduced risk of diabetes and bad cholesterol.

    I say get a second opinion from a doctor who takes your headaches and other side effects seriously. And maybe stress that you want to be on the lowest effective dose possible as general rule. It's always better to start new meds low and slowly.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Read this everyone! A dietican with PCOS
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Make sure you are eating lean meats like chicken and turkey, watch what kind of carbs you eat. Make sure you focus on whole grain pasta and breads. Also try finding a healthy peanut butter. Its very filling and gives you protein.

    Actually being someone that has PCOS grain carbs are among the worst we as PCOS'rs can eat.

    Our carbs should be coming from fruits and vegetables............Grain carbs and starchy carbs are the worst and should be eaten sparingly.

    Women with PCOS are insulin resistent as already mentioned. So even the IR diet mentioned cutting out refined and even whole grains along with other carbs.
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152

    Metformin only helps with the insulin resistance, not the acne and hair growth. Speak to your endocrinologist about options to control these other symptoms (they are usually caused by high testosterone levels or possibly thyroid). Medicines usually prescribed for these issues are spironolactone or yasmin.

    I actually was put on metformin because I had acne. 500mg a day so its not anything big. You don't necessarily have to have pcos.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Wow- thanks ladies for everyones input. I am the type of person that will give everything a chance. I dont expect overnight results on anything as this weight has come on over two years now.

    I'm doing ok with the metformin so far. The only reason I tried it because the diet/calorie/working out was not producing the results i needed. I had actually been working out since I was diagnosed but kept gaining and gaining no matter what. My ObGyn told me to go this way to get cycles back on track and might help with weight loss.

    I also am following a low carb, low sugar and more proteins of course. I thought that it was ok to eat a whole grain once in a while?? but everyone seems to be about going gluten free with PCOS.. i'm starting to wonder if the wheat group is my enemy.
    I've been reading up ALOT on Paleo/Primal and I am highly interested.

    I do need more support from fellow PCOS ladies so please add me- it sucks loggin in and seeing so many ladies ( non PCOSers) who keep loosing every day and not me. i log a weight loss maybe once a month : (
    it might seem mean and i'm sorry if it came across that way, but i feel that having this condition, (unless you have it yourself)You have NO IDEA the struggles on a daily basis and the emotions. etc.
    Not that each one of those ladies doesnt have their own struggles. I just feel it easier to not give up with the support of fellow "cysters"
    thanks ladies :heart:

    Grains are inflammatory which assists the body in keeping the insulin resistance going. Giving up grains (except for the occasional rice or gluten free oatmeal) will probably be the best thing you can do for your body. It will heal the inflammatory condition and help to heal the insulin resistance.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    Metformin only helps with the insulin resistance, not the acne and hair growth. Speak to your endocrinologist about options to control these other symptoms (they are usually caused by high testosterone levels or possibly thyroid). Medicines usually prescribed for these issues are spironolactone or yasmin.

    I actually was put on metformin because I had acne. 500mg a day so its not anything big. You don't necessarily have to have pcos.

    I don't understand the script for Metformin for treatment of Acne. It doesn't help with that.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member

    Metformin only helps with the insulin resistance, not the acne and hair growth. Speak to your endocrinologist about options to control these other symptoms (they are usually caused by high testosterone levels or possibly thyroid). Medicines usually prescribed for these issues are spironolactone or yasmin.

    I actually was put on metformin because I had acne. 500mg a day so its not anything big. You don't necessarily have to have pcos.

    I don't understand the script for Metformin for treatment of Acne. It doesn't help with that.

    :laugh: Many times it causes or makes the acne worse. I donnow why women stil taking meds like this with all the bad side effects like gastrointestinal problems like abdominal cramps , bloating and causes the inability to absorb vitamin B12. And the Yasmin 5yaz) and Dianette pills I took them too ... they increase the weight gain not help with it. ANd birth control also in fact increases your chances of developing diabetes. Isn't a dietary really a lifestyle change better/easier? I rather eat 20$ co-pay + the cost of the pills myself! :tongue:

    read this - http://www.mum.org/pcos.htm
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    How many of you consume soy regularly?