Do you tell others your success?



  • good on you sir, 20 lbs is a good mark to hit. I dont tell anyone cause I havent been very good about actually losing the weight and I think when I actually do drop the pounds it will be pretty obvious to everyone around me. I do however tell my friends and family I am running alot and getting more active so they know I am not sitting on my butt all day. I got about 50lbs to lose, sad I let myself go this much, but I know I cannot ever be this heavy again!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Well I don't tell anyone unless they ask. I don't live around family and friends (about 2000 miles from home) so they can't see me and notice, which sucks. So, my poor husband gets an ear full every time the weight goes up or down....
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    I personally don't tell unless asked. I've lost decently large amounts of weight in the past on different drastic diets. I told people about it. Then I went off the diets and went right back to where I started which in the end made me look like a fool. This time around I'm not making as drastic of changes so it can more easily fit into my life style and I'm not telling anyone because I don't care if they know. This change is about a healthier me. Not about getting skinny so I can rub it in others faces.
  • jess_ellen
    jess_ellen Posts: 28
    I have told people but I have found that in most cases it has been more of a than a help. A class friend of my who I told likes to comment and tell me what I should and shouldn't eat every lunch time, I just don't need that. I have also ended up telling my mother after 3 calls in a row she told me how unhealthy I eat even though I hadn't seen her since I had started my diet (she lives in another state). So for me I find it better to not tell. I also don't give a number when asked how much I have lost, for me it's not about the number its about how I feel and if the size of my clothes is going down.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    My updates post to facebook, and my friends there have been a wonderful support system, I also tell people when they ask. . .more and more people here at work are noticing :) Only time I really bring it up is complaining when they order that evil evil delicious cake for big celebrations at work LOL
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No. Absolutely not. I don't want to hear about other people's weight loss and I assume they aren't interested in mine. Even the responses on here when I post things would appear to back me up on that.
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    I tell people but not like I used to...I regret telling a lot of people because for every person who supports me, I find 3 who are negative - telling me I'm doing it wrong, pushing their beliefs on me, telling me I should try this or that fad diet, telling me I'll be fat forever unless I join weight watchers, people who purposely try to sabotage my's very frustrating. If I had it to do over, I wouldn't tell anyone except my close friends so they would be understanding about my not wanting to party EVERY night...:wink:
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    As this is the first diet I've ever been on and the first time I've actually taken a stab at healthy living I am telling my family and updating them on my progress because I am so proud of myself! :)
    I find I can't keep it in any longer, maybe that's bragging but I try to contain it but I eventually say "I've lost half a stone in two weeks, yay!" People I've mentioned it to have asked me how I do it and every single one of them has joined MFP or downloaded the app to their phones. Whether they've stuck to it I don't know.

    I only mention it once and don't go into detail about what I eat and when. I just want to share my excitement with my family :)
  • TranceGirl
    TranceGirl Posts: 121 Member
    I only told my boyfriend and 2 of my closest friends. I feel like as soon as someone finds out I am watching what I eat they tell me I'm not fat, which I already know. I am doing this to be in better shape and learn healthy eating. Also, everyone has SOMETHING to say about losing weight and exercising and that bugs me... but then again everyone here knows why I'm on this website ;) So I am kind of telling the world without telling the people I know.
  • At first I did.. "I found this great place on the web..." but no one seemed to want to change anything...just complain about how they feel.... I've given up and let my success speak for itself.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I only tell people if they ask. And I am really uncomfortable when people make a big deal about it. I have lost a lot of weight, so people who haven't seen me in a while are definitely shocked when they do see me, and I just don't like being surrounded by people who are staring at me and commenting on my body. It would be nice if people could just say "You look great," or "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it," and then move on. But when they're all picking out certain parts of my body to comment on, I feel like I'm being scrutinized, and it creeps me out.
  • I go back and forth on this one. Part of me OF COURSE wants to jump and loudly holler for joy with every oz shed, but I find more and more everyday that this journey is for me, and about me, and if I really mean that and want to stick to it, I need to turn to select lucky few (hi MFPers!) to share my happiness and provide validation when I need it.
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I won't be telling people until I'm really on track and have lost 30 or 40 pounds because I find that once I tell people they're asking all the time. My mom lives in another province and when she calls she will ask about every little detail and I'm sick and tired of that. Also, if I tell people too soon before seeing a difference myself I feel like people are judging every little thing I put in my mouth. Once I see a difference and people start seeing that what I'm doing is working, then I won't feel as self-conscious.
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    GREAT news, thank you for sharing your success with us!

    I share the information I've been given or am using if people ask. Other wise I try not to "share my success" because it seems more people look at is I am trying to "brag or boast" about getting "skinny."
    Don't get me wrong, my family & close friends are VERY supportive.
    The truth is I am doing this for ME, my son and family. To get healthy the right way and make a lifestyle change. It takes a LOT of hard work to do what we are doing, so KUDOS to all of us. Keep up the AWESOME work and be proud of what you are doing!
  • phy40
    phy40 Posts: 260 Member
    When I have a weight loss success story, I will tell the world. I will be toooooooo happy to tell.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    congrats!!!! great job

    i do not like to talk about my weight loss with anyone but my husband and my close family (mom, sister, grandma). it embarrasses me. others at work, who are relatively thin, will talk about their weight loss, and it just makes me extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. i dread the day when someone comments on my weight loss. i know i need to get over that!

    anyway that's why i come here for support and encouragement.
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    My husband, kids, and mom are the only ones I talk to about it. I figure it doesn't affect my friends if I lose weight or not. Maybe when I lose a noticeable amount of weight and people comment, I will start talking about it.

    Congrats on the loss!
  • Congrats on 20 pounds lost!

    My loss is pretty obvious so I've gotten to be very open with it. Now it's a part of who I am & word has gotten around enough where people that don't personally know me will find me to ask questions. My husband calls me a local celebrity? lol Anyway it's weird sometimes but if I am able to help one person change their life then it's worth it :)
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    I tell the people I am close with. Anyone that I am spending time with...basically anyone that is going to see me whip out my food weighing scale, measuring cup and measuring spoons at mealtime! I tell them in advance so I don't have to read the expression on their faces when I do that. I don't have that far to go - not to say it hasn't been a challenge, because it has, and it's taking my all to do this thing, but its finally working! But then people go "oh you dont' need to loose weight" and it pretty much is like "really?" don't discount the fact that I am watching what I eat and working my butt off to stay looking this way. So anyway, I feel like telling people may help them go "hmmm, maybe I could loose a few pounds too" Some people are going to be jealous, so be it! People at my office are horrible with eating - there's always a candy jar, someones birthday or some reason to get donuts for breakfast. If they know where my head is at, they are less likely to include me in the invitation for that stuff, which is good b/c I have willpower, but I'm only human!
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    I have been open about losing weight from the beginning. I feel like the more people who know the more accountable i have to be. i have been posting on Facebook a whole lot and I feel that keeps me motivated because people are always commenting.
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