Do you tell others your success?



  • murelzgirl
    murelzgirl Posts: 112 Member
    I have a small group of friends that I talk to every week about my progress. But, I don't tell family.. other than my husband. They are very discouraging. Hopefully the next time family comes to visit, or we visit them, I'll have lost enough weight that they'll notice and ask about my journey. :)

    Congrats on your loss.
  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    I talk about my weight loss with family members who are also choosing to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight. Otherwise, I only speak of it if someone asks me about it.
  • snookemz
    snookemz Posts: 82
    I told everyone - seeing as how my fitness pal is connected to my facebook :) but people who didn't just see the posts here or there didn't know.
    When someone asks me how I've been, I tell them I've lost 53lbs so pretty darn good :) but I didn't tell them until I got over 30ish pounds because when you have 200lbs to lose you just don't want to tell the world every milestone lol
  • Tic_Tac_Toe
    Tic_Tac_Toe Posts: 33
    My husband and I have both made major improvements and we've lost a lot weight. We talk to each other about it often. Other than that, I keep it to myself. If someone says, I look good or what am I doing to lose the weight, then I will tell them.

  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    I love the fact that I finally can say no to junk, and if people know how dedicated I am they will no longer bring it around me. I love how I can get up and do a workout without huffin & puffin just to get off the couch. Not to mention it feels good to hear someone say TO ME vs me saying to them, "Wow I wish I had your willpower and determination!"

    So, heck ya I do!
  • amo13
    amo13 Posts: 87 Member
    I had a small group of people who knew about my healthier efforts. Recently I publicized my blog. I've found that my story has inspired and motivated others, which is just one more push to keep me on track. I have about 37 pounds left to lose and now I have others who are willing to hold me accountable, encourage me and join me on this journey!
  • kryscas
    kryscas Posts: 43 Member
    I didn't say anything at first but after 20-30 lbs, people at work began noticing. "Have you lost weight?" "What are you doing?" "What plan are you following?" "Have you tried the soup diet.....??" lol

    My responses are usually polite but short. "Why yes I have! Thank you.|", and my responses to "What are you doing?" "What plan are you following?" "...soup diet??" are "I'm living!'

    I'm always conflicted about whether or not to feel happy about my weight loss or to feel like I'm doing what I should have been doing all along.

    I mean...why should I be happy that I ever got to the point where needed to lose 100+ lbs to begin with? But other days I'm damn proud that I'm half way there (lost a total of 55 lbs since Jan 2!!!!). conflicting as the thoughts and feelings on any weight loss journey as is life... so, I'm living! :) Finally!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks for all your replies. The insight is helpful.

    I find that just keeping on keeping on helps. I am not doing this to win the affection of others, and if people ask (so far no one has!) then I'd tell them I've gotten my elbow problem under control (my elbow brings food to my mouth, and it's not doing it as often, so...well, maybe that sounds funny only to me).

    But geez, it's nice to fit into my jeans. And yeah, I have a long way to go, but I'm more than 10% of the way to my goal.

    And I'm only 7 pounds away from my first "mini-goal" of 265.

    Here's what I'm having today for breakfast/morning snack:
    <img src=""/&gt;

    I have to tell you, two months ago it would not have been vegetables. It would have been bread or a pastry and coffee. (I'm off coffee because my weight has made my blood pressure sky high, so I have water now.) I don't feel deprived, because I'm not seeing the food as "punishment" for my sin of overeating or being fat. (Yes, fat. Not overweight. Not husky. Not height-weight disproportionate. Just fat.) I'm seeing it as wonderful things to eat that make me feel _good_.

    Since I didn't want shame when I overate, I'm wondering if I should seek praise because I'm getting healthier. I'm torn on that one. I like the attention I get, of course, but really, it's weird to be praised for reversing stupid decisions. Maybe that is the right way to think about it - I'm not "better," but maybe just smarter and more aware of how I can control my life.
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    I would chime in and say definitely tell people, if not for yourself for others. It was by my friends blogging/facebooking their progress that motivated ME to get cracking. You never know who you will inspire to follow in your footsteps.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    When I first started making changes to be healthier I didn't tell anyone except my best friend. I was so afraid of failing that I didn't even want anyone to know I was trying. My first changes didn't focus on weight loss in particular anyway. I knew that I needed to get more active since I basically live in front of a computer. And I needed to eat healthier and get rid of the sugar roller coaster that was my daily lifestyle.

    After I started making changes and having success, some people did notice. After about 30 pounds lost I started to get a few comments from co-workers. It's not something I felt necessary to keep secret, so I did talk with those that asked. Usually I kept it pretty basic "Oh, going to the gym 5 days a week and trying to eat healthier."

    Now that I've lost over 65 pounds lots more people have noticed. That's more than 25% of my original weight, so it's pretty obvious. Now when people ask I try to gage what they really want to know. If they want some details I usually talk about working with my trainer because that's something most people understand and don't argue about. I still seldom talk about the food part. It's much harder for me and a much touchier subject with many people.

    Also, many of my friends are still obese. There are a couple that are also making lifestyle changes and working to get healthier, but some are not. I don't want them to feel like I'm being judgmental or that I in some way feel superior. There were many years where I was that person who wasn't ready to make changes. And this is something you truly have to want for yourself. No amount of outside intervention if going to help if you aren't ready to mentally face up to your issues and make the changes needed.
  • cuppachoco
    cuppachoco Posts: 5
    I tell my friends about it, and they support me fully :)
    I'll tell mom if she asks me, because I don't want her to worry about what I eat. If she does, everybody will eat the way I eat :P
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    I blog about it, so that I am not tooting my own horn all the time. The thing is I haven't really told people about that blog. There is a link to it in my profile and signature here, and one the blog about my son, but other than that the only person that knows about it is my sister, because she is the one factor that got me motivated to run a 5k, and thus a whole new healthier world has opened up to me. a coworker noticed when I was like 3 lbs down from the lowest weight when I took my son in to see her... and I have no problem talking about it with her all day. I told her I'd be a skinny b!tch when I came back to work....and I plan on holding myself to that goal ;)

    I have status updates about my c25k more than actual weight loss..... but I think my boyfriend brags about it all the time.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    I have turned down colleague's invitations because I have a salad with me and the other day we had sandwiches in the office. But I am telling people that I am experimenting with some dietary changes to address health issues, not that I am trying to lose weight. Which is true, I just fully expect the weight to come off!!

    The only person who has commented on my changing looks so far was also in charge of ordering my salad at a pizza place because I was arriving late.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I tell others for a few reasons:
    1. Because "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it" I seriously feel like calling my mother everytime I get on the scale to let her know hoe much I'm down.
    2. I live in an apartment with 4 other overweight rommates, one of which is my girlfriend, who is truely the person who jump started my drive to begin this journey (she has a lot of weight related health problem) and I want to encourage them to eat better and work towards being healthier too.
    3. I feel like it makes me more accountable, ya know? Like, if I say I've lost 20 lbs, a week from now I wanna be able to tell people a different number. I don't want them to hear the same number 3 or 4 weeks in a row, )or heaven forbid I stop telling them numbers cause that would probably mean I've gained.)
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    only people on here lol

    I don't care much what other people think regarding my weight/food habits
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    only people on here lol

    I don't care much what other people think regarding my weight/food habits

    Nice. It's not that I don't "care" as much as it's more about my own choices.
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    I tell everyone who will listen. I'm so happy about losing weight I can't hold it in!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First, to the OP, congrats!

    Re: your question - sort of. Just about everyone in my life knows I've been working on eating better and getting fit for the past year and a half but only a select few get updates when I'm proud enough not to be able to keep it to myself. Most of the time I just wait until someone asks me how much I've lost and how I'm doing it.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I tell anyone who'll listen. I yell it on facebook every chance I get. I'm happy with what I'm doing and I'm motivating other people to get off their butts too, and that thrills me.
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    I tell my significant other everything, from how many calories I've eaten today, to how many I've burned today, how much weight I've lost so far, what kind of things we should by at the grocery store, what kind of meals we should plan, everything! Although I'm sure it drives him nuts sometimes, he likes seeing me happy and excited about something instead of moping about my weight. He has always told me he loves me the way I am, no matter how much I weigh, and that I should do whatever makes ME happy. And now I am. I have also disclosed the information to my co workers, who wonder why I am so picky when we order our team lunch or why I'm not eating the donuts they brought for breakfast. Really, I don't try to gloat about it to other people, but I do explain to them what I'm doing and why if they ask!
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