Couch to 5k challenge

Finnka Posts: 10 Member
Having decided it's time to take control back of my body, I downloaded the podcasts for the 'Couch to 5k' challenge to get me off my backside and start running, I also downloaded this app for my phone thinking it would be a handy tool to track progress. Then when I came to the MFP site and started reading the posts and particularly the sucess stories I realised how many inspirational and positive people there are on here, and it's really given me a boost. Can't wait to get to a point where I can post my own before and after pics, and I'm hoping to pick up some tips and friends along the way.



  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Feel free to add me a s a friend! I just started the C25K yesterday and am excited to do it again tomorrow.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    I am on W2D1 right now. Will do tonight when I get home.

    Good luck!
  • SassyMissDasha
    Add me too!! I am on week 2 day 2 tomorrow, and my first 5K is on July 4th!! We're getting ready. WOOT!
  • tawojcik
    tawojcik Posts: 67
    I had never heard of the C25K Challenge until today. And I just joined this website and already it is paying off big time! I might start the Challenge tonight or maybe see if I can find some friends locally to do it and start together!

    This is such an encouraging place. Thanks everyone! :wink:
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there,
    I've just completed day 2 of week 1, it was hard work making myself go back for day 2! After day 1 (monday) i really suffered a lot of pain in my thighs, but after stretching & massage today i have very little pain. My advice is do plenty of warm up, stretch aftet & hard massage. Also you might want to google 'runners trots' i did'nt know it existed until it happened after my first run! If you want send me a friend request xx
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm a graduate, and I swear by the program. :smile:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Keep up the good work! I'm a recent c25k grad and I strongly recommend it - keep going with it even when it gets tough!

    Take a look at this tread: they are a great support community on there :)
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend. I'm currently doing the c25k challenge as well. I'm in week 2.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    C25K is a great program... but found towards the middle, I could run longer than suggested... so do what feels good for you... along those lines... I repeated week 1 until I felt "good" about my running...

    So suggest you listen to your body!!!! AND GO FOR IT!!!

    If you go street running...!!! A must!!! Great app - logs miles, elevation, time, mph, avg... you can also program C25K on it! And it's free!!!!

    I'm not a marathon runner by far, just really enjoy running now and feel horrible if I don't!!!!

  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member

    If you go street running...!!!

    and if you are without an iphone is a lifesaver!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Hi there,
    Also you might want to google 'runners trots' i did'nt know it existed until it happened after my first run! If you want send me a friend request xx

    Arrgh!!! My worst fear, having to go when there is nothing around. I ran in a neighborhood. I pray this does not happen to me!!
  • Finnka
    Finnka Posts: 10 Member
    Runkeeper looks fab, will download later, thanks.
  • missp2101
    missp2101 Posts: 21
    Good luck I went for my first run for couch to 5K in 9 weeks and I was suprised as it was easier than I thought and even managed a swim after
    Hope you do well keep in touch on your progress..
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Good luck with C25K - I'm in week 4 and think it's a brilliant programme. Feel free to add me for support along the way
    I hadnt thought of using it together with Runkeeper - that's a great idea
  • jala9656
    jala9656 Posts: 31 Member
    I did week 1 day 2 this morning. Feel free to send friend request.
  • captainfez
    captainfez Posts: 18 Member
    I'm doing it too - my sense of what a "week" is is a bit elastic, however. Erm. But yes, moving onwards, and pushing myself to run faster. I use the iPhone app because I can put horrendously loud music on to distract me from the job at hand - otherwise I'd be checking how long to go, all the time. Are we there yet?

    I'm using a treadmill at the gym, but with a 1.5 gradient so that when I move to THE REAL WORLD it won't be that much different. Or, at least, it won't be a shock.
  • Leopardliz
    Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
    I just finished day 3 of week 3. You can add me if u want some support. Its going great and the steady improvement is so motivating :)
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I will be start C25K on Sunday with a friend. I just bought my running shoes tonight, so I am ready. Feel free to add me if you want extra support/encouragement.
  • berriman
    berriman Posts: 15
    Excellent stuff everybody.

    I'm a C25K grad too, and swear by it. I tend to harp on a bit, but last year I'd never run before, I did the C25K program and it changed my life. I've since run a 10K and half marathon and am running a full marathon on 22nd May

    Wouldn't be possible without C25K!

    I also highly recommend Runkeeper. You can enter your runs in manually on the web site so you don't need an iPhone/smart phone to get the benefit from it.

    Good luck!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    We decided to repeat W2D3 today instead of going into W3. I'm really pleased we did because at last my legs feel like they are becoming accustomed to the running, and although they ached afterward, I didn't have the actual pain I've been experiencing. I can't tell you how elated I feel about that!

    Jen - I am so pleased that your second run was better than your first.

    Question for the more experienced among us; I'm finding now that 90 second runs aren't really making me out of breath. The first one is a bit of a panter but after that, while I do breathe more heavily, I'm not out of breath, and it goes back to normal within a few seconds of stopping. However, it's my legs which protest. I just don't know how to make them more....durable I suppose! I don't overstretch them at all, in fact, having looked at videos, it seems my natural running style is more or less the same as chi running. I keep up a moderate pace (until I get to the last run, and then even shambling zombies would overtake me!), not going too fast and overtaxing myself, but still, by the time I've been getting to the end of run 5, my legs are worn out. It's not pain - it's just a stubborn refusal to move much above a walk. I start run 6 and get progressively slower! But then the cool down walk is fine, and I'm sure I walk faster than I run!

    Any thoughts? Thanks!