Couch to 5k challenge



  • JLaSoul333
    JLaSoul333 Posts: 8
    I am on W1D2! Doing it after work. Good luck to you!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    We decided to repeat W2D3 today instead of going into W3. I'm really pleased we did because at last my legs feel like they are becoming accustomed to the running, and although they ached afterward, I didn't have the actual pain I've been experiencing. I can't tell you how elated I feel about that!

    Jen - I am so pleased that your second run was better than your first.

    Question for the more experienced among us; I'm finding now that 90 second runs aren't really making me out of breath. The first one is a bit of a panter but after that, while I do breathe more heavily, I'm not out of breath, and it goes back to normal within a few seconds of stopping. However, it's my legs which protest. I just don't know how to make them more....durable I suppose! I don't overstretch them at all, in fact, having looked at videos, it seems my natural running style is more or less the same as chi running. I keep up a moderate pace (until I get to the last run, and then even shambling zombies would overtake me!), not going too fast and overtaxing myself, but still, by the time I've been getting to the end of run 5, my legs are worn out. It's not pain - it's just a stubborn refusal to move much above a walk. I start run 6 and get progressively slower! But then the cool down walk is fine, and I'm sure I walk faster than I run!

    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Perhaps you are expecting too much? It sounds like, if you are not experiencing any discomfort until the last run, you're doing pretty well to me! On the other hand it could be a head thing - if your mind is telling your body it's your last run, perhaps your body is beginning to wind down?
    I've never found a run either easy or enjoyable but this is my second return to running, so it must have some benefits! I think I'm hooked on that feeling of reIief you get when it's all over ...
  • berriman
    berriman Posts: 15
    We decided to repeat W2D3 today instead of going into W3. I'm really pleased we did because at last my legs feel like they are becoming accustomed to the running, and although they ached afterward, I didn't have the actual pain I've been experiencing. I can't tell you how elated I feel about that!

    Jen - I am so pleased that your second run was better than your first.

    Question for the more experienced among us; I'm finding now that 90 second runs aren't really making me out of breath. The first one is a bit of a panter but after that, while I do breathe more heavily, I'm not out of breath, and it goes back to normal within a few seconds of stopping. However, it's my legs which protest. I just don't know how to make them more....durable I suppose! I don't overstretch them at all, in fact, having looked at videos, it seems my natural running style is more or less the same as chi running. I keep up a moderate pace (until I get to the last run, and then even shambling zombies would overtake me!), not going too fast and overtaxing myself, but still, by the time I've been getting to the end of run 5, my legs are worn out. It's not pain - it's just a stubborn refusal to move much above a walk. I start run 6 and get progressively slower! But then the cool down walk is fine, and I'm sure I walk faster than I run!

    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    To be honest, it sounds like you're doing really well and the achy legs are a good thing! You might be started the first runs a little too fast, which is tiring you out for the last runs of the session. Try to keep your pace steady through them all, which means starting slower at the start!

    I think the leg ache is normal as it means the muscles are being worked. My legs constantly ache now, as I'm running 4 or 5 days a week. I'll start to worry when nothing aches as it means I'm not pushing myself!
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm just about to finish week two and would love more c25k friends. I'll add you, Finnika. :)

    I'm also considering a 5k in July. I'm not sure about the heat though!

    I'm doing a 2 mile pub run with friends on June 18th! No beers for me. ;)
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there,
    I've just completed W2 D1 tonight. I agree with you about all the positive support on here, just what we need to keep us motivated xx
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Berriman & Lindsey - thank you. I really thought that maybe I've not been doing so well, but if this is normal and to be expected, then I shall stop being concerned and just go with the flow! I'll also try slowing down for the first run, because on reflection, I think this could be part of the problem.

    I so want to go out today! However, it's a non-run day, and I don't want to jeopardise tomorrow's attempt at W3D1! :bigsmile:

    Well done to everyone for keeping at it!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Feeling good - great run for w4d3 and ready for the day now. Iphone threw up some great music, including Coyotes by Jason Mraz which contains the line 'I wish you well with the walking and jogging'! Thanks Jason, I did it for you!

    The Goktor - this is a perfect example of good days and bad days - at the beginning of this week I was ready to pack it in, now I feel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! Hope the C25K fairy sits on your shoulder tomorrow!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Feeling good - great run for w4d3 and ready for the day now. Iphone threw up some great music, including Coyotes by Jason Mraz which contains the line 'I wish you well with the walking and jogging'! Thanks Jason, I did it for you!

    The Goktor - this is a perfect example of good days and bad days - at the beginning of this week I was ready to pack it in, now I feel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! Hope the C25K fairy sits on your shoulder tomorrow!

    Thanks Lindsay, I hope it does too! Go you for doing W4!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    We-ellllllll......not only did I do it, but I felt I could have done it twice! W3D1 - a breeze! Not once did I get out of breath, not once did anything hurt, and not once did I think, "Oh God, oh God, I'm going to die!" In fact, during the last run, for the last 60 seconds, I sped up considerably! And then ran up the hill to the play park, and whooshed down the giant slide....into the puddle at the bottom! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    There are no words to adequately convey my utter exhilaration and elation at not only being able to do today but being able to do it really well. It's as though something has now clicked into place. Today was definitely a good run day! :bigsmile:
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    We-ellllllll......not only did I do it, but I felt I could have done it twice! W3D1 - a breeze! Not once did I get out of breath, not once did anything hurt, and not once did I think, "Oh God, oh God, I'm going to die!" In fact, during the last run, for the last 60 seconds, I sped up considerably! And then ran up the hill to the play park, and whooshed down the giant slide....into the puddle at the bottom! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    There are no words to adequately convey my utter exhilaration and elation at not only being able to do today but being able to do it really well. It's as though something has now clicked into place. Today was definitely a good run day! :bigsmile:

    Awesome! That's so good to hear! I'm starting Week 3 Monday and just had a peek at the 3 minute part. I think I can; I think I can!
  • eclaire9
    eclaire9 Posts: 44
    Is there anywhere to find this program for free online? I found a version that is $19.99 but thought I would see if there was a free DL kicking around.... sounds like a fantastic program and I have a doberman who LOVES to run, so she is the best running partner ever! Let me know :)

    ETA: Nevermind found it! Awesome program... starting it tomorrow!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member

    that' s the c25k programme. and it's awesome!!!!

    i'm not a natural athlete, i'm a natural couch potato!!! but c25k is awesome!! it got me going- it was realistic and achievable. i started at about 220lbs, and although it was difficult (because i had not ran for about 22 years, since i was a kid) it wasn't because i'm heavy. it was challenging at times because i was so unfit!!!!

    i've graduated that now, and i'm doing the last 3 weeks of c210k (and running a 10k 2 weeks today, so that should fit in just fine!). then i'm onto hal higdon's half marathon training, because i'm doing that in october.

    c25k is awesome. i can never sing it's praises highly enough. it has changed my health, my expectations of myself, my temper, has helped with my relationships, and my life is generally better! i am now a runner!

    if anyone needs any encouragement from someone who's been there and come out the other side, let me know!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Hooorah -W5 day 1 and it was actually fairly easy! A five-minute run is now a doddle! Shows what a great app C25K is.
    Great music thrown at me by my iphone today included "She moves in her own way' (Yes, my phone does sarcasm too) and Pencil full of Lead - the ultimate feelgood song. Apart from maybe I Feel Good!
    And while I was running I was appreciating the fact that age brings you a lot more music to choose from!
  • berriman
    berriman Posts: 15
    We-ellllllll......not only did I do it, but I felt I could have done it twice! W3D1 - a breeze! Not once did I get out of breath, not once did anything hurt, and not once did I think, "Oh God, oh God, I'm going to die!" In fact, during the last run, for the last 60 seconds, I sped up considerably! And then ran up the hill to the play park, and whooshed down the giant slide....into the puddle at the bottom! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    There are no words to adequately convey my utter exhilaration and elation at not only being able to do today but being able to do it really well. It's as though something has now clicked into place. Today was definitely a good run day! :bigsmile:

    That's awesome! Great new indeed. Keep at it and think, in a couple of weeks you'll be running 5k, and then you'll be thinking, 5k is an easy run, I want to go further!!
  • stephy52604
    stephy52604 Posts: 31 Member
    I started week 1 day 1 yesterday. I feel pretty good today but I think I need to stretch more before tomorrows run. Feel free to add me.:smile:
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    We-ellllllll......not only did I do it, but I felt I could have done it twice! W3D1 - a breeze! Not once did I get out of breath, not once did anything hurt, and not once did I think, "Oh God, oh God, I'm going to die!" In fact, during the last run, for the last 60 seconds, I sped up considerably! And then ran up the hill to the play park, and whooshed down the giant slide....into the puddle at the bottom! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    There are no words to adequately convey my utter exhilaration and elation at not only being able to do today but being able to do it really well. It's as though something has now clicked into place. Today was definitely a good run day! :bigsmile:

    Awesome! That's so good to hear! I'm starting Week 3 Monday and just had a peek at the 3 minute part. I think I can; I think I can!

    Oh my gosh! You were so right! W3D1 was my easiest run, yet! I wonder what W4 looks like. Haha
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Two shocks today. Started w5d2 expecting a repeat of w5d1's 3x5 minute runs (well you would, wouldn't you?), so was a little taken aback when I realised it was two eight minute runs!
    The second shock was that I managed it, and even stepped the pace up slightly!
    Music highlight: Thank you Joshua Radin for Brand New Day
    Good luck to everyone who's running today - looking forward to reading your reports!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    We-ellllllll......not only did I do it, but I felt I could have done it twice! W3D1 - a breeze! Not once did I get out of breath, not once did anything hurt, and not once did I think, "Oh God, oh God, I'm going to die!" In fact, during the last run, for the last 60 seconds, I sped up considerably! And then ran up the hill to the play park, and whooshed down the giant slide....into the puddle at the bottom! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    There are no words to adequately convey my utter exhilaration and elation at not only being able to do today but being able to do it really well. It's as though something has now clicked into place. Today was definitely a good run day! :bigsmile:

    Awesome! That's so good to hear! I'm starting Week 3 Monday and just had a peek at the 3 minute part. I think I can; I think I can!

    Oh my gosh! You were so right! W3D1 was my easiest run, yet! I wonder what W4 looks like. Haha

    So it's not only me then! Amato mio says he finds this week much harder, but honestly, I find it really easy! I wonder if I'll still be saying this on Friday when I start W4!! Congrats on your progress so far - isn't it a fab feeling?! :smile:
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Two shocks today. Started w5d2 expecting a repeat of w5d1's 3x5 minute runs (well you would, wouldn't you?), so was a little taken aback when I realised it was two eight minute runs!
    The second shock was that I managed it, and even stepped the pace up slightly!
    Music highlight: Thank you Joshua Radin for Brand New Day
    Good luck to everyone who's running today - looking forward to reading your reports!

    Well go you! Isn't it great when you discover what you *can* do?! I'm really looking forward to running tomorrow! x
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Two shocks today. Started w5d2 expecting a repeat of w5d1's 3x5 minute runs (well you would, wouldn't you?), so was a little taken aback when I realised it was two eight minute runs!
    The second shock was that I managed it, and even stepped the pace up slightly!
    Music highlight: Thank you Joshua Radin for Brand New Day
    Good luck to everyone who's running today - looking forward to reading your reports!

    Well go you! Isn't it great when you discover what you *can* do?! I'm really looking forward to running tomorrow! x

    And I'm looking forward to reading about it!