Carb Flu (for low-carbers only please)

MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
The hardest part to transition over to the low-carb lifestyle (whether it be paleo/primal/atkins/southbeach etc) is getting over the initial carb flu. I know I struggle every week trying to get over this hump. I do so good for a week, and then mess is up, I fall to the cravings for sugar. Once I mess up, it's such a struggle to get back on track. Ofcourse the good is outweighing the bad right now b/c I'm losing weight, but I would love to get over this once and for all! I want the cravings to be completely gone! I feel like I'm just in this horrible cycle. For those of you that have gotten over the initial parts and made it to where I'm trying to go, do you have any advice or tips on how to do this? any suggestions??

***If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*** aka if you are not here to answer my questions and offer real advice then don't comment.


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    my real advice is to implement a more balanced eating plan. The symptoms you are describing are a red flag that your body isn't getting the balanced nutrition it wants. :flowerforyou: best wishes...
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'll probably get flamed for this, but-- go 2 weeks meat only, then slowly add veggies back in over a 2 week period, then a little fruit over the following month. Life's just easier when you only have to worry about 1 food group. I did it on Whole 30, and my body adjusted after about 4 days of utter storm clouded foggy-headedness.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Been there and done that. Things that helped: high protein, lots of water, chewing gum, getting up and walking around (relieves anxiety attributed to not eating my carb cravings away), a fiance that doesn't eat carbs either (so none really in the house), and a big batch of stubborn. :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Your body is learning to work a different way, .. it learning to go from burning Sugar to burning fat ... So.. it get better once your body realizes what your doing - but you need to be faithful to Low Carbing for 2 weeks 100%... then a cheat meal won't be so bad .. I recommend a cheat meal, not a cheat day.

    think of it like a Proppeller Boat... how how would it be if you suddenly decided to change directions ... to get those Propellers to start moving the other direction it would take a lot of force and effort - the same with your body and low carbing.

    Also know your low carb foods - and stop worrying about counting calories for the first week or so... just eat low carb.. focus your attention on one thing at a time - then move forward! Your going to need more calories (*edit typo) than normal because your are learning to burn fat - so you have to eat fat which is generally higher in calories - onec you get the low carb part down, you can then move to leaner meats and veggies! You can do this.. just stay focused.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    my real advice is to implement a more balanced eating plan. The symptoms you are describing are a red flag that your body isn't getting the balanced nutrition it wants. :flowerforyou: best wishes...

    what part of for low carbers only couldn't you read??? no, it's a red flag that my body is freakin addicted to sugars!!! and I'm pretty sure that I eat balanced nutrition. meat, veggies, healthy fats??? what part of that isn't balanced?? the doritoes and strawberry shortcake are not part of a balanced nutrition!
  • dawnhite7778
    I was told chicken broth helps with that.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    my real advice is to implement a more balanced eating plan. The symptoms you are describing are a red flag that your body isn't getting the balanced nutrition it wants. :flowerforyou: best wishes...

    I agree here. Some of the aspects of low carbing are worthwhile (i.e. cutting out white refined foods and those that are high on the glycemic index) but I think achieving some balance between carbs and protein and fat is a good goal in of itself.

    Good luck......I struggle daily with my carb consumption, so I feel your pain. Not necessarily low carbing it in any sense, but always trying to reduce. Hang in there....and maybe lighten up a little, the person I quoted was only giving you kind advice and wishing you the best. No harm in that. :smile:
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I know what you mean, but If you go back to low carb by using whole grained carbs you should feel better (less cravings).

    I do very low carb most of the time, and if I have carbs they are normally whole grain.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    people, I'm not asking for advice on my diet! I'm asking for suggestions and advice on getting through the carb flu. if you don't eat low carb and you don't know what i'm talking about please move along. I knew better that to post a real question in here. okay, ignoring all the rest of the judgemental people.

    for the people actually answering my questions, thank you, I've seen some really awesome answers!!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    my real advice is to implement a more balanced eating plan. The symptoms you are describing are a red flag that your body isn't getting the balanced nutrition it wants. :flowerforyou: best wishes...

    what part of for lowcarbers only please and ***If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*** aka if you are not here to answer my questions and offer real advice then don't comment. did you not understand??????
    i mean really. she is asking for advise on things while DOING a low carb diet not whether or not to do.

    now to the original poster i just take it easy and ride it through it goes away fast enough and then i always feel better than ever. Now for me it barely last a day . if it is lasting you a long time it is possible this is not what your body responds to.
    Now for me i do fantasic feel amazing eating this way, my mom tried it because i do so well did not do so well for her.

    its not the right method for everyone , depends on your individual body chemistry. If its right for you give it a few days and you should feel better than ever, with tons of energy and very little hunger
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Not sure this helps any: it took me more time to get over the "flu" this time around than when I had previously done Atkins -- though I was much younger then! (I'm following a generic South Beach-ish WoE now). We're talking a good few weeks of being really strict carb-wise before the cravings had vanished.

    I still need to watch it with regard to making sure I eat snacks throughout the day. Problem for me is I forget to eat -- or wait until I'm ravenous -- and it's always a huge mistake. If I miss eating something, I'll be regretting it -- with low blood sugar and insatiable appetite rearing its ugly head. And, in turn, making me want to over-eat. I find the snacks are imperative to making it work for myself. Curbs the hunger, which prevents going on binges.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Your body is learning to work a different way, .. it learning to go from burning Sugar to burning fat ... So.. it get better once your body realizes what your doing - but you need to be faithful to Low Carbing for 2 weeks 100%... then a cheat meal won't be so bad .. I recommend a cheat meal, not a cheat day.

    think of it like a Proppeller Boat... how how would it be if you suddenly decided to change directions ... to get those Propellers to start moving the other direction it would take a lot of force and effort - the same with your body and low carbing.

    Also know your low carb foods - and stop worrying about counting calories for the first week or so... just eat low carb.. focus your attention on one thing at a time - then move forward! Your going to need more calories (*edit typo) than normal because your are learning to burn fat - so you have to eat fat which is generally higher in calories - onec you get the low carb part down, you can then move to leaner meats and veggies! You can do this.. just stay focused.

    awesome analogy, thanks!!! I do great on eating most of the time, but i get so mad at myself when i do indulge in a craving. it doesn't mess me up for the week, but it does start the process all over. i know i need to get through a few weeks before i cheat in any way.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Two things helped me:

    1. I read scary things about sugar, and I kept them nearby whenever I would crave it. [Cutting refined carbs is important too (which I'm assuming you're doing) because they trigger cravings also.]

    2. I did not limit my calories (or anything else besides sugar/carbs) at first. I ate to my heart's desire which means I ate a lot of fat - bacon, cheese, nuts, avocados, etc . (I still lost weight though - for a few weeks anyway, and then started to gain it back, but by then I was over the hump.) I think it's hard enough to cut out sugar/carbs without also having to worry about limiting calories. Do one thing at a time. Another example, I didn't work-out much either. I just concentrated on getting rid of the cravings. It took about 3 weeks in total, but even after 10 days, it was much easier. Oh - I slept a lot!

    Good luck!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    people, I'm not asking for advice on my diet! I'm asking for suggestions and advice on getting through the carb flu. if you don't eat low carb and you don't know what i'm talking about please move along. I knew better that to post a real question in here. okay, ignoring all the rest of the judgemental people.

    for the people actually answering my questions, thank you, I've seen some really awesome answers!!

    WOW, I don't think anyone has judged you for your question or lifestyle...and posting something in the forums does open up the lines of communication for all kinds of opinions/viewpoints/advice. As a former low carber, I DO know what you are talking about, and my only advice would be to find some balance. THAT IS ALL. HAVE A NICE DAY.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    people, I'm not asking for advice on my diet! I'm asking for suggestions and advice on getting through the carb flu. if you don't eat low carb and you don't know what i'm talking about please move along. I knew better that to post a real question in here. okay, ignoring all the rest of the judgemental people.

    for the people actually answering my questions, thank you, I've seen some really awesome answers!!

    WOW, I don't think anyone has judged you for your question or lifestyle...and posting something in the forums does open up the lines of communication for all kinds of opinions/viewpoints/advice. As a former low carber, I DO know what you are talking about, and my only advice would be to find some balance. THAT IS ALL. HAVE A NICE DAY.
  • Bigtunatina
    Bigtunatina Posts: 44
    I have been low carb for a few years now. But I still eat fruits and nuts and dairy so I am not sure how restrictive your diet is but kudos to you for working through it.

    Sometimes to get over my humps I do mini goals. So instead of saying ok im cutting out bread or cutting out this or that, i say ok for 2 weeks straight this is all I am going to eat and I plan my meals. But the lucky thing is I don't live with anyone so I control what I have in my fridge and I never never never keep anything carby in my place.
  • dfresh050
    dfresh050 Posts: 15
    Been there and done that. Things that helped: high protein, lots of water, chewing gum, getting up and walking around (relieves anxiety attributed to not eating my carb cravings away), a fiance that doesn't eat carbs either (so none really in the house), and a big batch of stubborn. :)
    pretty much same here no carbs in the house, as for the cravings, i think it is human nature, i can never get rid of mine either.. gum pretty much sums it up for me
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    awesome analogy, thanks!!! I do great on eating most of the time, but i get so mad at myself when i do indulge in a craving. it doesn't mess me up for the week, but it does start the process all over. i know i need to get through a few weeks before i cheat in any way.

    Yea if you can just get through the first 2 weeks with no cheats, then your body generally knows how to work and can handle a cheat meal - You just need to stick it out for 2 weeks...

    How low carb are you doing? I stay between (well except recently ..urgh) 50-75 carbs a day... and I use Chocolate Fiber Bars to calm my cravings or Sugar Free Reese's Cups - they have about 7 carbs in them... so they are under my limit. Also I make sure to pack my lunch with LOTS of fresh veggies I can snack on, as a lot of the time the "crunch" of a veggie calms my cravings. And if you get sweet tooths, try the new Mio Water Enhancer, but put 1 extra drop in and it sweetens the water so that it craves the sweet tooth.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    And on that happy note...


    What does it MEAN?!
  • malmustafa79
    malmustafa79 Posts: 107 Member
    I would like to know too, I made it through 2 days of only getting carbs and sugars from berries and veggies then yesterday I caved in, my head hurt real bad, but I started over again today and so far so good!
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