Carb Flu (for low-carbers only please)



  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    It's apparent that low carbs is making you people cranky.... Sheesh!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Haha - I feel your pain (even have a little disclaimer on my signature too ;-) ANYWHO have you been using artificial sweeteners? I read that they can cause you to crave sugar/carbs - that they signal your body that they are coming. Whenever I've low carbed, I find that after about 5 days my cravings disappear. I'm doing the 17 day diet right now and I have zero cravings. ZERO. It's hard to even eat enough to get 1200 cals. And I've been pretty good cheat wise (maybe 5 instances in 27 days). Oh, and maybe don't even go near alcohol! Everything goes out the window! I found that tequila doesn't seem to affect it (a very scientific experiment) however, the hangover killed me because I would eat everything in site. Good luck and I hope you keep on losing!!!!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    my real advice is to implement a more balanced eating plan. The symptoms you are describing are a red flag that your body isn't getting the balanced nutrition it wants. :flowerforyou: best wishes...

    what part of for lowcarbers only please and ***If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*** aka if you are not here to answer my questions and offer real advice then don't comment. did you not understand??????
    i mean really. she is asking for advise on things while DOING a low carb diet not whether or not to do.

    now to the original poster i just take it easy and ride it through it goes away fast enough and then i always feel better than ever. Now for me it barely last a day . if it is lasting you a long time it is possible this is not what your body responds to.
    Now for me i do fantasic feel amazing eating this way, my mom tried it because i do so well did not do so well for her.

    its not the right method for everyone , depends on your individual body chemistry. If its right for you give it a few days and you should feel better than ever, with tons of energy and very little hunger

    Thanks for having my back. I probably would lighten up if I didn't have to defend my lifestyle every single day like I'm doing crack or something! lol. i didn't know eating clean foods was so bad for you!

    It is the right way of eating for me. I am insulin resistant and the one time I actually made it long enough without cheating I felt soooo great!! It's just so hard for me to make it that far. I seem to make it for awhile and then mess it all up by binging on some type of sugar/starchy carb. I swear it's the devil. I think my cravings are so bad b/c my sugar is so messed up. Ironic b/c if I could just get through the beginning stuff it would help my sugar so much!
    Thanks for the advice
  • Bigtunatina
    Bigtunatina Posts: 44
    everyone has something to say about everyone else

    just do what works for you

    whenever I tell people I dont eat carbs they look at me and say "oh noo I could never do that" awesome, well just telling you what *I* do

    I have tried the "balanced" dieting and I don't lose any weight. Just gotta do what works for YOU and YOUR body so I get being defensive because after a while it gets so annoying

    but honestly I still do diet drinks and splenda but the cravings arent there anymore but its more because I am committed

    I quit smoking cold turkey and its the same idea - its mental. Just do this for yourself and it gets easier

    but if its hard and you want a pizza etc - just get a low carb tortilla and low fat cheese!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    let's just ignore them, maybe they'll go away...

    I'm trying to eat under 50 grams of carbs. Honestly I think it's just my lack of will power mixed in with my boyfriend still buying me sweets b/c he knows i like candy. even though i've told him not too. and then i'm craving it, so it's hard to say no. I just need to get determined, make up my mind to stick to it, and just do it. much easier said than done right? but it is nice to hear from people that have done it, and I've heard some great ideas that I've never thought to try.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    if I didn't have to defend my lifestyle every single day like I'm doing crack or something!

    Shhh! Don't let them know about our crack. Everyone will want to do it. Ask yourself if you REALLY want everyone at OUR party :P
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm about to embark on a new adventure. My Naturopath is giving me a natural antibiotic and if I consume refined sugars I will get physically ill AKA throw up so that should be fun. I'm taking it for a month so it will be easy to stay away from refined carbs and sugars which I mostly do now I just won't be able to cheat. I'm pretty excited.

    To the origional poster. Stop defending yourself just say When I eat this way it makes me feel good and it's not any one else's business. My mom calls me an "Earth Muffin" because of my lifestyle and eating habits. I just think its funny

    Have a good day :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    my real advice is to implement a more balanced eating plan. The symptoms you are describing are a red flag that your body isn't getting the balanced nutrition it wants. :flowerforyou: best wishes...

    what part of for lowcarbers only please and ***If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*** aka if you are not here to answer my questions and offer real advice then don't comment. did you not understand??????
    i mean really. she is asking for advise on things while DOING a low carb diet not whether or not to do.

    now to the original poster i just take it easy and ride it through it goes away fast enough and then i always feel better than ever. Now for me it barely last a day . if it is lasting you a long time it is possible this is not what your body responds to.
    Now for me i do fantasic feel amazing eating this way, my mom tried it because i do so well did not do so well for her.

    its not the right method for everyone , depends on your individual body chemistry. If its right for you give it a few days and you should feel better than ever, with tons of energy and very little hunger

    Thanks for having my back. I probably would lighten up if I didn't have to defend my lifestyle every single day like I'm doing crack or something! lol. i didn't know eating clean foods was so bad for you!

    It is the right way of eating for me. I am insulin resistant and the one time I actually made it long enough without cheating I felt soooo great!! It's just so hard for me to make it that far. I seem to make it for awhile and then mess it all up by binging on some type of sugar/starchy carb. I swear it's the devil. I think my cravings are so bad b/c my sugar is so messed up. Ironic b/c if I could just get through the beginning stuff it would help my sugar so much!
    Thanks for the advice

    its not just defendign the lifestyle. but really if it was a general title post and someone came on saying oo its bad dont do it , annoying but okay whatever,
    but when the tittle says low carbers only and they just can't seem to pass up an oppertutinty. it really annoys me.
    there are alot of post about things that i dont agree with on here, i just tend to say . okay not my interest ,or not the how i do it , and do this really bizzare thing.....

    I PASS THE THREAD BY ..... hmmmm didnt you know you could do that did ya? yep folks thats right you CAN just NOT read posts.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    5 hour energies, coffee and advil liquid gels worked for my headaches... prob not the best health wise, but I figure doing it for a few days wouldn't hurt all that much.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    everyone has something to say about everyone else

    just do what works for you

    whenever I tell people I dont eat carbs they look at me and say "oh noo I could never do that" awesome, well just telling you what *I* do

    I have tried the "balanced" dieting and I don't lose any weight. Just gotta do what works for YOU and YOUR body so I get being defensive because after a while it gets so annoying

    but honestly I still do diet drinks and splenda but the cravings arent there anymore but its more because I am committed

    I quit smoking cold turkey and its the same idea - its mental. Just do this for yourself and it gets easier

    but if its hard and you want a pizza etc - just get a low carb tortilla and low fat cheese!

    same here girl, i know i get a bit too defensive, but it's really sad i can't even post a question, with the above label, and i still get people coming and judging. it's really sad. i don't go jumping on vegan posts telling them how unhealthy it is to not eat meat. I respect everybody's different lifestyles. but this is what works for me, and i shouldn't have to keep defending it all the time. i too still drink some water with flavoring. i just don't think i can give it up, b/c i hate hate hate the taste of water :(
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    if I didn't have to defend my lifestyle every single day like I'm doing crack or something!

    Shhh! Don't let them know about our crack. Everyone will want to do it. Ask yourself if you REALLY want everyone at OUR party :P

    actaully very good weight loss aid, you will drop the pounds like crazy

  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    It's apparent that low carbs is making you people cranky.... Sheesh!

    naaa dealing with express care and medicaid made me cranky. that and not gettign to eat til 2 , totally not the story of this thread
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I went through this a few months ago when I went from eating over 300g of carbs per day down to 80-90 carbs per day. I had headaches, body aches, no energy at all and the cravings were killer. It took almost 2 weeks for them to stop but the whole time I could see & feel the difference.

    You kind of have to just drudge through it. Chew gum, lots of water, rest when you need to and I can't stress that enough, make sure you rest while your body transitions!!

    It will get better I promise!
  • Bigtunatina
    Bigtunatina Posts: 44
    People tell me all the time to cut out artificial sweeteners and I know they are "bad" for me. But I feel like they aren't as bad as the batch of cookies or candy I would rather be having.

    I am not strict all the time. Just the other day I bought some 100 calorie popcorn and some rice cakes
    Those things get stored in my pantry and I only allow myself one serving

    It really really really is hard.

    If i had a bf that was buying me sweets it would be even harder

    In the past when I was around food I wanted to eat, I actually left the room. I had to leave or I would eat it.

    I'm obsessed with food and an over eater but the results of me doing low carb has really motivated me to stick to it.

    I ALSO make bets with my friends lol so if either one of us slips we owe a movie or something like that
  • jenn2782
    jenn2782 Posts: 47
    Im also a low carber and what I find that works the best for me is sipping green tea..I love love love Arizona Diet Green Tea. I sip it throughout the day and it seems to help. And ice cold water also helps me.

    Its def not easy to follow this lifestyle but there are little tweaks here and there that work.

    I've also bought sugar free reese's and hersey bars, the small ones which help with the cravings of real sugar..just don't over do it.
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    Oh wow, thanks for that "creamer" recipe. That's going to be a huge help for my husband and me.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I had headaches, body aches, no energy at all
    that doesn't sound good.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I had headaches, body aches, no energy at all
    that doesn't sound good.

    It's AWESOME!

    I don't recommend chewing gum. I'm a gum lover, fo'sho, but the sugar in it does not help long term. You really have to go cold turkey and put your foot down. Grind it, I tell ya! Grind that little foot!

    WHOLE 30. Try it. It's massively helpful with compliance in the very least.

    I would recommend allowing yourself bacon & butter, though. Life without those two is just... PAINFUL.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Some good advice y'all :) thanks! I do get headaches the first couple of days, but they go away quickly. it's the cravings that get me! I usually don't feel too sluggish either. I'm just an all or nothing type gal. I think the letting myself slip a little bit just brings on a whole can of worms! So I just need to figure out a way to just say no to the little things. at least until I'm sure my body is using fat instead of sugar for fuel.

    I can't wait til I'm at that point though! I heard it feels awesome! I know it's got to feel awesome to know that your body is actually using stored fat for energy instead of the tons of crap carbs i'm eating! I messed up Sunday on Mother's Day (strawberry shortcake) so i'm working on day 3 of clean eating. I will keep y'all posted! but keep the ideas coming!! maybe just having this thread to come back and read on will help get me through this!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    If you can get off sugar (ALL sugar) for 3 days you'll be suprised at how short the flu can be. Keep an eye on "diet" products - sometimes their sugar alcohols can be high (so you think you're doing good, but you're actually consuming sugar). I don't know about you, but once I'm off sugar, ALL my carb cravings go away (chips, crackers, breads - not so appealing anymore). One thing I've heard is to take Emergen-C if you get headaches, etc. during that 3 day withdrawl.

    Also, keep an eye out for hidden sugars. Read ALL labels. You'd be surprised at where you'll find sugar - salad dressings, seasoning salts, spices, etc. Sometimes, something with hidden sugar can send me into a spiral of cravings (and then only sheer willpower to hop back on the wagon will help).

    Keep an eye out for things with these ingredients (they are all sugar):

    1.Barley malt
    2.Beet sugar
    3.Brown sugar
    4.Buttered syrup
    5.Cane juice crystals
    6.Cane sugar
    8.Corn syrup
    9.Corn syrup solids
    10.Confectioner’s sugar
    11.Carob syrup
    12.Castor sugar
    13.Date sugar
    14.Demerara sugar
    17.Diastatic malt
    19.Ethyl maltol
    21.Fruit juice
    22.Fruit juice concentrate
    25.Glucose solids
    26.Golden sugar
    27.Golden syrup
    28.Grape sugar
    29.High-fructose corn syrup
    31.Icing sugar
    32.Invert sugar
    36.Malt syrup
    37.Maple syrup
    39.Muscovado sugar
    41.Raw sugar
    42.Refiner’s syrup
    43.Rice syrup
    45.Sorghum syrup
    49.Turbinado sugar
    50.Yellow sugar
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