Am I going to be on a "diet" for the rest of my life?

Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
If so, kill me now. I want to eat the delicious foods that are terrible for me. When I cut those out, I just find other vices to fill the void. I'm starting therapy again but I don't want to commit to eating only healthy foods for the rest of my life. Any advice?


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    OMG I've wondered the same thing. At least with this program, you can indulge once in a while. There's no way I'll ever be able to eat whatever I want like I did when I was skinnier

    Or people that take diet pills to lose weight, are you really going to take those for the rest of their life?
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    dont restrict your foods you them in MODERATION with in your calorie limits

    its not a diet its a lifestyle change
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    Unfortunately, you have to make it a way of life. Not just a diet. Otherwise you'll end up a yoyo.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    technically you are on a 'diet' from the moment you are born til the moment you die.
    the true meaning of diet is simply what you eat.
    whether you eat low car, low fat . across the board balanced or mcdonalds every day that is still you diet.

    so yep yo are on a diet the rest of your life
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    You're going to have to be mindful of what you eat for the rest of your life yes. That doesn't mean you can't indulge but it does mean that you won't be able to eat mindlessly or eat whatever you want, however much you want and as often as you want it. So you'll be just like everyone else.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Well, it depends. I think deprivation is a sure way to find your way to overeating.
    My suggestion, is do enjoy the food you love, in portions you can control. Speaking for myself, I know that I want this to be forever, so I have to learn how to eat forever.

    Also, I;m not one for suffering, so making sure I can eat what I want by exercising, and by counting my calories and planning, is key. You can do this!!
  • ltaylore
    ltaylore Posts: 54 Member
    I know right? The thought of dieting and exercising from here until eternity kills me. However, the thought of gaining another 30lbs every year because I'm being lazy and eating whatever I want kills me 10x more.
  • Caroline9252
    Everyone is correct. Its not a diet it needs to be a life style change. One of the most important things I have leared with MFP is you can enjoy what you love, but in moderation. What has helped me is learning to find a release that is NOT food. I always associate food with everything: Happiness - sadness - ext: Now I found running. So find whatever works for you and you will win in the end :)
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Unfortunately, you have to make it a way of life. Not just a diet. Otherwise you'll end up a yoyo.

    I agree and after a while you won't want anything but healthier foods. Besides, food can be "healthy" and just as good with recipes that are almost like what you like but made with better ingredients. Cruise the internet and you'll find tons of new discoveries.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I want to eat the delicious foods that are terrible for me.
    You can eat those things, but if you eat them too often you will get fat again.

    So you'd better get your head round the idea, otherwise it's pretty pointless losing weight, because you know that if you go back to your old habits you're going to put all the weight back on straight away.

    The good news is that if you exercise, you can eat those things a bit more often, if you do manage to build some muscle (which wouldn't be easy but can be done) that helps too. Plus, when your body is healthy, that makes it easier to keep your mind healthy too - so if you're not exercising, I suggest you get stuck in and start developing an addiction to those lovely endorphins. :D
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    If so, kill me now. I want to eat the delicious foods that are terrible for me. When I cut those out, I just find other vices to fill the void. I'm starting therapy again but I don't want to commit to eating only healthy foods for the rest of my life. Any advice?

    You don't have to eat ONLY healthy foods, but they should be the bulk of your diet. Everything else in moderation...I often find though that most things don't taste as good as I think they should for the calories/fat etc. that go with them. Better be darn worth it!! Otherwise, I have no problem passing these days.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I guess I don't understand what "moderation" is. The other day I had some lite soup, a garden salad with only veggies and fat free dressing with a corn muffin. There was no protein, and 1400 mg of sodium! This was supposed to be a "healthy" lunch. I didn't eat the sandwich with bread (AH! carbs!) and deli meats (AH! Sodium!!!) , no cheese (AH! dairy)! I try to eat the right things and even THEY'RE wrong!!!! I don't know what to do/eat sometimes I just crawl into a ball and cry!!!!! I know it's a lifestyle change, but I can't imagine what that lifestyle is. I've given up SO much!!! I don't know what else to do.

    I have changed my lifestyle - exercising 1.5 hours - 2 hours three times a week - before I was doing ABSOLUTELY nothing....The weight loss is about 2 pounds lost per month. I don't drink soda. I don't want to admit HOW MUCH candy and sweets I used to eat! Now I've cut that into about 8 and am eating 1/8 of what I used to. I used to eat out 5x a week, or more! Fast food - yes. Super size - hell yes. Now I might eat a snack wrap every now and then, but never what I used to. If THIS ISN'T A LIFESTLYE change, I don't know what is. I cant help seeing it as all unhealthy or all healthy, and can't figure out a healthy inbetween, or "moderation" everyone speaks of. I feel like I'm not succeeding at anything in my life, at all!!!! All I can think about is going to every fast food place in town, ordering one of everything, and choking on it.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Unfortunately, you have to make it a way of life. Not just a diet. Otherwise you'll end up a yoyo.

    I agree. But, the good news is that the longer you eat healthy foods, the more you enjoy them, and you won't even want the junk you want now. You couldn't pay me to eat a piece of cheesecake now - something that I never thought I would want to give up a couple of years ago. My best advice: Take it one day at a time. Don't think about "the rest of your life" because if you stay on track, you will be a different person with different values, and everything in terms of your diet will have a different meaning in the future.
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    Unfortunately, you have to make it a way of life. Not just a diet. Otherwise you'll end up a yoyo.

    I agree and after a while you won't want anything but healthier foods. Besides, food can be "healthy" and just as good with recipes that are almost like what you like but made with better ingredients. Cruise the internet and you'll find tons of new discoveries.

    I agree is not a diet is lifestyle change, I know exsactly what you mean b/c I have thought that and I don't see how people do it but everyone is doing it and have reach they goal so can we. Keep up you good work and good luck!!!

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  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    2 things:

    1. Don't call it a "diet" you aren't on a diet, you are changing your life by changing what you eat, how you eat it, and how much you eat. It's a 'lifestyle' change. For the better I might add, you're down almost 30lb! Way to go!

    2. Imagine how boring your life would be if you never had an indulgence ever again. You still have to LIVE happily, but you need to make good decisions. You're allowed to have chocolate, you're allowed to have chips, you're allowed to even have a beer, but you HAVE to remember that the hardest muscle to get into shape is the SELF CONTROL muscle... It's also the biggest. It's what gets us into these messes anyway. You are allowed to have something tasty, a treat, maybe even every day, but you MUST control the consumption, with moderation.

    YOU my dear look gorgeous! But do you think you'll feel gorgeous on the inside if you're always wondering when this "diet" will be over and you can enjoy life again? You should be enjoying life through this process, and learning how to enjoy it, and the simple pleasures of life that go along with living healthy, like enjoying a night out with friends, or a few strawberries under the chocolate fountain, but not the entire bowl of strawberries dredged in it. Splurge a little every once in a while, but record it, and if you go over, make up for it with a little extra push at the gym. And definitely post on here when you are feeling down, there's always someone up for a pep-talk! :)
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    everyone's already said it, but you can't think of it as a diet! it's a lifestyle change. you can eat anything you want! just watch how MUCH of it you eat. i would have never made this much progress if i gave up everything i love. sure french fries and candy aren't "good" for you, but i refuse to stop eating them! i just have a little bit and not every day! if you think of it as depriving yourself of things you enjoy, then you'll never stick to it.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    The other day I had some lite soup, a garden salad with only veggies and fat free dressing with a corn muffin. There was no protein, and 1400 mg of sodium! This was supposed to be a "healthy" lunch.
    Healthy according to who?

    If you're not eating properly you're going to end up hungry and miserable. Healthy food doesn't have to be horrible; there are plenty of great cookbooks and online resources which give recipes for a balanced healthy diet.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I want to eat the delicious foods that are terrible for me.
    You can eat those things, but if you eat them too often you will get fat again.

    So you'd better get your head round the idea, otherwise it's pretty pointless losing weight, because you know that if you go back to your old habits you're going to put all the weight back on straight away.

    The good news is that if you exercise, you can eat those things a bit more often, if you do manage to build some muscle (which wouldn't be easy but can be done) that helps too. Plus, when your body is healthy, that makes it easier to keep your mind healthy too - so if you're not exercising, I suggest you get stuck in and start developing an addiction to those lovely endorphins. :D

    I am actually exercising MY *kitten* OFF!!! I'm sore immediately afterward (circuit weight training, running and more cardio 3x a week), am sore until my next workout, and can barely complete my routines. It doesn't matter. Everything I want to eat, whether it's "healthy" or not, makes me gain weight! BTW what is healthy anyway? Everything is terrible, even soups and salads...what gives?
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    a few notes here:

    1) A diet should not be hard to follow, this ensures failure.
    2) What is your definition of "healthy foods" ?
    3) Give an example of foods you miss.

    Eating healthy isn't hard or bland. If it is, you're doing something wrong.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    You CAN eat the stuff you love that is not good for you, it is all about moderation. That is key, and something I have to remind myself of often.

    At Christmas you best believe I have having a peice of pie. But one peice, not 3 or 4. I am going to eat some yummy bad for me Mexican food on my birthday, but it is one meal, not a week of pigging out.

    LIfe is not worth living if I can never ever eat the things I love.