Am I going to be on a "diet" for the rest of my life?



  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    2 things:

    1. Don't call it a "diet" you aren't on a diet, you are changing your life by changing what you eat, how you eat it, and how much you eat. It's a 'lifestyle' change. For the better I might add, you're down almost 30lb! Way to go!

    2. Imagine how boring your life would be if you never had an indulgence ever again. You still have to LIVE happily, but you need to make good decisions. You're allowed to have chocolate, you're allowed to have chips, you're allowed to even have a beer, but you HAVE to remember that the hardest muscle to get into shape is the SELF CONTROL muscle... It's also the biggest. It's what gets us into these messes anyway. You are allowed to have something tasty, a treat, maybe even every day, but you MUST control the consumption, with moderation.

    YOU my dear look gorgeous! But do you think you'll feel gorgeous on the inside if you're always wondering when this "diet" will be over and you can enjoy life again? You should be enjoying life through this process, and learning how to enjoy it, and the simple pleasures of life that go along with living healthy, like enjoying a night out with friends, or a few strawberries under the chocolate fountain, but not the entire bowl of strawberries dredged in it. Splurge a little every once in a while, but record it, and if you go over, make up for it with a little extra push at the gym. And definitely post on here when you are feeling down, there's always someone up for a pep-talk! :)

    Thank you. For the record, I've lost 33-35 lbs. And I am not happy. I don't have friends, I'm new in town, no job, no family here, nothing that makes me happy. I thought losing weight and exercising would make me feel better about myself, and just from getting healthy. Now it's more of a burden - something I can't master and that won't go away. I need to learn how to eat - it's been a whole year and I still haven't figured it out. Thanks for the kind words. You're right. The problem is me - I know that, but I just don't know what I need to do to be happy and healthy and to eat food that fills me up without making me fat.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    You just need to explore some yummy healthy foods. I eat all the time, and i loveeee about 90% of what i eat. (sorry breakfast, i will eat you, but i will never love you! haha) I think you need to go on a food exploration mission. Hummus, edamame, sushi, black beans and rice, chicken with spices, dill - the spice of the gods, home made soups.....once you start finding healthy foods that you love, you wont feel so bad.

    And, don't make yourself eat something you really dont like just because its "healthy." they make low sodium deli meat, low fat cheese and whole grain bread, and they are all DELISH! throw a pickle on the side and now we're talking!

    It's gonna feel more normal soon, don't give up!
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    2 things:

    1. Don't call it a "diet" you aren't on a diet, you are changing your life by changing what you eat, how you eat it, and how much you eat. It's a 'lifestyle' change. For the better I might add, you're down almost 30lb! Way to go!

    2. Imagine how boring your life would be if you never had an indulgence ever again. You still have to LIVE happily, but you need to make good decisions. You're allowed to have chocolate, you're allowed to have chips, you're allowed to even have a beer, but you HAVE to remember that the hardest muscle to get into shape is the SELF CONTROL muscle... It's also the biggest. It's what gets us into these messes anyway. You are allowed to have something tasty, a treat, maybe even every day, but you MUST control the consumption, with moderation.

    YOU my dear look gorgeous! But do you think you'll feel gorgeous on the inside if you're always wondering when this "diet" will be over and you can enjoy life again? You should be enjoying life through this process, and learning how to enjoy it, and the simple pleasures of life that go along with living healthy, like enjoying a night out with friends, or a few strawberries under the chocolate fountain, but not the entire bowl of strawberries dredged in it. Splurge a little every once in a while, but record it, and if you go over, make up for it with a little extra push at the gym. And definitely post on here when you are feeling down, there's always someone up for a pep-talk! :)

    Thank you. For the record, I've lost 33-35 lbs. And I am not happy. I don't have friends, I'm new in town, no job, no family here, nothing that makes me happy. I thought losing weight and exercising would make me feel better about myself, and just from getting healthy. Now it's more of a burden - something I can't master and that won't go away. I need to learn how to eat - it's been a whole year and I still haven't figured it out. Thanks for the kind words. You're right. The problem is me - I know that, but I just don't know what I need to do to be happy and healthy and to eat food that fills me up without making me fat.
    I am glad you are starting therapy. That was the best money I have ever spent on myself. Seems like you are eating to get rid of emotions/make you happy, which was what I was doing too. Eating better is not going to make the emotions go away, it is probably going to make them more prominant. But eating to cover them up is not going to make them better either. They have to be dealt with seperate from food...and seperate from food is where they need to stay. I know, easier said than done!
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    You just need to explore some yummy healthy foods. I eat all the time, and i loveeee about 90% of what i eat. (sorry breakfast, i will eat you, but i will never love you! haha) I think you need to go on a food exploration mission. Hummus, edamame, sushi, black beans and rice, chicken with spices, dill - the spice of the gods, home made soups.....once you start finding healthy foods that you love, you wont feel so bad.

    And, don't make yourself eat something you really dont like just because its "healthy." they make low sodium deli meat, low fat cheese and whole grain bread, and they are all DELISH! throw a pickle on the side and now we're talking!

    It's gonna feel more normal soon, don't give up!
    Sorry, I am being a postwhore on this, but look at, it has some great SUPER yummy recipies that are lighter versions of things that I love.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    a few notes here:

    1) A diet should not be hard to follow, this ensures failure.
    2) What is your definition of "healthy foods" ?
    3) Give an example of foods you miss.

    Eating healthy isn't hard or bland. If it is, you're doing something wrong.
    Here's the daily scenario I go through:

    It's 11:30 a.m. and I'm starving. I probably had a cup of coffee for breakfast about an hour ago.
    What's for lunch? Sandwich? No. Bread. Meat. Cheese. None of that is good for you. Sodium, fat, cholesterol.
    Salad? Lettuce and carrots? No. No protein. Dressing full of fat, sodium. No carbs - you need some carbs.
    TV dinner? HELL NO! Soduim, carbs, fat.
    This is when I give up and start crying. What the hell can I eat??????

    This also happens at dinner when I've just finally cooled down from my workout. Now if we want to eat something, I have to cook it. Usually I'm way too exhausted to cook, so we think about ordering something. Every single thing that we can order or pick up is terrible for you...So I start crying again! What the hell can I eat?????????

    Some days are fine, I just end up eating the crap I'm not supposed to - A plain hotdog on a wheat bun. Some baked chips. A diet soda. Guess what? I'm hungry again in about an hour. ...the cycle continues.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I will be eating heathy/ smaller portions for life. Ive strayed before and I ALWAYS gain like 15 pounds. There is no way around it
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    a few notes here:

    1) A diet should not be hard to follow, this ensures failure.
    2) What is your definition of "healthy foods" ?
    3) Give an example of foods you miss.

    Eating healthy isn't hard or bland. If it is, you're doing something wrong.
    Here's the daily scenario I go through:

    It's 11:30 a.m. and I'm starving. I probably had a cup of coffee for breakfast about an hour ago.
    What's for lunch? Sandwich? No. Bread. Meat. Cheese. None of that is good for you. Sodium, fat, cholesterol.
    Salad? Lettuce and carrots? No. No protein. Dressing full of fat, sodium. No carbs - you need some carbs.
    TV dinner? HELL NO! Soduim, carbs, fat.
    This is when I give up and start crying. What the hell can I eat??????

    This also happens at dinner when I've just finally cooled down from my workout. Now if we want to eat something, I have to cook it. Usually I'm way too exhausted to cook, so we think about ordering something. Every single thing that we can order or pick up is terrible for you...So I start crying again! What the hell can I eat?????????

    Some days are fine, I just end up eating the crap I'm not supposed to - A plain hotdog on a wheat bun. Some baked chips. A diet soda. Guess what? I'm hungry again in about an hour. ...the cycle continues.
    I think you are over thinking. Deep breaths :)

    I am going to friend request you and you can look at my diary for the last couple days. I do eat some of that crap, and I know it is not the BEST for me, but it is also what works for me at this point in my life. I eat frozen meals. I eat carrots. I cook quick and easy dinners. In a time crunch? Subway is an awesome "fast food" if you are in a crunch.

    I work full time and go to school full time, so I often choose the easy way. And you know what? I dont care :) It is working for me right now, and that is all that matters.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Unfortunately, you have to make it a way of life. Not just a diet. Otherwise you'll end up a yoyo.

    I agree. But, the good news is that the longer you eat healthy foods, the more you enjoy them, and you won't even want the junk you want now. You couldn't pay me to eat a piece of cheesecake now - something that I never thought I would want to give up a couple of years ago. My best advice: Take it one day at a time. Don't think about "the rest of your life" because if you stay on track, you will be a different person with different values, and everything in terms of your diet will have a different meaning in the future.

    Very true. Someone ordered chocolate cheese cake for me at a meal out last night. I just ate the strawberry off the top and left the rest. It didn't interest me at all, so I left it.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I think you are over thinking. Deep breaths :)

    I am going to friend request you and you can look at my diary for the last couple days. I do eat some of that crap, and I know it is not the BEST for me, but it is also what works for me at this point in my life. I eat frozen meals. I eat carrots. I cook quick and easy dinners. In a time crunch? Subway is an awesome "fast food" if you are in a crunch.

    I work full time and go to school full time, so I often choose the easy way. And you know what? I dont care :) It is working for me right now, and that is all that matters.

    Thanks, I looked at your diary. The thing is I need at least 100 g of protein in less than 1600 calories. It is virtually impossible - in fact I've never done it. I'm usually way low on protein and doing this bodybuilding workout, I am probably losing muscle and gaining fat in the process.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I guess I don't understand what "moderation" is. The other day I had some lite soup, a garden salad with only veggies and fat free dressing with a corn muffin. There was no protein, and 1400 mg of sodium! This was supposed to be a "healthy" lunch. I didn't eat the sandwich with bread (AH! carbs!) and deli meats (AH! Sodium!!!) , no cheese (AH! dairy)! I try to eat the right things and even THEY'RE wrong!!!! I don't know what to do/eat sometimes I just crawl into a ball and cry!!!!! I know it's a lifestyle change, but I can't imagine what that lifestyle is. I've given up SO much!!! I don't know what else to do.

    On the sodium front, pretty much everything you buy that is bottled, dried, packaged or canned has sodium. The Progresso Traditional soups that are supposed to be so good for you, have almost 1000mg of salt per serving, IE, buy the lower sodium versions. Moderation and self control is the absolute hardest part of ALL of this... If you buy the pre-sliced deli ham from near the hotdogs @ the grocery store, you'll see that the sodium isn't too bad, it's nearly fat free AND low cal.... You can buy whole grain/whole wheat breads/rolls/flats, you don't have to cut out carbs, but for some people it makes them feel like crap after they eat it. Don't buy fat free, buy light, or low fat, they load up the fat free stuff with salt to improve the taste. If you need to add salt to anything, buy a box of granulated sea salt, not only does it taste better, but it's better for you. If you're constantly hungry still, you need to bulk up on fiber and protein, on average, a 1lb block of swiss cheese (hannaford) has 16 1 oz servings, and are only 100 calories each, and are high in protein.

    Another thing to help with moderation, portion your food into baggies before you start eating it. If you buy a block of cheese, cut it into serving sizes. If you buy a box of dried fruit (which is loaded with sugar) divide it into baggies with one serving in each etc. Do you have a kitchen scale? I suggest getting one that measures oz and grams.

    You CAN do this! You can change your life, your habits and take control.
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Take a look at my diary. Go ahead and look through every inch of it.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but you obviously have ZERO idea about nutrition and how to eat healthy.

    Carbs =/= bad
    Fat =/= bad

    Why can't you have a salad? No protein? Who the hell is putting these ideas into your head? Go have a chicken breast with the salad, problem solved.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but here is some reality:

    I eat cheese, eggs, chicken, steaks, veggies, ice cream, pop tarts, reeces puff cereal, milk, bacon, oatmeal.
    It sounds like you're just trying to make excuses for not wanting to eat healthy. I come home after lifting sometimes barely able to walk up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment, and when I get up there my legs are shaking. I'm exhausted as hell and I still throw back some food and pop some chicken in the oven for 35minutes.

    If you don't want to eat healthy, don't. It's too easy. But if you want to be healthy, go learn yourself some nutrition. If you're not eating breakfast, why not? Get up earlier and eat it. If you are tired, go to bed earlier.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    BTW my food diary is public. I don't usually enter my food on the weekends, though. I don't have a problem with portion control at all. I have a problem with knowing what to eat, buying and preparing it, then eating it.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I think you are over thinking. Deep breaths :)

    I am going to friend request you and you can look at my diary for the last couple days. I do eat some of that crap, and I know it is not the BEST for me, but it is also what works for me at this point in my life. I eat frozen meals. I eat carrots. I cook quick and easy dinners. In a time crunch? Subway is an awesome "fast food" if you are in a crunch.

    I work full time and go to school full time, so I often choose the easy way. And you know what? I dont care :) It is working for me right now, and that is all that matters.

    Thanks, I looked at your diary. The thing is I need at least 100 g of protein in less than 1600 calories. It is virtually impossible - in fact I've never done it. I'm usually way low on protein and doing this bodybuilding workout, I am probably losing muscle and gaining fat in the process.
    If you are overwhelmed by that specific diet plan right now, why not take a break from it and just count calories. Give yourself time to breathe and live! Not everyone is goign to fit into this perfect little box. Maybe that is not the right diet for you at all, or maybe it is not right ofr you right now. There is NO SHAME in trying different things. If you can never get that much protein, something about your plan is not right for you.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Take a look at my diary. Go ahead and look through every inch of it.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but you obviously have ZERO idea about nutrition and how to eat healthy.
    NO ****! That's my point! haha
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Once i achieve my goal weight i will eat normally again. I'm on a restricted calorie diet 1700-1800 where as my maintenance calories is about 2700 to maintain. We all gained weight not overnight but over years. We ate too much. We don't need 1/2lb hamburgers or large fries from fast food places. It's really about what you eat more so then how much. A slice of pizza is about 500 calories. I used to eat 2-4 or more. Now i have one slice and a salad. I can have anything i want to eat and do. Just achieve your weight goals by caloric restriction then eat sensibly. If you don't know what sensible is nobody can help you. I'm committed to having a fit body and not being part of the obese world of people we live among now who think being fat is ok. Good Luck.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Take a look at my diary. Go ahead and look through every inch of it.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but you obviously have ZERO idea about nutrition and how to eat healthy.

    Carbs =/= bad
    Fat =/= bad

    Why can't you have a salad? No protein? Who the hell is putting these ideas into your head? Go have a chicken breast with the salad, problem solved.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but here is some reality:

    I eat cheese, eggs, chicken, steaks, veggies, ice cream, pop tarts, reeces puff cereal, milk, bacon, oatmeal.
    I come home after lifting sometimes barely able to walk up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment, and when I get up there my legs are shaking. I'm exhausted as hell and I still throw back some food and pop some chicken in the oven for 35minutes.

    If you don't want to eat healthy, don't. It's too easy. But if you want to be healthy, go learn yourself some nutrition. If you're not eating breakfast, why not? Get up earlier and eat it. If you are tired, go to bed earlier.
    I have to agree taht there is always time. If I can work full time and go to school full time, have a puppy and still spend time with my husband all while doing this, you can find time!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    Sorry, I am being a postwhore on this, but look at, it has some great SUPER yummy recipies that are lighter versions of things that I love.

    That is awesome!! i am addicted to, but this just has WAY more! Thanks so much!!
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237

    go to the forums, go to nutrition section. Read stickies, read threads, read advanced nutrition for more advanced ways.
  • Mandam1018
    Mandam1018 Posts: 70 Member

    The thing is I need at least 100 g of protein in less than 1600 calories.

    Hard boiled eggs! About 70 calories and 6 grams of protein. Great way to start the day or to have right after a workout as your body needs protein when you are done pushing it.

    Also, if/when you get your diet (and by diet I don't mean dieting but your daily food intake) figured out you are still having problems, go to your doc and have your thyroid checked out. Maybe you have an inbalance in there somewhere you are unaware of.

    Consult with a nutritionist as well. They can help point you in the direction you need to go food wise as well. Most grocery stores have one on site now so you could call your local store, see if they have one, and see if you can set up an appt with them. When grocery shopping, shop on the outside of the store. There is where all the fresh produce, meets, et cetera are located. All the boxed and canned goods high in sodium are in the center.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    WARNING: TOUGH LOVE - You have 14 pounds to go....When I had 14 pounds to go [about 30 years ago], I asked the same this FOREVER?! I've been debating that with myself for 30 years and now, instead of 150, I'm 250. Answer: It's a stupid question. Sorry. In case you're still wondering, the answer is a most emphatic "Yes!" Lord knows, you're entitled to moan about it, but make sure you're keeping that 14 pounds off while you're doing it...don't wait 30 years and 100 pounds like I did to finally accept the answer to the question. It sucks. No doubt about it. So does being stubborn and staying in denial, so heed my bad example and use it for good. Get over it and get on with it. One thing at a time. The hardest thing for me is planning, so I only plan a few days ahead, but I plan every day. After a while, I have the staples I need in the kitchen and for those days when planning just doesn't happen, I have a backup plan, using the staples on hand.

    You're a newbie at this, so I'll cut you some slack. Keep it simple and stop confusing yourself and letting others confuse you. Everyday, there's a new 'take' on something. There's always going to be someone who tells you 'that's bad for you, ya know'. Ignore them. Do what works for you. Take what works and forget the rest. If you want to eat a chocolate muffin every day for a month, then do it. Stay within your calories and for heaven's sake, KEEP MOVING and you'll be fine. The only things you really need to watch out for are sitting still too long and eating without thinking/recording. These are the only two things that will kill you for sure.

    Stay in the moment. Don't get wrapped up in 'what if's' and OMG it's not happening fast enough! If this is forever, it doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as you're on the journey and focused on the path, one step at a time. Pick routines that work, change 'em when you're bored. Stay calm. Drink a glass of water, close your eyes and breathe. "I want it now" is for children. "I am in the now" is for adults.

    When you get to goal, you will diet fewer days in a week to maintain it. That's the only 'easier' thing about it. It's still forever, unless you like the idea of 250. Realistically, those are your options.

    You're going to make it.

    P.S. If you like the soup, eat the soup. Otherwise, check out hungrygirl's lasagna @ 250 calories a serving. I'm going to eat it every day this week. It's that good. If my family doesn't like it? Tough. I love them too.

    In case you need the 'practical' stuff: I eat 200 calories for breakfast [fibre shake - gross, but necessary], 100 for morning snack [thinsations usually - not the best choice, but not the worst], 400 calories for lunch [whatever..sometimes frozen, sometimes not], 100 calories for afternoon snack, 400-500 calories for dinner [meat, veggies, salad, overall - something 'fresh'], 200 calories for evening snacks [yes, plural - I eat in the evenings because I want to and because this particular habit keeps coming back. While indulging it, I'd rather it didn't sabotage me completely, so I limit it to low-cal hot chocolate and toast/RF-PB or a hungrygirl muffin or something like that]. That adds up to about 1400 calories. I sometimes eat less [1200] and I sometimes eat more [up to 1800]. I'm hoping that by cycling calories it will keep my metabolism going and keep me losing steadily. I don't get hung up on the details, just on recording it.

    Knit your Cares Away [and keep your eyeballs out of the kitchen] makes it easy and I'm all for making it easy