HCG... Help

lulusland Posts: 21 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Can anyone help me with this,,,, i am trying to understand the HCG diet and all the phases,,,, i tried to find it in the forms but didnt have much like ....


  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Im waiting for anger! Im scared to do it though!

    Terriable topic to post here! Its very unhealthy!
  • jamie1213
    jamie1213 Posts: 3
    lulusland - I can help you with HCG. My husband and I are in Phase 4 and feel incredible! I lost about 24 lbs and he lost 37 lbs. Don't listen to anyone who says it's unhealthy as it was fully approved by my family doctor. It's the BEST thing I've ever done for myself. I have never felt better and have so much energy. It resets your metabolism and helps you retain your new weight. No joke - it's a hard program for the first 30 days, but as you see the lbs dropping off - it's a motivator to keep going.
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    Im waiting for anger! Im scared to do it though!

    Terriable topic to post here! Its very unhealthy!

    your waiting for anger?

    i have been reading about it and i hear bad things and good things.... I am just trying to understand it all
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    lulusland - I can help you with HCG. My husband and I are in Phase 4 and feel incredible! I lost about 24 lbs and he lost 37 lbs. Don't listen to anyone who says it's unhealthy as it was fully approved by my family doctor. It's the BEST thing I've ever done for myself. I have never felt better and have so much energy. It resets your metabolism and helps you retain your new weight. No joke - it's a hard program for the first 30 days, but as you see the lbs dropping off - it's a motivator to keep going.

    is this something that you need to speak to a doctor with and do a program with them?
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    horrible idea, don't even go there.

    Just eat healthy and move your body. You'll get there the RIGHT way.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    I have lost 37lbs without the assistance of HCG. Just eat within your calorie goals and get a little exercise. You can do it, and there are plenty of people here to support you!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I'm afraid of it. I don't like things that are un-natural. I've never even been on birth control. I take a multi vit. and calcium daily and that's it! Shooting yourself up with pregnant women's urine is just that, un-natural. At 53 I haven't had any symptons of menopause and I am scared to put this stuff in my system and screw things up. That's just my feeling on it. I'd rather take my time and lose weight the old fashion way. Watch what I eat and exercise!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Im waiting for anger! Im scared to do it though!

    Terriable topic to post here! Its very unhealthy!

    Here ya go!

  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    lulusland - I can help you with HCG. My husband and I are in Phase 4 and feel incredible! I lost about 24 lbs and he lost 37 lbs. Don't listen to anyone who says it's unhealthy as it was fully approved by my family doctor. It's the BEST thing I've ever done for myself. I have never felt better and have so much energy. It resets your metabolism and helps you retain your new weight. No joke - it's a hard program for the first 30 days, but as you see the lbs dropping off - it's a motivator to keep going.
    Well, your doc is insane.

    DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR HOROMONES!!!! DONT DO IT!!!!! Especially as a woman, it can screw you up for life.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Lulu - you are desperate to lose 24 lbs by Sept? You can do it without HCG. Please listen to most of us on this thread. BTW, Sept is in 4 months! I have lost 32 lbs in that amt of time, including being plateaued for a month. Following a 1400 or 1300 cal a day diet will get you 24 lbs down, please don't be foolish and go for some bizarre thing that has you eating 500 cals a day and will make you weak! Follow the advice of people here who HAVE lost weight without anything other than cal counting and exercise.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    lulusland - I can help you with HCG. My husband and I are in Phase 4 and feel incredible! I lost about 24 lbs and he lost 37 lbs. Don't listen to anyone who says it's unhealthy as it was fully approved by my family doctor. It's the BEST thing I've ever done for myself. I have never felt better and have so much energy. It resets your metabolism and helps you retain your new weight. No joke - it's a hard program for the first 30 days, but as you see the lbs dropping off - it's a motivator to keep going.

    Eating only 500 calories a day would definitely do SOMETHING to your metabolism. "Resetting" metabolism sounds like a blanketed term for jacking it up to hell and back. But I suppose if you wanna mess with pregnancy piss, it's up to you.
  • jamie1213
    jamie1213 Posts: 3
    lulusland - you do not have to consult a doctor unless you do the HCG injections. We did the HCG drops. Many people think this is one of those fad diets - you lose the weight and then gain it all back. I was skeptical at first, but my doctor made me feel better about it. The program teaches you how to maintain your weight after the loss. That's what so many deal with after losing weight. Your cravings will go away and I have learned to eat healthier. We cook a lot at home vs eating out. You have to be disciplined just like anyone else. Yes, you still have to exercise. People will tell you just to eat right and exercise and you'll lose the weight and for many people it's true. I will always believe my metabolism was so messed up from years of too much sugar, too much diet soda, etc. I no longer drink diet soda - only tea and water. You can google HCG and read tons of information on it including blogs where people have been on the program and are still on the program. Good luck whatever you decide.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Sad today. Went to a clients place and one of the workers there has lost about 30+ lbs (in the time I've lost 25). I was giving her props - until she held up the over the counter sold at the gas station HCG drops. She said with the help of those she was doing terrific. I asked her if she was exercising (sorry but you could totally tell she wasn't - it's like you are melting) and she said no - but the lbs were falling off. I asked her how she was feeling - and her smile broke, she said *I'm tired* *I'm sooo tired*. I asked if she was eating 500 cals a day, she said she is in 1200 but doesn't go above 900. Of course she's tired. Ok, so I said maybe she should try to get some extra protien and maybe space out her meals with some snacks to keep her energy up.

    "I'm not allowed breakfast, AT ALL. If I'm hungry I can eat a tomato"

    Great - if this works for you.............YEEEE F'N HAW. I'm telling you - I have lost 25lbs since January, I haven't lost muscle, I feel great, I drink beer on the weekends, I eat when I'm hungry, and I haven't excluded any food groups.

    To each his own. Do what you want, your journey doesn't affect me - but don't come crying to me when you are tired and hungry. :tongue:
  • kelce
    kelce Posts: 3
    I agree with most in this thread. Don't unnecessarily tinker with your hormones and don't limit yourself to that low of a calorie intake. No one can convince me that 500 calories a day is good for anyone. The average anorexic gets 600-800 calories.

    Remember if you're looking at a diet and you can only do it X amount of days that probably means you will run into major health problems if you continue. And if it's unhealthy in the long term it's probably no good in the short term.

    FACT: Just because some doctors are prescribing this does not make it safe. The majority of doctors and researchers believe HCG to be ineffective and unsafe. HCG is a cash cow and there are many doctors that are more concerned about the money rather than patient health.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I am not condemning anyone or judging anyone....I just want to say this, Before going on such a drastic "diet" where you only eat 500 calories a day and ingest a hormone...why not just give food logging a fair chance.I mean- really give it a chance for 2 months and see what happens! If it doesn;t work for you...then look at the quick alternatives...

    I am a clean eater since joining MFP. I have completely changed the way I ate- slowly and for the better. I am also NON RESTRICTIVE- which means if I want something- I eat it- I just make my numbers work....so occasionally if I want to have fried catfish and fries, I make sure it WILL fit in with my caloric and nutritional needs! I have lost my weight eating great food and lots of it!

    There are many ways to help fire your metabolism, other than HCG. There are also so many success stories of people eating a heck of a lot more than 500 cals a day and losing a lot of weight...Many of them are on my friends list! I have lost 44 pounds since September- eating well and exercising. 24 pounds by September is completely do-able.

    Just do your research and figure out what you want and what you think is best for you in the LONG term...Good luck to you.
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    wow I just had this conversation 10 min ago with a co worker. Since I'm the largest around they keep trying to pitch me the HCG diet. I dont think I can function on 500 cal a day without feeling deprived. I dont feel deprived here and know it will be slower but will stay off this time.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    I say we bring back the tapeworm diet. It's 100% natural AND organic!
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    After struggling for years with my weight, I decided to try a round or two of an HCG protocol that is administered in my GP's office (intranasal). I am on my second week of the VLCD (very low calorie diet). I lost 12.8 pounds the first week and looking forward to the second week results. It took me months to commit to it.

    I agree with all the naysayers...it can have some negative effects. However, many of us have done things to our bodies over our lifetimes that may have longer lasting negative effects than a short term protocol of a naturally-occurring hormone and a lower calorie diet of whole, mostly natural foods with a follow-up to ensure you continue to eat in a healthy way. In my book, a better way than prepackaged, engineered food replacements.

    I don't feel dizzy or tired. I've been hungry at snack/meal times...but not starving. My energy level is through the roof right now. I certainly miss certain foods right now. Mmmmmm....peanut butter (I just faded off for a moment) but I don't/won't miss being tired, or wondering if the seatbelt in the airplane will fit, or wondering if my daughter is ashamed of her fat mom.

    Birth control pills and partying in my twenties were definitely more detrimental to my well-being (see blog entry for long version).

    Don't do anything in life if you aren't willing to accept the consequences of your decision.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Yeah....this just made me laugh
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I say we bring back the tapeworm diet. It's 100% natural AND organic!

    THIS is the one that made me laugh.
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