HCG... Help



  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I decided to try a round or two of an HCG protocol that is administered in my GP's office (intranasal). I am on my second week of the VLCD (very low calorie diet)

    Did you see a doctor that you've seen for years or one of the "specialized" HCG quacks that work in the HCG quack factories.

    BTW, I dunno if I would see a doctor that administers HCG or trust them. I'm scientifically inclined and here's some family horror stories:

    1. A doctor told my Great Aunt to douche with Lysol, and so she did.

    2. A doctor gave my grandmother speed to lose weight, and she lost weight.

    3. A doctor gave my grandfather "pills" (I suspect diet pills & speed of some sort) because he was morbidly overweight. He died at 58, shortly after he "lost the weight".

    I would never trust any GP that administered this for "weight loss". Never. See the above examples.
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    lulusland - you do not have to consult a doctor unless you do the HCG injections. We did the HCG drops. Many people think this is one of those fad diets - you lose the weight and then gain it all back. I was skeptical at first, but my doctor made me feel better about it. The program teaches you how to maintain your weight after the loss. That's what so many deal with after losing weight. Your cravings will go away and I have learned to eat healthier. We cook a lot at home vs eating out. You have to be disciplined just like anyone else. Yes, you still have to exercise. People will tell you just to eat right and exercise and you'll lose the weight and for many people it's true. I will always believe my metabolism was so messed up from years of too much sugar, too much diet soda, etc. I no longer drink diet soda - only tea and water. You can google HCG and read tons of information on it including blogs where people have been on the program and are still on the program. Good luck whatever you decide.

    "You do not have to consult a doctor"- BAD advise. BAD BAD BAD.
    1) HCG (in the states) is ILLEGAL unless perscribed by a doctor. Any OTC HCG is a scam and very dangerous. [ http://www.azfamily.com/news/health/FDA-Over-the-counter-HCG-products-fraudulent-114733744.html ]
    2) Telling anyone "No you don't need to go see a doctor if you're going to take a drug that could have potential side effects and/or go on a potentially harmful diet" is BAD BAD BAD advise.

    I have a deep seated hatred for the HCG diet (and any scam/fad diet for that matter), HOWEVER if you are dead set on doing it despite all the good advise here, SEE YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.
  • vaidaz
    vaidaz Posts: 7
    By eating on average 1600 cal/day sometimes close to 2000 with occasional glass of wine and sweets there and here, by doing 3 workouts a week (mostly Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or ripped or some other of her workouts) and some other daily activities like walking, I am loosing 2 lbs/week and feel great. It is achievable 'natural' way without fooling around with hormones and starving.
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    thank you everyone.... i didnt mean to start an arguement or to make anyone mad.... i just had heard about it but didnt fully understand it

    yes i agree that it does seem weird to put hormones in your body(and hold on did i read right someone wrote its a pregnant persons pee??????)

    and that does scare me about the long run and the fact that you only eat 500 calories and how you do not get hungry.....

    but i mean i wont understand it if i dont ask questions especially if someone has used it before or is using it.....
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    thank you everyone.... i didnt mean to start an arguement or to make anyone mad.... i just had heard about it but didnt fully understand it

    yes i agree that it does seem weird to put hormones in your body(and hold on did i read right someone wrote its a pregnant persons pee??????)

    and that does scare me about the long run and the fact that you only eat 500 calories and how you do not get hungry.....

    but i mean i wont understand it if i dont ask questions especially if someone has used it before or is using it.....

    It's a "red button" topic for most of the community, to see someone asking about "quick weight loss" or anything along the course of fad diets and/or diet pills... things that just aren't generally natural. To use a hormone that's found in the urine of pregnant women [yes, that's what it is], in order to aid in weight loss, on top of an extremely low calorie intake, just sounds so naturally absurd, that it's bound to incite responses that will either make you feel like a fool for even thinking of asking it, or exposing trolls.

    Either way, it's true that you won't understand if you don't ask questions, but it's EXTREMELY recommended that you at least do some research on a subject and make an attempt at understanding the risks behind it, especially if it sounds like it goes against common sense, before posting. Otherwise, be aware that as an open forum, anything and everything is subject to scrutiny at some point in time.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I decided to try a round or two of an HCG protocol that is administered in my GP's office (intranasal). I am on my second week of the VLCD (very low calorie diet)

    Did you see a doctor that you've seen for years or one of the "specialized" HCG quacks that work in the HCG quack factories.

    BTW, I dunno if I would see a doctor that administers HCG or trust them. I'm scientifically inclined and here's some family horror stories:

    1. A doctor told my Great Aunt to douche with Lysol, and so she did.

    2. A doctor gave my grandmother speed to lose weight, and she lost weight.

    3. A doctor gave my grandfather "pills" (I suspect diet pills & speed of some sort) because he was morbidly overweight. He died at 58, shortly after he "lost the weight".

    I would never trust any GP that administered this for "weight loss". Never. See the above examples.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I decided to try a round or two of an HCG protocol that is administered in my GP's office (intranasal). I am on my second week of the VLCD (very low calorie diet)

    Did you see a doctor that you've seen for years or one of the "specialized" HCG quacks that work in the HCG quack factories.

    BTW, I dunno if I would see a doctor that administers HCG or trust them. I'm scientifically inclined and here's some family horror stories:

    1. A doctor told my Great Aunt to douche with Lysol, and so she did.

    2. A doctor gave my grandmother speed to lose weight, and she lost weight.

    3. A doctor gave my grandfather "pills" (I suspect diet pills & speed of some sort) because he was morbidly overweight. He died at 58, shortly after he "lost the weight".

    I would never trust any GP that administered this for "weight loss". Never. See the above examples.

    I am seeing a doctor in my GP's practice...with my GP'S blessing. I agree with everyone that long lasting results will continue to take work. THIS protocol is work. I am eating the right foods, watching my calories, and exercising. I decided to try this protocol because of the way I felt when I was pregnant...energetic, lost my cravings for sweets, no net weight gain. I only gained what I lost during the first trimester. Puking and misery aside, I still felt great!

    No one thing is right for everyone and this is a HUGE departure for me. I gave birth naturally with a midwife, I rarely take antibiotics, and I hardly ever eat fast food. I DO however, love to cook delicious, creamy, fatty, delectable food. Gravy. That has been my problem all these years.

    Since before I started the HCG, I have changed the way that we cook and eat at home. I had a serious talk with myself about how ridiculous it was to work hard to ensure my daughter had an incredibly healthy diet but I wouldn't take the time to do it myself.

    I don't believe that HCG is a panacea. I also believe that it could have some potential side effects. I know that I will have achieve my final goal through other more traditional means. But, the fact is that I was headed toward gastric surgery and I decided that those side effects were something I wasn't ready to face. I can stop the HCG any day....I can't reconnect my digestive system.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Just one last thing...I am not trying to convince the poster of safety or anything else. I am just sharing my experience so far and my reasons for trying this protocol. Plenty of FDA approved drugs damage people everyday. HCG is used for other therapies and, just like any other FDA approved drup, doctor's have some leeway in prescribing for off-label use.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    FACT: Just because some doctors are prescribing this does not make it safe. The majority of doctors and researchers believe HCG to be ineffective and unsafe. HCG is a cash cow and there are many doctors that are more concerned about the money rather than patient health.
    Sad, but true. I am a physician, and I can only conclude that the physicians chasing this are seedy, greedy, or misled. As we all should know by now, if it seems too good to be true...
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    Lulusland, I have been on many diets throughout the years and some have been successful (weight watchers, nutrisystem, and MFP), and some not (atkins, trying to "cut back" on my own), the ones that have been successful have the same thing in common: 1200 calories, logging your food, and some sort of support group. I suggest that you look into one of my successes, and stick to it. They all have the same things that help, increased exercise, decreased calories eating more fresh fruit and veggies, and support. It all comes down to taking in less than what you are burning. Best of Luck to You, Lynn:flowerforyou:
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    After struggling for years with my weight, I decided to try a round or two of an HCG protocol that is administered in my GP's office (intranasal). I am on my second week of the VLCD (very low calorie diet). I lost 12.8 pounds the first week and looking forward to the second week results. It took me months to commit to it.

    I agree with all the naysayers...it can have some negative effects. However, many of us have done things to our bodies over our lifetimes that may have longer lasting negative effects than a short term protocol of a naturally-occurring hormone and a lower calorie diet of whole, mostly natural foods with a follow-up to ensure you continue to eat in a healthy way. In my book, a better way than prepackaged, engineered food replacements.

    I don't feel dizzy or tired. I've been hungry at snack/meal times...but not starving. My energy level is through the roof right now. I certainly miss certain foods right now. Mmmmmm....peanut butter (I just faded off for a moment) but I don't/won't miss being tired, or wondering if the seatbelt in the airplane will fit, or wondering if my daughter is ashamed of her fat mom.

    Birth control pills and partying in my twenties were definitely more detrimental to my well-being (see blog entry for long version).

    Don't do anything in life if you aren't willing to accept the consequences of your decision.
    You say it is short term, but there are very very very long term implications to altering your horomones. You could be forever f-ing up the balance of horomones in your body. Not to mention killing your metabolism when you start actually eating again. I am shcking my head that there are doctors out there that are OK with this. Sigh.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    After struggling for years with my weight, I decided to try a round or two of an HCG protocol that is administered in my GP's office (intranasal). I am on my second week of the VLCD (very low calorie diet). I lost 12.8 pounds the first week and looking forward to the second week results. It took me months to commit to it.

    I agree with all the naysayers...it can have some negative effects. However, many of us have done things to our bodies over our lifetimes that may have longer lasting negative effects than a short term protocol of a naturally-occurring hormone and a lower calorie diet of whole, mostly natural foods with a follow-up to ensure you continue to eat in a healthy way. In my book, a better way than prepackaged, engineered food replacements.

    I don't feel dizzy or tired. I've been hungry at snack/meal times...but not starving. My energy level is through the roof right now. I certainly miss certain foods right now. Mmmmmm....peanut butter (I just faded off for a moment) but I don't/won't miss being tired, or wondering if the seatbelt in the airplane will fit, or wondering if my daughter is ashamed of her fat mom.

    Birth control pills and partying in my twenties were definitely more detrimental to my well-being (see blog entry for long version).

    Don't do anything in life if you aren't willing to accept the consequences of your decision.
    You say it is short term, but there are very very very long term implications to altering your horomones. You could be forever f-ing up the balance of horomones in your body. Not to mention killing your metabolism when you start actually eating again. I am shcking my head that there are doctors out there that are OK with this. Sigh.

    I MIGHT be killing my metabolism...only time will tell. I had many doctors assure me that birth control pills weren't causing my problems in my twenties. I do my own research, weigh the risks, and decide what consequences I am willing to live with. It is what any responsible adult does. We don't all have to agree with each other.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Lost 50lbs with weight watchers 6 years ago. I'm not a lazy fat person who eats junk food and never exercise. Over the last 2 years with depression, stress, hair loss and traveling for work I gained back 30lbs.

    I ran my last half marathon miserable with my weight gain and had been struggling to lose while traveling and yes training 15-20 miles a week! Yes you can be fat, workout too much and realized I was under eating and then finding my body reacts to different foods and processes differently.

    I have some down time. I looked into it. Did my research and tried the homeopathic drops (no hormones) as yes I was worried about hormones considering my gynecological and hair problems.

    I've lost 22lbs since Feb. I was getting burnt out at the gym, trying to change my diet and stick to diet plan and just had to quit weight watcher's because it just wasn't working again. This is working. I have learned so much about food and nutrition and plan on continuing my efforts after HCG.

    After 13 years drinking through my 20's and early 30's, I have pretty much stopped. I allowed myself a birthday drink, one in vegas while on p3 and then 2 drinks on my last load drinks and I really don't like it now.

    I save money on food, some days are rough. Yes, I'm tired but heck there were plenty of days when I was heavier I was depleted of energy and exhausted and then depressed.

    It's a learning process. This is not a cure. It's putting me on the path to the success I want. I want to run healthy and happy. I want to be informed of everything I put in my mouth and know what is truly in it.

    Thanks for reading!
  • jamie1213
    jamie1213 Posts: 3
    amandacanales - thanks for your words. It's amazing to me how on these blogs everyone becomes an expert....they become doctors overnight and are so quick to judge. I did a lot of research on Hcg and consulted with my doctor first. I took the advice of others on here by following myfitnesspal and logging food, exercising, etc. BEFORE I did Hcg. I did this for 6-7 months and was just having a hard time losing weight (it's like I'd plateau after losing 6-7 lbs) because of strong cravings for food (stress, depression, etc). Hcg has been around since....what...the 1950's and I've never heard of anyone DYING from complications of hcg. People die everyday from FDA drugs been pumped into their system. All I can say is that maybe one day we'll find out that Hcg wasn't great for us, but for now I feel like a new person. I have more energy than I've had in my lifetime. Hcg drops ended for me and I'm just maintaining now. I've been at the same weight for 2 months - have learned to eat right, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda and reduce sugar intake. Good luck to you and again, thanks for your positive words in a forum of people who think they know everything about everyone else.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    they become doctors overnight
    I suspect I'm becoming a little senile, but I seem to recall that it took me at least a week or two:flowerforyou:
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    I decided to try a round or two of an HCG protocol that is administered in my GP's office (intranasal). I am on my second week of the VLCD (very low calorie diet)

    Did you see a doctor that you've seen for years or one of the "specialized" HCG quacks that work in the HCG quack factories.

    BTW, I dunno if I would see a doctor that administers HCG or trust them. I'm scientifically inclined and here's some family horror stories:

    1. A doctor told my Great Aunt to douche with Lysol, and so she did.

    2. A doctor gave my grandmother speed to lose weight, and she lost weight.

    3. A doctor gave my grandfather "pills" (I suspect diet pills & speed of some sort) because he was morbidly overweight. He died at 58, shortly after he "lost the weight".

    I would never trust any GP that administered this for "weight loss". Never. See the above examples.

    I am seeing a doctor in my GP's practice...with my GP'S blessing. I agree with everyone that long lasting results will continue to take work. THIS protocol is work. I am eating the right foods, watching my calories, and exercising. I decided to try this protocol because of the way I felt when I was pregnant...energetic, lost my cravings for sweets, no net weight gain. I only gained what I lost during the first trimester. Puking and misery aside, I still felt great!

    No one thing is right for everyone and this is a HUGE departure for me. I gave birth naturally with a midwife, I rarely take antibiotics, and I hardly ever eat fast food. I DO however, love to cook delicious, creamy, fatty, delectable food. Gravy. That has been my problem all these years.

    Since before I started the HCG, I have changed the way that we cook and eat at home. I had a serious talk with myself about how ridiculous it was to work hard to ensure my daughter had an incredibly healthy diet but I wouldn't take the time to do it myself.

    I don't believe that HCG is a panacea. I also believe that it could have some potential side effects. I know that I will have achieve my final goal through other more traditional means. But, the fact is that I was headed toward gastric surgery and I decided that those side effects were something I wasn't ready to face. I can stop the HCG any day....I can't reconnect my digestive system.

    Losing weight is not easy, and you have a good point gastric surgery is worse than HCG. The key point is calories in and calories out. I think that HCG is nothing better than a placebo, but if it works for you, use it and bring your weight down.
    However, you can't do HCG for life, and a 500 calorie is pretty drastic. You also need to think about what you are going to do when you are done with HCG. You need a plan to keep your calorie intake within what you need and not above.
    To talk from personal experience, I gained 2lb per year for 20 years, got diagnosed as prediabetic 6 months ago, 40-50 lb overweight. Counting calories I lost 40 lb in the last 6 months, 8 lb a month in the first couple of months, slowed down to 6 - 4 - 2 - and 1 lb a month. I think that’s the way to do it, But you need to count all calories, weight all food and track everything, which is a lot of work. And I rarely ate deserts or drank soft drinks before. Logging I did figure out to eat breakfast ( I never did this before) less bread for lunch, less potatoes/rice for dinner, and no late evening snacks, especially peanuts. Doing that worked for me, my glucose and cholesterol are much better now 6 months later. But if HCG works for you, go for it. But think about how to are going to stay at you lower weight, what you need to change. I just slowed down slowly, and for my last 5-10lb I am not doing anything this summer (too much travel) and I will do it real slow in the fall, so that it eases you in a normal eating/exercising pattern that I can sustain for the future.
    Too many dieters fall into a yo-yo trap, fluctuating way up and down. You need to figure a way to break this, and I have seen very little evidence that this works with these drastic diets. Yes, you lose, but for how long? That’s the key issue. I think losing weight at a slower rate taking longer and decreasing weight loss as you go along is a way to develop a sustainable healthy weight.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    doctors prescribed amphetamines, phen/fen...any number of things that are dangerous.

    My question is, why would you risk it when MFP is: 1. free, 2. safe and 3. extremely effective

    I wouldn't risk it.

    Mr. Mackay says, "drugs are bad, mmmkay"
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    Think of HCG like this:
    If I inject a hormone into my belly that makes women get pregnant and causes a fetus to GAIN weight, I'll lose weight. Does this make sense? Anyone who says "their doctor prescribed it" either needs a new doctor or went to a fat clinic where EVERYONE gets HCG shots, phetermine, and a 500 calorie diet. HERE IS THE TRUTH, since some don't know:

    So why is everybody jumping on the HCG bandwagon? Because everybody wants a quick fix. The diet promises 40 pounds of weight loss in six weeks. People will do anything to feel more beautiful, more valuable, more desired, more socially acceptable.

    Don’t be tempted, my friends. The HCG diet is unsafe, it doesn’t work, and it’s little more than beautifully packaged snake oil. So do your body and your pocketbook a favor and steer clear.
    Instead, if you need to lose weight to be healthy, do it the good old fashioned way that really works. I know everyone wants a quick fix, but real, sustainable weight loss comes from eating less, focus more on wholesome foods, and EXERCISE.

    What is HCG?
    Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is a hormone found in the urine of pregnant women. More than 50 years ago, Dr. Albert T. Simeons, a British-born physician, contended that HCG injections would enable dieters to subsist comfortably on a 500-calorie-a-day diet. He claimed that HCG would mobilize stored fat; suppress appetite; and redistribute fat from the waist, hips, and thighs . There is no scientific evidence to support these claims.Moreover, a 500-calorie (semi-starvation) diet is likely to result in loss of protein from vital organs, and HCG can cause other adverse effects. Gabe Mirkin, M.D., has noted.

    Keep in mind that HCG is a hormone most commonly used in fertility treatments and to aid adolescents with endocrine problems during puberty. It is not — and never had been — a weight loss drug.

    Dr. Simeon did a study to “prove” his claims, but no other researchers were ever able to reproduce his work. After the HCG diet was discredited by the scientific community, the diet mostly disappeared until 2007, when infomercial king Kevin Trudeau began promoting it as the secret diet your doctor isn’t telling you about. And suddenly, products appeared all over the internet and doctors at integrative and alternative medicine centers started jumping on the bandwagon, causing the diet to experience an unfortunate resurgence. Variations of the diet exist, but most require daily HCG injections, drops, or sublingual dosing, and costs can run you up to $1500/month (padding the pockets of many a doc). The pregnancy hormone is combined with a highly restricted, low calorie diet of 500 calories/day.

    The pregnancy hormone tricks the body into believing that you’re pregnant, and because you’re starving the body, it starts eating away at fat — and you get no hunger pangs! Sounds good, right? To bad it eats away muscle first!
    The only reason why anyone loses weight off this diet is because they’re eating 500 calories a day. While calorie intakes are different from person to person, most nutrition information at the grocery store is based off a 2,000-calorie diet. For healthy weight loss, a daily intake of 1,200 to 1,800 calories is generally acceptable. While calorie intakes are different from person to person, most nutrition information at the grocery store is based off a 2,000-calorie diet. For healthy weight loss, a daily intake of 1,200 to 1,800 calories is generally acceptable. When a body is subsiding off 500 calories a day, the body leeches protein from the muscle in the heart, and that makes the heart muscle irritable, which can lead to ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death.

    Being a fitness trainer, I can’t beileve I’m writing an article about a 500 calorie diet. If you’re a teenager or an adult, 500 calories for anyone is way too little. If you heard from a friend or anyone who suggested that you consume 500 calories a day to lose fat, then you have been provided with bad advice. Sure, at first you will lose weight which is obviously the goal, however your health will deteriorate and you will also lose a lot of muscle which is a bad thing.

    A 500 calorie diet deprives the body from not only the much needed nutrients, but also from sufficient energy it needs to operate. Your body alone burns approximately 900 to 2000 calories on it’s own. Take that number and add on the calories required for your daily activities and you will find it is generally above 1,200 calories. The bare minimum is 1,200 to 1,300 calories a day to maintain a healthy lifestyle but also lose fat.
    If you chose to only consume 500 calories a day, you would notice a few changes. You would feel completely without energy during much of the day, your body will feel depleted and sluggish. You will also notice weight loss which is exciting, but you will also notice strength loss from the loss of muscle tissue. When you realize a 500 calorie diet is unhealthy and decide to quit, you will gain all the weight back plus MORE. Why? Because the loss of muscle tissue creates way for more fat gain. In order to build that muscle back up, you will have to perform resistance training with either freeweights or machines.

    Don't do it, stop looking for a quick fix. The weight these peopel are losing, they WILL see again. I garentuee it.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    @erinhale - thanks for taking the trouble to summarize all this. It's a fair presentation.
    Still - I think I'm too late, in my city, to jump on the HCG/bioidentical hormone/your doctor doesn't want to treat your hypothyroidism/iodine deficiency bandwagon. If I want to find a quick road to an early retirement, I guess I'll have to find the next hot thing! :wink:
  • yellowpear
    yellowpear Posts: 137 Member
    I feel you shouldn't do it. My doctor gives me HCG injections for 2 days to ovulate. So, I am not sure using it everyday is healthy esp. for ladies. Logically thinking, it could mess up with your cycles & create a hormone imbalance. HCG is the hormone that's produced when one is pregnant. I too have been thinking about it since I've heard that it helps in fast weight loss. I'm not sure if it will have any side-effects in later life. So, I don't want to play with my health. Anyways, please consult a good doctor for suggestion.