house work as exercise?



  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I don't move a lot because I have a hip problem so the housework I manage to do is very hard work for me and not because it's a chore! ha ha!
    As this is not a regular thing for me, (regular is sitting on the couch doing nothing all day :( ) when I can do housework should I log it?
    If I do want to log it, what can I log it as?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i log the all house scrubbed housework ie bathrooms vacum both floors sweeping mopping etc but not day to day general upkeep
    it comes under cleaning light to moderate on cardio and is more than i expected but i wouldnt log general stuff like washing pots or wiping sides i only count ironing if im doing it for more than 2hours
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    At the end of the day anything that gets your heart rate up burns cals! i log it under cleaning (vigorous) it should come up if you type in cleaning