USDA food pyramid is wrong!



  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    The primal blueprint is about as big a quackery as the Atkins's diet was. Carbs are OUR primary source of fuel. Asia has one of the most healthiest weight populations and they eat TONS of white rice every day. On average i would say 3-4 cups of rice a day. That is over 800 calories every day on rice alone. They eat fish every day and rarely any other meat source along with lots of fruits and veggies. They've been doing this for thousands of years. What they don't each much of is junk food. They don't consume processed foods like the western world does. Yes they actually prepare their meals. They don't use microwaves.

    The food pyramid is just a reference but nobody follows it to the word. Nobody organizes there meals or daily intake around it and they never have. Everybody has a weight management theory. Trouble is most of them are wrong.