Relationships that start out Long Distance



  • AllyV0621
    AllyV0621 Posts: 81
    my grandma and and grandpa met through a mutual friend while he was overseas with the military in the 50s. He was bored (not in a war zone) and they sent letters back and forth for almost 2 years. When he came back to the States, they met face-to-face for the first time, but were already crazy in love. He proposed three months later, on New Years Eve, and they married in June. that was in 1957. Now they have 4 kids, 9 grandkids, and 2 great-grandkids. And every time he walks through the front door, he still greets her with a kiss and a "Hello, Ruthie-doll."
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    My only experience with LDRs is my current boyfriend and his ex girlfriend.
    They met online and started dating about the same time we met in person and became friends.
    In the end, it didn't work out, the two of us have been together almost three years and we're moving in together this summer... and she totally messed me up. I went through a really, really tough two years.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Met my husband online he was on the oil fields of TX and I in Cali....met online in August, met in person October and were living together and engaged by Nov.......have our 2nd anniversary in July. He moved here to Cali. :heart:
  • pbear22
    pbear22 Posts: 32
    I met my fiance online and it was hard being so far apart from each other, but we made it work out. :) so there is hope out there, just have to be strong willed in order to be able to be that far apart from each other.
    Plus it also sucked seeing everyone else around you with their bf's or gf's made me want to cry. :(

    But I knew that I had an awesome guy that loved me for me, even If I couldn't go out with him like normal people do..
    But as strange as it sounds we had date nights.
    How may you ask??
    Well we would watch the same movie at the same time, and text eachother while watching, made it like we were with eachother. :)

    I can say that things do work out, not all the time but they do if it is right. Yes eventually one of you will have to decide to move closer so that your relationship isn't communicated through a cell phone or computer..

    Been together for over a year and half and still going strong..
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    My wife and I met online in 1999. Actually, I have an old high school buddy to thank for this.

    I was in the Navy at the time and was out at sea. My buddy took it upon himself to post a personals ad with
    a picture of me on it.

    She was one of the first replies. She's from Illinois, I was in Calif. It was 6 months before we met in person.
    She moved in with me 6 months after I got ouf of the Navy in 2000.
    We were married in 2002.
    Our 9th anniversary is coming up in Oct. =)
  • kathyw731
    kathyw731 Posts: 22
    I met my hubby online 12 1/2 years ago. We have now been married 12 years this month. I had one daughter, he had 8 children. I finished raising most of them (the youngest was 7 at the time). Someone told me a cute story years ago about how we all have colored dots on our heads and God moves us around where we are supposed to be. I looked at the top of our heads.... no colored dots, but I'm pretty darn sure that God made sure we found each other. I was in Alabama and he was in Utah. We are soooooo happy. We are on the brink of being empty nesters and are so excited to finally begin "our own" years together. The miracle of it all was that we never became a step family. We blended as if we were already family. It has been quite a journey.
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