sick of it



  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! How long have you been eating better and exercising? What type of workouts are you doing?
    Have you ever thought of maybe doing a total body cleanse? That has always worked for me!
    I would not give up sometimes it takes a month to actually see results. One more thing, what you are doing is GOOD for your health so why would you want to quit???
    It will happen, take measurements every 2 weeks and stick it out for a couple months, Remember your body will believe everything your brain tells it so THINK POSITIVE and THINK I CAN DO IT and THINK I am BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    You can do this.....
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You might not be eating the right stuff, or eating enough -- or doing the right workout. your body adjusts to things rather quickly - you have to keep it guessing!
    In another forum you were carping about how "idiotic" it seemed to eat back exercise calories.
    Well, THIS IS WHY!
    Don't feel bad - just learn from your mistakes.

    We've all been there.
    MFP calculates our total daily calorie intake WITHOUT exercise to lose 1 pound or so per week.
    And after we log exercises, our daily calorie limit increases.
    Because MFP telling us to eat our exercise calories.
    Large deficits are unhealthy, because while you will lose weight, what's the quality of the weight loss?
    In many cases you'll lose lean body mass - MUSCLE - which LOWERS your metabolic rate, making weight loss harder.
    These crash diets work well for a season -- and sure enough, the pounds melt away. But when you eat so
    few calories, you train your metabolism to slow down. Once the diet is over, you have a body that burns calories more slowly -- and you gain weight.
    Be smart.
    Exercise well both cardio and resistance, and eat back the calories.
    The exercise will RAISE your metabolism and burn more fat at rest.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Are you consuming at least 1200 calories? If not you should try and eat over 1200. Your body might be going into starvation mode. DON'T give up please!!!

    Please do the research. Starvation Mode is a myth.

    nope, sorry, it's not a myth, I've documented plenty of research into why it's not.

    here are a few of them:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    After not losing forever, I realized I had to up my calories. now that's a scary thing to do. What happens if upping my calories causes me to gain weight? I already sabotaged my work outs by getting a HRM that lied to me. But I did up my calories by 300, and now the pounds are dropping quite nicely. It does take trial and error, but don't wait to long.
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    Hang in there. Don't give up. Same thing happened to me. My body finally realized I was eating different and started letting go of the lbs. The scale is finally moving after almost 3 weeks.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Starting out is hard, but how can you NOT lose weight eating right and exercising. It takes time, time is what gets to people. Just put it out of your mind. One day at a time.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Re-read what you wrote in your own profile and why you're doing this. Read that every day if you have to. You clearly want to change.
  • I1ahunt
    Two things are certain......if you give up you won't lose any weight and if you stick with it and find what works for you, you will lose weight.
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    No matter if you're losing weight or not, if you are eating healthy (for the most part) and exercising on a regular basis, you are taking steps to becoming healthier and fitter. I notice that when I am "good" I get sick a whole lot less, I have more energy, I sleep better, I feel stronger...on and on...I have been trying to lose weight since November - I am 5'6" and weighed 160. My goal is to get down to 140. Notice I say "is". I am finally down to 143, with just 3 pounds to go! My point is, be patient. It will happen. Just don't give up!
  • mtbikeral
    mtbikeral Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it! I set a goal 01/01/11 to lose from 295 down to 230. It happened slowly but I'm down to 237 after a year and a month. I think this is better than losing quickly because the last time I dropped alot of weight quickly around 10 years ago, I thought, what do I do now that I've accomplished my goal and I lost focus and started regaining? My point is be patient. It is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. I agree with the others, the scale sucks because you want it to go down but exercise slows that down. You can tell your getting there when your pants start getting too big and you need a smaller belt. Hang in there!