FireRunners (C25K May 9th group) Week 2!!



  • utgirl1172
    utgirl1172 Posts: 12
    I'm a little behind on my posting...did W1 D2 yesterday and it was great..I wan't sore during any of the running at all and I increased my speed towards the end and it felt great. I'm not sore today at all in fact I even did Zumba for the first time today and it was awesome. W1 D3 will be tomorrow for me..I saw someone posted about abs being sore from running..THANK YOU!! I was feeling sore today but was confused because I didn't do abs yesterday so I was going to ask if anyone else had that happen so thank you for the post! Can't wait for tomorrow! My boyfriend is gone to South America for 2 weeks and I told him tonight he won't recognize me when he gets home! ;)
  • Margot18904
    Margot18904 Posts: 48
    W2 D1 done! Felt really good, harder work than week 1 but then that's the point, but I managed all of the runs fairly easily and I'm confident that by the end of week 2 I'll be more than ready for week 3. Tomorrow is rest day, mainly because I'm at work all day and don't have time for anything in the evening but I'll be ready for W2 D2 on Tuesday, really looking forward to it!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Tomorrow starts week 2 for me, and I gotta be honest, I'm scared outta my shorts lol :laugh: Esp. since I've had some leg pain today... But I'm going to beat my *kitten* tomorrow regardless!!! :bigsmile:
  • utgirl1172
    utgirl1172 Posts: 12
    starting week 2 tomorrow!! excited but kind of nervous..I can't already tell a difference in my legs they feel tighter..i dont know i just feel good! Good luck everyone!!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Did Week 2 in 22:49... 5 rounds of jogging... I almost dieded :laugh: but I'm ok lol! It feels sooooo good afterwards! :smile:

    But now I don't want to eat anything... :grumble:
  • Makers72
    Makers72 Posts: 65
    Just remember, week 2 is only 30 seconds more jogging than week one per round. You can do ANYTHING for thirty seconds :)
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    Did a do-over of W1D1 & W1D3 (back to back) on Saturday 5/14/11 since my phone app didnt log those days properly.

    Completed W2D1 Sunday 5/15/11. :-)
  • utgirl1172
    utgirl1172 Posts: 12
    Just completed w2 d1 and it was awesome!! I must of caught a second wind or something because on my last run I increased my speed and just wanted to keep going. I went to see my doctor today and he was very pleased with the fact that my foot is holding up to this. Very happy!
  • Margot18904
    Margot18904 Posts: 48
    W2 D2 completed! Felt a bit harder than day 1 but was on pavement rather than dirt track and had a few uphill stretches too. But I managed all the runs and I think I could do more so quite looking forward to week 3 soon. Well done to everyone who is sticking with it!
  • FierceFeline
    I did Wk 2 D2 today. It feels sooo good to run!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I did Wk 2 D2 today. It feels sooo good to run!

    Well i have done Wk 4 D1. I kept thinking i could not do it
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    It's been a while since I posted to the thread - I've been MFP-ing on my phone for the past several days.

    I finished Week 1, Day 3 on Friday, and rewarded myself with a 1-hour reflexology foot massage - so amazing. My father, who is very, very proud and supportive of me, has offered to treat me to one each week that I run the program. Which is super-cool, and an extra piece of motivation. :)

    So I did Week 2, Day 1 yesterday. It was not easy. As a matter of fact, my legs felt stiff on the very first jog, to the point where I wondered for a second if I'd be able to do it that day. But I slowed down, and just kept at it. Once I made it through that first 90-second jog, I knew I'd be able to make it through all of them. Jogs 1, 2 and 3 were really tough - my legs just felt tight and heavy - so I kept it really slow, which allowed me to complete each 90-second piece in full. Jogs 4, 5 and 6 were a bit easier, as I guess I warmed up somewhat. I've always felt that pushing through achiness actually helps soothe it more than stopping does, so once I finished the 6 jogs, and then a brisk walk cool down, I hopped right on the elliptical for an hour. And then I broke down and bagged a bunch of boxes and carried them to the curb, which took another half hour.

    I thought I would be unable to move today. But to tell you the truth, I just have a few muscle aches, and they feel great. They make me feel alive, and active.

    I am still nervous for Week 2, Day 2 tomorrow. I think I may do the elliptical for 15 minutes before I start, just to loosen up my legs, so maybe I won't be so tight and stiff for the first half of the intervals. But even if I am, I know I'll get through it. I may have to go slow, but I'll get it done.

    Looking ahead, I may want to repeat Week 2, at least once, if not more. My determination is strong, but I don't want to hurt my knees and feet, so I may look to shed another chunk of weight before I up the time again. I feel confident that this kind of interval training will be a huge help in shedding that weight, so it's all good. :)

    Happy C25K-ing, everyone! :)

  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I finished Week 1, Day 3 on Friday, and rewarded myself with a 1-hour reflexology foot massage - so amazing. My father, who is very, very proud and supportive of me, has offered to treat me to one each week that I run the program. Which is super-cool, and an extra piece of motivation. :)

    OMG!!! That is soooooo cool!!! I wish I had a Daddy like that haha!! :tongue: You lucky girl!!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    W2D1 Completed this morning:) Yay for all of us! Keep up the great work :drinker:
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Did did W2D1 on Sunday. I didn't think i'd be able to do it, but I woke up feeling motivated and went to try. And, I did it! It wasn't too bad, but I definitely felt more strain than during Week 1.

    I did W2D2 Monday. I probably should have taken a day to rest, because I had no energy. I also hadn't eaten or slept well the day before. So, I had hardly any energy, but I hung in there and did it. I almost quit, but i seriously put on "Eye of the Tiger" and just ran as hard as I could for that last run. I made it through. I just imagined me being Rocky going up those stairs, LOL.

    I'm taking today off because I still feel drained and my body needs some rest. So, I'll do W2D3 tomorrow and then spend the rest of the week repeating it because I KNOW I am not ready to do 3 minute jogs yet. No way, no how. But, maybe after doing a few more days of 90 second jogs I will be...
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I did the first day of week 2 today. Well. I *did* finish it. But, man! Was it hard. I had to take my already slow pace down to a crawl. I had a stitch in my side by the end of the second interval. It was sheer determination that kept me going.

    But something tells me that I may be doing week 2 for more than one week! And who knew I was so out of shape?
  • Yary
    Yary Posts: 28
    Just completed W3 D1 and it was pretty intense. Pushed too hard in the first two intervals and almost ran short of fuel. Ran them at 6.2 and my hrm spiked to 194 so I dropped it down to 5.5 for the other ones. Just a suggestions as you guys progress into week 3. Try jog slower during the first intervals and then increase speed during the other ones if you know you can push yourself more.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Ugh... I have failed you guys today :cry: I didn't do my C25K this morning because I had to pet-sit, and then when I got back I was feeling bad... And the rest of the day went downhill from there! But I WILL do it tomorrow!
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Week 2, Day 2 completed. Yay! :bigsmile:

    I did do a 15 minute warmup on the elliptical first, even before the 5 minute brisk walk warmup that's built into the C25K time, and I have to say that it seemed to have helped. I found the first half jogging intervals much easier than they were on Week 2, Day 1, and even though the last jog was pretty tough, it was the 6th 90 second interval, so I fully expected it to kick my *kitten* by the time I got to the last one. :tongue:

    Oh, and did I mention that I did it in the pouring rain? I was going to put it off for tomorrow, but then I posted a status update "Should I C25K in the rain?" and the responses were just what I needed to go do it. My awesome MFPeeps reminded me that we will always find an excuse if we want to, and how hardcore it would be to do it in the rain. And then another MFPeep told me not to be a p*ssy. LOL! :laugh: So I put on a cap and got out there. By the time I got back home, my clothes were soaked, my sneakers were squishy, and my dog was drenched - but I felt so badass for getting it done!

    So I hopped back onto the elliptical, wet clothes and squishy shoes be damned - and did another 52 minutes there.

    It just feels so good to push myself, and to be on the right path. :happy:

    Happy C25K-ing, everyone,
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Ugh... I have failed you guys today :cry: I didn't do my C25K this morning because I had to pet-sit, and then when I got back I was feeling bad... And the rest of the day went downhill from there! But I WILL do it tomorrow!

    Hey, hey, HEY with the negativity!!!! You did NOT fail - you didn't fail us, and you didn't fail yourself. Please, please, don't be so hard on yourself. You would never tell someone else in this group that they failed if they didn't get in a run, would you? No, you wouldn't - and you don't deserve to hear that from yourself either.

    None of us are perfect, nor should we hold ourselves to that kind of standard. You are the little firecracker, please remember, and you light up all of us around you with your light and energy. Give yourself credit for that.

    Tomorrow is another day. Be kind to yourself. You're doing so great. :flowerforyou: ((HUG))