FireRunners (C25K May 9th group) Week 2!!



  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Ugh... I have failed you guys today :cry: I didn't do my C25K this morning because I had to pet-sit, and then when I got back I was feeling bad... And the rest of the day went downhill from there! But I WILL do it tomorrow!

    Hey, hey, HEY with the negativity!!!! You did NOT fail - you didn't fail us, and you didn't fail yourself. Please, please, don't be so hard on yourself. You would never tell someone else in this group that they failed if they didn't get in a run, would you? No, you wouldn't - and you don't deserve to hear that from yourself either.

    None of us are perfect, nor should we hold ourselves to that kind of standard. You are the little firecracker, please remember, and you light up all of us around you with your light and energy. Give yourself credit for that.

    Tomorrow is another day. Be kind to yourself. You're doing so great. :flowerforyou: ((HUG))

    You're right :smile: thanks!
  • Makers72
    Makers72 Posts: 65
    I got behind the ball lol, basically ive been lazy, but im going out to do w2d1 now, will be doing w2d2 tommorowi, and w2d3 on sunday.

    Keep er rollin guys!
  • utgirl1172
    utgirl1172 Posts: 12
    Completed W2 D2 this morning..I'm really liking that I can actually run for once!! But, tonight I have not felt good at whole body just hurts and my feet are really giving me hard time. I don't know if its a combo of running today and the horrible cold wet weather we have had here in east tn the past few days or what. Do any of you feel that after a good just run down and achey?
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member

    I did Week 2, Day 1, today. All I can say is running is no joke, :frown: its hard starting out, but I hung in there and completed the day. :happy: I felt pretty good after it was over with though.:drinker:
  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    W2, D2 done!

    I'm really enjoying it this time! I did it a couple years ago, but had to stop due to an injury. It was brutal that time, but much easier this go around. I've been jogging and not sprinting. I'm short and I jog at a 4. Once I can jog for the full 30 minutes at a 4, I'll work on my speed.

    So, the part on the cool runnings site about not worrying about speed...well, they're right! Happy running! Or in my case, slow jogging ; )
  • FierceFeline
    Gonna do my second running of this week today, then my third day on Saturday. I feel so good after a run!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Well. Halfway through week 2, and I finally experienced what everyone else has been talking about...that feeling if it getting easier! I slogged through week 1 and barely made it through the first day of week 2. But I just got back from the second day of week 2 and, while certainly challenging, I actually felt pretty good. I even enjoyed the first 4 runs!

    I'm looking forward to day 3!
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    I did W3D1 yesterday. It's only four runs and it wasn't too bad, the first 3 minute run tested me in the last minute but I stuck it out. In the end, after finishing the program I did two more runs, one for 2 minutes, one for 90 seconds. I'm trying to increase the speed of my walking during recovery time. I am slow. I mean s-l-o-w. I'm walking at 3.4 most of the time and running at either 4.2 or 4.3. My trainer keeps telling me that to finish first, first you must finish, so slow is okay.

    How many of you are doing treadmill training vs. road training? I live in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains, it's very hilly, and except for the last few days the hot weather has already been upon us. I might take it to the road when I start being able to run some kind of distance and the weather isn't too hot, in the meantime, I'll do it on a treadmill at a 2.0 incline.

    I'm really excited. I've never been an athlete and really really never been a runner, But now, I am. A slow runner, but a runner, and I can see a future (like, in the autumn) when I will be running a 5k.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Today was not my most stellar performance, but I did it, which I'm proud of :) I burned 341 cals in 22:14 minutes of W2D2, doing 16 minutes of walking and 6 minutes of running. I was about to die :laugh: My heart rate got up to 191 bpm at one point!! I was like "HOLY SHOOT" and I slowed down lol. Thank God for my HRM, I might have passed out :laugh:

    Great job today everybody! :smile:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    W2D2 Done! It was raining so I did my run on my treadmill :)
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    Just wanted to come show support for everyone powering through Week 2. I injured my hip this past weekend, so no running for me. Hoping to catch up with you all next week!
  • Margot18904
    Margot18904 Posts: 48
    W2 D3 done here and it felt good! I've found so far that D1 each week is okay, D2 is harder and then D3 feels easier again, so hope this continues. I'm still really enjoying it too, so bring on W3 and the 3 minute runs!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325

    I'm doing road running. Road running tends to be harder than treadmill. Even if you are really hardcore and set the incline pretty high on the treadmill so that its just as hard or harder, running on the road is mechanically different...simply because the road doesn't propel you forward. BUT, enough people alternate/do both (even hardcore athletes) that I'd say, if its really hilly and hot outside, there's no intrinsic virtue to making yourself run outside...unless you wanted to for personal reasons. Which is why I choose to.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Well done everyone
    I have done w4 d2 & I slowly jogged up that steep hill with only 1 stop (last time I stopped half way) omg I can't believe I did it. Then I realised I still had 2 more runs to do & had to change my route as I still had a 5 min run, then the cool down to go. I think I need to get a thing to tell me how fast I jog. I did feel sick when I got back, I think I will make sure that I leave more time b4 I do C25K after I have my dinner.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    Just completed W2D3. On to W3 on Saturday! Im pumped.
  • Yary
    Yary Posts: 28
    Today was not my most stellar performance, but I did it, which I'm proud of :) I burned 341 cals in 22:14 minutes of W2D2, doing 16 minutes of walking and 6 minutes of running. I was about to die :laugh: My heart rate got up to 191 bpm at one point!! I was like "HOLY SHOOT" and I slowed down lol. Thank God for my HRM, I might have passed out :laugh:

    Great job today everybody! :smile:

    Today was my W3 D2. I decided to take it slow on each of the runs to control my heart rate. Before the second 3 minute run my hrm was still up at 160 so I waited another minute. At the end of 3 minutes it had reached 197. I think that having a heart rate monitor is very useful in the program. For anyone interested and on a budget I brought this hrm
    It isn't that fancy and wont calculate calories burn but it will track your heart rate with a strap. Good luck with everyone starting week 3. Remember its more mental then physical!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Week 2, Day 2 completed today.
  • FierceFeline
    starting week 3 of running soon! can't wait. if it doesn't rain today I may go run. it's been a week of crummy weather here in Maine.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Did W2D3 today... 30 seconds into my last run I got some chest pains, so I walked slowly the rest of the way home... Idk what caused that...

    Not sure if I'm starting Week 3 next week or not, I may have to repeat this week. It's still kicking my butt just to get through 5 rounds of running :tongue: lol.
  • Margot18904
    Margot18904 Posts: 48
    Well done to everyone who is still going, and to those who are finding it hard and think they need to repeat weeks - don't worry! At least you're getting out and doing it, that's the main thing.

    W3 D1 here and it felt pretty good, hard going but it's warm and humid here today which didn't help. I got new running shoes and a HRM today, so went out with both of those and was really pleased to learn that I burnt 384 calories which wasn't too far out from what I thought. Really looking forward to D2 now and seeing if I can do it again! My husband has decided to start the programme too, although he's planning to have a go straight in at W3 as he is a lot fitter than me, but he'll go back if he finds it too tough.