The secret of *your* success?



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Water and MFP - those have really been what has helped me

    I drink more water than the minimum 8 glasses a day, and I track everything. Pre-logging has especially helped me b/c I can see if I've gone over before I even eat it.
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Tracking my food every day even if I go over. Eating a lot of real foods. Increasing my calorie goal when I started feeling hungry and grumpy all the time. Not having "cheat days", so to speak, but letting myself go over calories every so often without stressing out about it.

    ALWAYS eating my exercise calories.

    Exercising only 3-4 times a week. Getting plenty of sleep. Doing mindful workouts such as yoga at least once a week. Letting go of stressful things.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Simple self discipline and smart choices with the knowledge on how to lose it. I watch what i eat but i don't count every calorie i eat. A person can't live that way ie scripted.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Early on: Dealing with my emotions, fears, hurt, anger, etc... & trusting myself.

    Now: Willingness to sample healthy foods, tracking, blogging and helping others (crazy but important).
  • jhanleybrown
    jhanleybrown Posts: 240 Member
    Here's one that's a little different. MORE fat. I started tracking what I eat and I was told to increase my fat intake. Obviously want good fats...almonds and avocados etc. Losing weight on track now and it's a lot easier because I'm not starving all the time. Low fat diet = pain. Put some good fat in your diet and it's a whole lot easier....we are not talking bacon though...the avocado is your friend.
  • dagza
    dagza Posts: 15 Member
    Excellent. Loads if useful advice in there.
    1. Breakfast
    2. Water
    3. Commitment

    This is genius. I need to make myself a simple list also.

    1. Water
    2. Daily exercise

    Hmmmm. Can't think of a number 3. Does sleep affect weight loss? I am a very poor sleeper (it's Monday 1:13am here)
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    greek yogurt... or some other protein in the morning like eggs. Keeps me feeling fuller longer.

    Also cardio (with my HRM on) and eating back my calories. I can stay in my calorie goal and not work out and see some progress but when I work out and eat back my calories I do MUCH better!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Great question!
    For me, it has been:
    • Persistence even in the face of super s-l-o-w weight loss (I've been at this for more than 2 years...averaging only 1/2 lb a week). The alternative (giving up in frustration and GAINING weight) is completely unacceptable (BTDT...never again!!)
    • Realizing that it doesn't matter how long it takes because not much will change once I get to "goal"...and the way I do it is enjoyable and not at all difficult to stick with!!
    • MFP! And LOGGING every single thing I eat no matter what! I'm not trying to impress anyone by my choices so how would I be helping myself if I weren't 100% HONEST?? I keep my profile open to my friends...I have nothing to hide :)
    • Eating healthy, non-processed foods at least 80% of the time
    • Not depriving myself of at least a small amount of anything that I can't live without for the absolute rest of my life! 1/4 c of dark chocolate raisinettes a couple times a week won't kill anyone :)
    • Exercising 6 days a week for at least 1 hour...and making that exercise something I LOVE to do, no something I HAVE to do. If I forced myself to do doggie kicks and sit-ups every day I'd quit after a week :laugh: So, I power walk, dance, do my aerobic videos & yard work.
    • Lately, I've been zig zagging the calories to shake up my screwy metabolism...seems to be working pretty well! I'll know for sure next week. The high days have made this even more enjoyable as I can "splurge" on a few things I can't normally budget calories my all-time favorite: Gyros Pizza! Can't imagine never eating THAT again!

    Love, love, love MFP and all my friends on here!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think MFP is the best thing for my success, and the fact that i havent given up ANYTHING. I love MFP because its so simple and you can eat absolutely anything you like, as long as you take it into account over the course of the day