I weight more than 500 lbs.... story inside



  • theladebug
    theladebug Posts: 54 Member
    Hi -
    Congrats on taking the first step, just remember, every day you have the choice to do healthy things for yourself. Just make it happen... baby steps compound and will go a long way.

    As far as eating on a budget these are things I ALWAYS have in my kitchen (Although I dont eat gluten so some of it might seem odd to you haha)

    - Corn Tortillas
    - Some sort of White Cheese
    - Apples - I like fujis and a bag is just $3
    - I make my own enchilada sauce from those dried red chilis but you could buy canned
    - Rice
    - Eggs
    - Some sort of protein. Sometimes its pre-cooked frozen shrimp, other times something like chicken breasts.

    You'd be amazed at what you can make out of that. If you can eat gluten, you could easily swap the corn tortillas for flour and include bread in the list.

    If you have a sunflower market in the area I highly recommend it as well for awesome deals on produce!
  • lizcraft
    lizcraft Posts: 35 Member
    My name is Liz, and I know how hard it is for you to admit that you need help with your weight loss. I am here to listen and talk if you want. I eat oatmeal a lot, and chicken and fish also. I don't eat fried foods or soda. I try to exercise at lease 3x a week. I can build up from there, but I am starting out slow. Also salad fixings are very cheap and healthy. Just getting out and walking is a great workout. Great success to you. Please keep in touc
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome and good luck
    You are in the right place for help and support. Have a look thru the forum posts and add people who seem supportive and the kind of people who you believe will support you thru your journey.

    I walk, I cant run and I dont actually want to. I also find if its just too crappy outside that bouncing/walking on a mini trampoline in front of the tv burns some good calories. I set myslef the length of a tv show and keep bouncing til its finished.

    You will definitely be more successful with a strong support network around you and MFP is the place to find that

    It works if you work it
    Gem x
  • flowerpower263
    flowerpower263 Posts: 28 Member
    hi there! just wanted you to know you are not alone on this journey. i am a 67 year old grandmother and have lost 58lbs. on mfp and believe me if i can do it you can too!! first thing is "you have to move" walk, exercise videos, yard work, anything that gets your heart rate up. then you need to stick to your calorie intake on mfp (this is most important) as far as exercise goes start out small, only walk for about 15 minutes the first week, 20 min. the 2d week and 1/2hr. the third week and you will get immediate results. you will find that every time you lose a pound or two you will feel so good about it you will want to keep going. food wise there is fresh fruit, oatmeal, many many food with 100 calories portioned out for you, and when i need a treat i go to "subway" for $3.50 you can get a great 6"sandwich and a total calorie count right there! portion, portion is the trick! cut everything you eat right now in half and no eating after 6pm at night unless it is a piece of fruit. (i eat a lot of jello no sugar puddings) for evening snacks. i could go on and on but i am sure you get the idea, so GOOD LUCK! we will all be here if you need help!
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    You have taken the first step...admitting you need help and searching for it. There are ways to stretch $100 in the grocery store and when you add up how much it cost to fix meals at home versus eating out, it will probably be cheaper by serving doing it at home. And use COUPONS!!!! They make your money go further!!! This site is wonderful for support and recipes. Don't give up!!! This is a journey that is well worth taking and will change your life forever!!!! Friend me if you would like!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    i need some help, i don't have a job so i can't pay for a gym membership, and funds are tight so i don't know what to due food wise cause all the bad choices are cheap. my budget is maybe $100 a month for food, what exercises can i do for free? other than walking..any suggestions will be appreciated...

    $100 / month is insanely tight. I don't think that's compatible with good health long term, but you already know what your biggest health issue is and that's what you're asking about, so... I would recommend lentils, rice, and pumpkin as my 3 top ultra-budget food items. 2lb of pumpkin has about as many calories as a slice of bread and you can stuff yourself for a couple of dollars. Rice and lentils are both insanely cheap, easy to cook and filling. I would make these your staple food groups. This isn't a long term healthy eating plan, but with your budget you don't have many options.

    Right now, I don't think I'd worry about this. Instead, think of changing your lifestyle. You probably need to spend less time watching tv and more time doing things. Walk to the shops. Walk to the park and read a bood (don't lie down, sit up). Just get moving!!!
    More important than exercise right now is that the total amount of food you eat is less than the amount required to sustain your body weight. You need to work out how much food is required to sustain your weight and eat less than that. This is what MFP is primarily for, so you're in the right place.

    Pro tip:
    If you've ever lain in bed thinking how much you'd give for everything to be different, then stop waiting til you're going to sleep to think about it. Just start doing things differently now. (well, you've already started, but keep making more and more changes!!!) Its your choices that make the difference. Good luck!
  • john60644
    john60644 Posts: 18 Member
    i want to tell all my new pals Thank You!!!!!!, i can't believe all the words of kindness i've got in just a matter of minutes, u guys are amazing and i can't thank u guys enough, i'm going to keep on until i reach my goals....time for a change
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Realizing you need to change is the beginning and posting for help and especially support is a good start.
    Almost 20 months ago I weighed 550 pounds (at least!!) I was insulin dependant type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and underactive thyroid..I stayed away from doctors as much as possible..but no longer. I am now down to 372.6 pounds. At the start it was a hard go, walking was difficult but I did what I could and changed my eating habits and am much happier, energetic and healthier for it. I was on 90u of insulin in the am and 80u in the pm and now am on 19u and 9u. I am completely off blood pressure meds. I have still a ways to go but I know I CAN do it....and so CAN YOU....start slow and steady...you will win the race to becoming a healthier you.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    You've definitely come to the right place, honey. You'll never find a bunch of more understanding and kind people on the internet. Exercise certainly doesn't have to cost you anything. Going for regular walks will certainly give your body the boost it needs to start burning fat. I totally want to be there to support you every step of the way from the start.
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    would love to keep in touch and find how how you get on... well done for taking the biggest step xxxx welcome to mfp
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This site is absolutely amazing. If you needed support and encouragement, you have definitely come to the right place. Working with a budget can definitely be tough. Somethings you might want to consider, buying bulk meat. Such as chicken breast, a lot of grocery stores sell this at 1.99lb, which sounds like a lot, however you can cut each breast in half to help with portioning and it gives you alot more meals to plan for. Also, if you like to eat rice, try eating brown rice instead of white. It's not costly and its much healthier for you. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, drink lots of water too! You don't have to feel like you need to deprive yourself of any foods that you like. I eat whatever I want in moderation. I also have a food scale and weigh everything I eat for meals. They can be inexpensive, if you can put some money aside, I would definitely look into one of those. They will help you portion meals and eat less. Most importantly, you should walk or exercise as much as possible. I agree with everyone else. Using youtube is a great way to start out. Do some walking videos. I started out with them and they give you an awesome burn! Push yourself as much as you can. Don't give up on yourself, even if you can't workout an hour everyday... that's okay. Do what you can. My advice is to pick one day out of the week and weigh in every week before breakfast on that day. Weighing in on an empty stomach is the best time to do it. That's when you are at your actual weight. Don't weigh yourself everyday.. doing that can often be discouraging.

    Hope this advice helps you in your journey.. remember.. don't give up! You can and YOU WILL do this for your self. Can't wait to see the progress. I'm rooting for ya!:happy:
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Welcome to MFP! As others have rightly pointed out, you've already made a huge step. Possibly the most important step of all. Well done!

    I don't know what it's like where you are but here, cartons of passata are really cheap, as are onions, carrots, celery and garlic. Dried herbs are much cheaper than fresh ones too - just make sure you use them within a few weeks of opening, or else they lose their flavour. These (and a little olive oil) are all you need to make a really good sugo (sauce). Make up enough to last you for a few days, and have it with pasta, polenta (again, very cheap to make), and gnocchi (also very cheap to make). You can even use it as a base for home made pizza! I'm more than happy to help you out with recipes and techniques etc.

    The thing to remember is that while you're in the kitchen, making your healthy and delicious food, you're on the move! You might not burn huge amounts of calories while cooking but you're mobile, which is good!

    When it comes to exercise, when you're ready for weights, DVDs etc. see if you a have a freecycle group in your area (www.freecycle.org) - you may be surprised by what people are happy to get rid of...and it's all free!
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    Some healthy/cheap food alternatives...I thought that eating better was going to cost me too much as well. I have 4 kids and am on an extremely tight budget. Lets see what we can do when we are feeding 1 :) I am using pricing from Walmart in VA according to my most recent shopping trips, not sure how that compares to wherever you are but we'll take a shot at it.

    8-10 pack of frozen fixh filets (like tilapia or swali) $6.50 ---thats over 1 weeks worth of dinner when you add veggies and a
    sweet potatoe

    Frozen Veggies (generic brand) 2 for $4.00 ( that should last you close to the entire month!)

    Whole Wheat bread $2.80

    Austins Peanut Butter Crackers - 14 pack for $2.00 (great snack)

    Whole Chicken $4.00 (now you should skin this and cut it up to freeze it but the little bit of extra work up front can save you dough! this can make you 6 meals! and if you make it into a chicken veggie soup and freeze the leftovers in individual packages it could make even more meals!)

    Bag of Apples $3.00 (approx 8 apples)

    Fat Free Yogurt (generic large container) $2.00 (add strawberries-$2.00, bananas - $.49 lb. and ice for a yummy smoothie that helps with sweet cravings and such)

    A box of fat free pudding $.98 (also for the sweet cravings just watch your portions its easy to eat the whole box...seperate it into 4 to 6 servings)

    Eggs, Eggs and more Eggs! (these are GREAT because they are so cheap ..$1.80 per dozen..thats 15cents per egg!)

    Oatmeal (generic) $2.00 (12 packages my friend or go cheaper by getting the big jug that is not instant and just cook it yourself)

    These are a few ideas that I use..I really hope it helps! Also grab the fresh veggies when you see a sale of course. I am posting a mexican recipe that you can make for around $10.00 and it makes approx 6 servings (just freeze it in individual packages)! And I was surprised to see that there were really not many calories!
    I really wish you the best of luck...keep posting and people will help keep you accountable.

    1 lb Ground Turkey (brown this) -$3.00
    1 pck taco season mix low sodium (add this) - $.99
    8 oz can Tomato Sauce (add this) - $.79
    21cans of pinto beans (add this) - $.99
    1 can fiesta corn (add this) - $1.20
    Whole Wheat Tortilla (put the mixture in this) - $2.50
  • teresaq1
    teresaq1 Posts: 53
    Fruit smoothies are very satisfying and not to expensive if you use fruit that is in season or frozen. All you need is a blender, fruit and a little bit of liquid. I use either skim milk, orange juice, or diet 7up. I also freeze them occasionally to satisfy the old habit I had of eating ice cream in bed. Losing the weight is more than just what you eat. You have to change the way you think. Focus on little victories. Daily goals, hourly goals. Don't dwell on the ammount of weight you have to lose. The big picture sometimes is to overwhelming for me to handle. I have lost close to ten lbs in a little more than 2 weeks.
    I know the difficulty of living on a budget. Had 3 children, and worked part time putting myself thru school. Had to feed my children "healthy" foods on very little money. I tried to avoid fast food, because in the long run they are more costly. I learned how to get three good meals out of one chicken. I got my veggies at local farmers markets and would go close to closing time when they would be willing to go down on their prices to get rid of it. Roasted vegetables are wonderful.
    The exercise part of this whole thing is where I am lacking the most. I have been so inactive for so long, that it is very hard for me to get moving. It actually physically hurts. So I have started with walking. I have walked a few times. Just fifteen minutes at a time, but thats more than I have done in a long, long time.
    Lastly, my self esteem is gradually going up. What brought me to this site was the self loathing and a desperate need to seek life instead of death. Hopefully you will get to a place where loving yourself will come naturally. I'm getting there slowly, but surely. I wish you great sucsess and a standing ovation for your courage. Chat me up any time to share your sucsess as well as your struggles.
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member

    After reading this, I just couldn't sit here without responding and reaching out to you.

    Like most people before me have said, you've made the first step by coming here, and for that I give you so much credit. By far, one of the best choices you could ever make, and you will find some of the most amazing supportive people of this site as well as many tips/advice/ideas for food and exercise.

    I am still figuring out much of this myself, so I may not have the best advice, and you've already gotten some incredibly great advice so far. But what I can definitely do is be supportive. I am sending you a friend request with a message.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Here are some cheap, but healthy things that you can buy to start:
    - Bag of whole natural almonds (provide you with healthy fats and protein)
    - Canned foods like "light" soup, green beans, corn, kidney beans, tomato sauce
    - Eggs (only a dollar a dozen and will last you 12 days if you have an egg everyday for breakfast.
    - Peanut butter (buy the natural generic brand). Have it on whole wheat toast, with apples, carrots, celery, etc.
    - Ouick oats large container (Cook this in the microwave and have it plain or top with fresh fruit and almonds)
    - Fresh fruits and veggies (apples and bananas are the cheapest and have the most fiber)
    - Frozen fruit and veggies (its okay to buy generic on these)
    - Frozen meats like tilapia fillets that you can cook in the oven
    - Ground beef or turkey is not too expensive and one pound would last you 2 weeks if you ate it every 3 days
    - Chicken is the cheapest meat out there, especially if you buy it with the skin still on it (remove the skin before cooking for extra calorie burn! :smile:
    - Whole wheat bread (generic is cheap. If its on sale by extras and freeze em)
    - Large containers of greek yogurt (high in protein for smoothies)

    For exercising, I would suggest buying a workout dvd off of ebay like jillian michaels or the biggest loser (for cheap of course) and do that once or twice a day and build up.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Also, Freecycle for blender, scales, steamer pans etc. You may or may not get everything but there's no harm in asking!
  • Ajaay
    Ajaay Posts: 70 Member
    My husband is a big guy, his highest was 400#. You can lose the weight. The cheapest thing that I can think of for you to eat is dried beans. If you cook them for serveral hours after they soak, they will always soften up (I had trouble with them being hard at first). Chili is great and you can leave out the meat for less expense and less calorie waste (the beans have enough protein, eat them with crackers to make a complete protein). The important thing for my husband to learn was portion control. I'm not sure what exercise you feel comfortable doing, but you can walk around your apartment / house / neighborhood as often as you can. Whatever you do, doing something different everyday will change your life.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This site will prove to be a great help to you. I KNOW I CAN HELP YOU AS I"M IN THE SAME SITUATION. I'm going to send you a friend request and I'll put a little more personnel advise in that. I will say that as of Feb 15th of this year, I weighed 665lbs!:sad: :blushing: . Now exactly 3 months later, I weigh 558lbs.:bigsmile: . YOU CAN DO THIS! Please accept my friendship and ask me questions any time. This is a LONG journey and we can use all the help we can get. Thanks again and welcome to this site and a NEW LIFE!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Youve taken a big step coming here. I would start with walking,start small work your way up.You can still eat better for cheap,it may not be perfect of all natural,but with your budget i would concetrate on calories and staying under a decent number first.
    canned veggies are pretty cheap or big bags of frozen.
    If you have an aldies near you they are a cheap grocery store.Even the 99 cent stores have started carrying produce and such.

    Good luck to you on your journey!!! You will find many people here who will have your back!:heart: