I weight more than 500 lbs.... story inside



  • candicemaechling
    candicemaechling Posts: 152 Member
    First of all good luck on your journey you can do this as for the eating better on a budget me and the hubby spend far less not eating out we haven't had fast food since December. Water great option vs anything else its free :) I buy chicken breast in bulk and freeze in portions of what I would need out for one meal you can get it in bulk at our walmart for under $2 a pound get the fruits and veggie that are on sale that week.
  • krisnic0525
    krisnic0525 Posts: 14
    I just wanted to congratulate you for taking the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Remember, you can do this. You are worth this. MFP is a very supportive environment. We struggle and celebrate together. Good luck on your journey. Take it one day at a time and enjoy the path to a new you.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Welcome John!!

    Someone who lost a bunch of weight asked me once what I thought the big difference was between myself and him? I had a long list I blurted off to him.

    He said "I did it"

    Sounded stupid and kinda pissed me off at the time. I was pushing 70 pounds overweight and thought he was going to give me some super secret code I did not know.

    So I found MFP and started to DO IT. Small steps........literally! Due to an auto accident and resulting injury I had lain in bed for a year. The weight was the least of my worries.

    I walked to the corner. 8 houses down, then 8 houses back. Sweating, crying, feeling helpless and hopeless, but I did it.

    Further and further I walked. Faster and faster I walked. Walked......parked in the back of the parking lot and walked. Parked next door to the doctor, and walked. Walked up a flight of stairs...........wow, I did that??????

    Moved, and then moved some more. Now to others, maybe being able to get out of bed without rolling is not an issue, but for me it was.

    The first day my body LIFTED me I was amazed! I got out of bed without rolling to my side, holding onto the table, grunting like a very old old person..........who was this new person and HOW did it happen?

    I did it.

    Make small changes and I PROMISE you will NOT be sorry! I promise!!!

    YOU are worth it.

    I cannot wait to see you on this journey. :flowerforyou:
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    You are in the right place...MFP will give you inspiration and support. As far as walking...I lost a bunch of weight walking and doing basic exercise at my home (Power90). I found that when I made the choice to change my life style. I adjusted my food choices...same budget, different foods. Friend me if you like, I'm here to help if I can. Ray
  • Winged_Victory
    Thank you for sharing your story! You're going to do this thing! :-) Here's some ideas for eating on a budget:

    Check out the bulk bin at the grocery store. Lots of grains like rice, noodles, and oatmeal!

    Dry beans are pretty cheap and easy to make into a meal, but do take advance planning so you remember to soak them. Canned beans are not as cheap, but still pretty inexpensive. Check out your grocery store's weekly circular (often available online!) and stock up on canned beans when they are on sale.

    I have found lentils are a great dried legume to have on hand. Very versatile and easy to cook. My favorite is to cook them together with onions, peas, garlic, and curry powder, yum :-)

    Corn meal is pretty inexpensive and makes a great meal option. Just cook it in some water and you can eat it as a hot cereal, or chill it after you cook and it will firm up. You can slice it up for use later and heat it in a pan. I like it with salsa and black beans on top!

    I'd pick up a bag of white rice (Basmati is my favorite) and brown rice. Brown rice is healthier, but takes longer to cook so it's handy to have the white around if you want to whip up something quickly.

    Pick up fresh veggies that last a long time (e.g. carrots, potatoes, cabbage) and frozen veggies... I find that ensures there are always veggies on hand and you don't end up wasting your money on something by not eating it on time. Get a piece of fresh ginger, cut it into pieces, and freeze the pieces. Take a piece out and slice it up or shred it to use in stir fry... veggies+rice+ginger+soy sauce+ a little vinegar=tasty, cheap, and healthy dinner!

    I would suggest a cookbook with easy recipes in it (pick up a book used for a lower price, or borrow from the library for free to see if you like it!) This will make meal planning much easier and help you focus on what you need to buy at the store.

    I have and recommend "The Student's Vegetarian Cookbook" by Carole Raymond. I do not think the book is just for students or vegetarians! It has great info on foods and a sample staple shopping list. The recipes are easy, and most are pretty budget-friendly... you can always add a piece of meat to a recipe if you like :-) I take notes in the book on if I liked a recipe and any modifications I made to it. I tab the recipes I am going to try during the week!
  • Nikki_856
    Nikki_856 Posts: 29
    Hi John!

    I don't have many tips besides do what you can when you can and try to push yourself. Welcome and good luck we are all rooting for you!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! You're going to do this thing! :-) Here's some ideas for eating on a budget:

    Check out the bulk bin at the grocery store. Lots of grains like rice, noodles, and oatmeal!

    Dry beans are pretty cheap and easy to make into a meal, but do take advance planning so you remember to soak them. Canned beans are not as cheap, but still pretty inexpensive. Check out your grocery store's weekly circular (often available online!) and stock up on canned beans when they are on sale.

    I have found lentils are a great dried legume to have on hand. Very versatile and easy to cook. My favorite is to cook them together with onions, peas, garlic, and curry powder, yum :-)

    Corn meal is pretty inexpensive and makes a great meal option. Just cook it in some water and you can eat it as a hot cereal, or chill it after you cook and it will firm up. You can slice it up for use later and heat it in a pan. I like it with salsa and black beans on top!

    I'd pick up a bag of white rice (Basmati is my favorite) and brown rice. Brown rice is healthier, but takes longer to cook so it's handy to have the white around if you want to whip up something quickly.

    Pick up fresh veggies that last a long time (e.g. carrots, potatoes, cabbage) and frozen veggies... I find that ensures there are always veggies on hand and you don't end up wasting your money on something by not eating it on time. Get a piece of fresh ginger, cut it into pieces, and freeze the pieces. Take a piece out and slice it up or shred it to use in stir fry... veggies+rice+ginger+soy sauce+ a little vinegar=tasty, cheap, and healthy dinner!

    I would suggest a cookbook with easy recipes in it (pick up a book used for a lower price, or borrow from the library for free to see if you like it!) This will make meal planning much easier and help you focus on what you need to buy at the store.

    I have and recommend "The Student's Vegetarian Cookbook" by Carole Raymond. I do not think the book is just for students or vegetarians! It has great info on foods and a sample staple shopping list. The recipes are easy, and most are pretty budget-friendly... you can always add a piece of meat to a recipe if you like :-) I take notes in the book on if I liked a recipe and any modifications I made to it. I tab the recipes I am going to try during the week!

    My friend goes to the "almost bad" bin at the grocery store and gets veggies for the night. it is her inspiration for dinner. I will be doing this soon, so let's see what I can eat on $25 a week!!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    I'm sending you a kiss :smooched: . BTW- My husband had never had a serious girlfriend, or anyone he even dated more than twice before we were married. I LOVED that about him. No one saw the treasure in him that I did, and I never had a need to be jealous of old girlfriends being around. He loved me, and only me. It was a bonus. We've been married for 15 years now and have two great kids. So your past may be a bonus to whomever you end up with too!

    How did you hear about My Fitness Pal? I'm curious only because it has changed my life, and I think that it is a huge blessing that you are here. First off... you CAN do this, with little money, and even little effort. It's not as big a deal as I had always thought it was. I tried so many times before, unsuccessfully... giving up or losing, then gaining back. The old story.

    1) A secret to keeping the costs down on healthy foods... Make what you buy as soon as you buy it, then freeze them in individual containers, labeled with a marker and tape, so you can reheat them as you need them. You can even put them in ziplocs that you wash and reuse. Another secret is planning your meals for the week before you get to the store. And try not to use those free services where the store buys for you... they bring the produce that's been sitting on the shelf the longest. Lastly, be willing to try new fruits and veggies... Buy the ones on sale on their flier... and freeze them to last.

    2) You have access to the computer obviously, so you can google ideas too: But here's a start; walking, jumping jacks (I'm up to two minutes straight... very hard), push ups, leg lifts, crunches, jogging in place, squats, weight lifting (from cans of soup to gallon jugs filled with water) but google for proper techniques so you don't hurt yourself, dancing, steps (either up and down four of your steps, or just using the bottom step).

    If you really want to change, you can and you will. Here's an important step though... log in each day especially if you "blew it". Remember no one here is judging you... We are here to help one another. Just reading what others are going through is motivating since you don't feel alone. Those of us who were, or are, morbidly obese (and others too) totally know how vulnerable you feel. I felt hopeful, but not sure I could do it. I now know I can, and I know you can too. It's just a constant reconditioning of your relationship with food. Food is for nourishment, for pleasure too... but NOT for comfort and NOT to pass time, or fill a void. When you come across whatever struggle you are facing, don't retreat back into your apartment, PLEASE, just get on MFP and mention what you are feeling or struggling with. So many of us are going through the same thing. Some of us have found solutions that might also work for you.

    I'm so happy for you! I wish you success and a new start to rebuilding your life, and in finding out all the things that make you worthy and special. You have a purpose in this life, and abilities that are just waiting to be discovered. It's a journey, almost like an adventure. It can be fun, and it's certainly rewarding! You are worth it!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Welcome John!!

    Someone who lost a bunch of weight asked me once what I thought the big difference was between myself and him? I had a long list I blurted off to him.

    He said "I did it"

    Sounded stupid and kinda pissed me off at the time. I was pushing 70 pounds overweight and thought he was going to give me some super secret code I did not know.

    So I found MFP and started to DO IT. Small steps........literally! Due to an auto accident and resulting injury I had lain in bed for a year. The weight was the least of my worries.

    I walked to the corner. 8 houses down, then 8 houses back. Sweating, crying, feeling helpless and hopeless, but I did it.

    Further and further I walked. Faster and faster I walked. Walked......parked in the back of the parking lot and walked. Parked next door to the doctor, and walked. Walked up a flight of stairs...........wow, I did that??????

    Moved, and then moved some more. Now to others, maybe being able to get out of bed without rolling is not an issue, but for me it was.

    The first day my body LIFTED me I was amazed! I got out of bed without rolling to my side, holding onto the table, grunting like a very old old person..........who was this new person and HOW did it happen?

    I did it.

    Make small changes and I PROMISE you will NOT be sorry! I promise!!!

    YOU are worth it.

    I cannot wait to see you on this journey. :flowerforyou:

    Wow - such amazing determination! And look where it got you...fantastic! :smile:
  • denacutrone
    denacutrone Posts: 63
    by coming on here you have taken a huge step towards your goals! this is an amazing place to come for support and if you need to vent because we all understand!
    something that helps us with a tight food budget is planning meals a week at a time that way i make my grocery list out and know what i need instead of roaming the store and randomly shopping. also frozen veggies! much cheaper than fresh produce and keeps longer!
    friend me if you would like
    keep at it dont give up!!!!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    There are SO many good ideas and people here who are willing to support you - and this is the very hard part, I imagine - simply accept you where you are. NONE of us are "success stories" by ourselves - we are ALL here because we can't be a success without support, and that means people who see you and hear you on the up days as well as the down days.

    So welcome, and I hope you post often. The only advice I can give you BE HONEST HERE and tell us what's going on. We are not perfect - we are only human, JUST LIKE YOU.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I understand about food costs. I am a single mom to four kids and feeding them can cost a fortune at times! I used to think that all healthy food was too expensive, but I feel differently about that now. Do you have an Aldi's near you? They have really improved in quality and have some great items from their "fit n active" line that are very inexpensive. I now do a lot of my shopping there. As far as exercise goes, walking is great. In the beginning, walking is probably the best thing for you to do. Remember Jared from those Subway commercials? He did tons of walking and I believe he was close to 500 pounds in the beginning. Someone mentioned Leslie Sansone videos. I love her! If you can't buy one of her dvds, though, you can rent them on Netflix, or if you have satellite or AT&T U-Verse, she has some of her videos on the "on demand" section. Run a search for her name on your system, and hopefully some videos will pop up.

    I just want to say welcome to MFP. This is such a great place and it really does work if you stick with it. It's going to take as long as it's going to take, but you'll get there, my friend. I would be proud to walk this journey with you. :flowerforyou:
  • rosiedoes
    rosiedoes Posts: 84 Member
    One thing I eat a lot of, especially in summer, is vegetables such as courgettes, aubergines and bell peppers cooked in a tin (or two, depending on how much you're making) of chopped tomatoes. Sometimes I add a can or so of butter beans or kidney beans for protein, sometimes I part-boil a couple of chopped potatoes and then finish them off cooking in the tomato sauce.

    The only seasonings you really need are salt, pepper, dried herbs and garlic - although I like to add a stock cube or some anchovy paste.

    Altogether, it's a nice, mediterranean-style stew, you can add some chicken to it if you choose, and it's delicious hot or cold - a batch will happily sit in the fridge for a couple of days, or works just fine frozen and then reheated. If you need some carbs for the day, have some crusty wholemeal bread with it.

    Above all else, even if you're reluctant, WALK. I promise you, just walk a little every day and you'll start to find it easier and easier. I lost 8lbs in two weeks doing no exercise other than walking home from work a few times a week.

    You can do it!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    welcome! as you can see you will get tons of support here. Really REALLY nice people who only want to help you achieve your goals.

    Trying to figure out what to eat will probably be challenging enough for you for the first few weeks. Log everything, it will help you keep track and figure out when your binge times are. I try to eat every four hours, even if I am not hungry, so I don't end up starving and then eating the wrong thing.

    I would stick with walking for now. Walk twice a day. Even if it's only a block. Don't push yourself --you didn't gain this overnight and it will be a long haul. Be patient and kind to yourself.

    Lots of people are already friending you and thinking good thoughts....You Can Do This!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    You can do it!! lots of support here!!!
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Don't give up. Your in the right place to start changing your life and get a future back. Do you have a YMCA near you? They give assistance for those with low income for a membership to a gym. You have to want to change and if you put your mind to it you can do this. I will send you a friend request.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Here's an inspiration for you--he lost over 300 lbs, and his story sounds a lot like yours.

  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Buying and cooking healthy food is not that expensive - eggs are a cheap source of decent protein and veggies like carrots or green beans can be roasted with a little olive oil and seasoning and make a good alternative to chips (fries). Eat a lot of good protein, walk, walk and walk more! Log everything, EVERYTHING, be totally honest, keep your diary private if you feel having an open diary will make this difficult. You can and will lose weight if you choose to! x Best of luck!
  • questhaven
    questhaven Posts: 109 Member
    You can totally do this! There are tons of free exercise options out there - walking, hiking, yoga - just these three things alone will totally transform your body. Once you decide you are dedicated to changing your life then nothing can stop you! Good luck and feel free to add me for some extra support.
  • 28848
    28848 Posts: 32 Member
    This appears to be an old thread...doesn anyone know what happened to him?