What yucky behaviour do you see at the gym?



  • TentionSpeak
    Yesterday there was a guy blowing farts out one after another while doing leg presses. Like, the last thing you need to breathe in when you're out of breath is his anal air.

    I came across someone's pile of toe nail clippings on the bench in the locker room once. WTF?

    OMG i hate that. So annoying. I also hate when the guys crack shows while on those bikes. Gross!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Naked locker room women dont bother me, cause that's what I expect to see in a locker room, but I'd like it if they put a towel down on the bench before they sit their naked butts down on them - cause other people use those same benches and would prefer not to have butt remains on them :-)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I guess I come from more conservative standards, but I really dont need to see naked women in the locker room. I mean big, small, fat, skinny, shaved, unshaved... really?? I dont need to know ALL about you and your body. I guess good for you for not being shy to strip completely in front of strangers, but take it to a club and make some ones, because I am sure not throwing them your way!! :)

    One time when i was in the locker room, a naked woman asked me if i knoticed bug bites on her body, as if to check her out, wander if shes gay??? not that i have anything against gay people, its that i felt so uncomfortable at that moment, i barely, (No pun intended), glanced her way and said no.

    Frankly, I don't think a "gay" woman would have come at you like that...but if you were uncomfortable looking at another woman's body why not tell her; So, why go in the locker room at all if you have sensitivities about looking at neckked women?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Frankly, I don't think a "gay" woman would have come at you like that...but if you were uncomfortable looking at another woman's body why not tell her; So, why go in the locker room at all if you have sensitivities about looking at neckked women?

    Yeah, that. I don't dare go into a locker room. I come to the gym already dressed & ready to rock n roll. I can't even stand being naked in my own bathroom-- why in the world would I want to be around other naked women? LOL The thought totally freaks me out.
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    Yesterday there was a guy blowing farts out one after another while doing leg presses. Like, the last thing you need to breathe in when you're out of breath is his anal air.

    I came across someone's pile of toe nail clippings on the bench in the locker room once. WTF?

  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Generally a little annoying behavious though not always "yucky" lol.

    A lot of not wiping down.

    I sometimes do a body pump class (weights) and there is this one guy that always wears lycra shorts and sweats down his bum crack so they go a bit see through. I have to avoid standing behind him haha.

    There are signs in the aerobics studios saying that you need to leave bags in lockers and only bring in locker keys, towels and water bottles because of lack of room. Still people bring big bags in and put them right in the way. Or they put their water bottle in the middle of the room, even though the instructor always asks them not too.

    Oh and one my boyfriend told me about. A guy in his locker room always has to use the hairdryer on his pubic hair...:noway:
  • KaizokuNoMaiku
    Not all yucky some just annoying and/or weird.

    People not cleaning the machine's or equipment they use.
    Urine on the floor/wall rather then the toilet ( Guys locker room ).
    People that have to small/thight pants and then share there ''asscrack'' with the world during exercise.
    People you say hello to out of courtesy and then they follow you around the Gym all day long.
    People that ''stink'', now ofc everyone can have a busy day and wont have time to shower at home but there are free showers at my Gym so just jump in 2 min before you workout if needed c'mon.

    Also got a girl ''stalking'' me at the Gym she keeps getting on the machine next to me or basicly follows me around and when I confront her she will say its not intentional but last week when I changed from the cardio to strenght room and back like 5 times ( our Gym is devided into 2 big rooms 1 for cardio 1 for strenght ) she followed me still......
    Now I dont mind it to much but dont start to deny it or at least have a normal talk with me dont just follow me around all creepy like =P

    Also annoying are the wanna be awesome bodybuilder types that have no idea what they are doing like lifting weights with bad form and not working there muscle groups decently or stupid discussions about having a shake before or after your workout
    ( ITS A MEAL REPLACEMENT !!!!! Only if you are unable to eat normal foods witch are bttr for you should you take a shake/bar if its time to eat again witch should be every 2,5 to 3 hours).
  • justkelley
    justkelley Posts: 53
    The big bulky muscley men who wear basically like booty shorts and ripped tank tops. The old pervy men checking out the women. The skinnier girl who gets next to me on the elliptical/treadmill, looks at my resistance/speed and proceeds to go at a higher faster pace and then continues to check my progress to make sure i'm still the fatty and she's still the "better" skinny girl. The people who let out those silent but DEADLY farts. And without fail....I only smell it when I'm trying to take a deep breath in.
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Not all yucky some just annoying and/or weird.

    People not cleaning the machine's or equipment they use.
    Urine on the floor/wall rather then the toilet ( Guys locker room ).
    People that have to small/thight pants and then share there ''asscrack'' with the world during exercise.
    People you say hello to out of courtesy and then they follow you around the Gym all day long.
    People that ''stink'', now ofc everyone can have a busy day and wont have time to shower at home but there are free showers at my Gym so just jump in 2 min before you workout if needed c'mon.

    Also got a girl ''stalking'' me at the Gym she keeps getting on the machine next to me or basicly follows me around and when I confront her she will say its not intentional but last week when I changed from the cardio to strenght room and back like 5 times ( our Gym is devided into 2 big rooms 1 for cardio 1 for strenght ) she followed me still......
    Now I dont mind it to much but dont start to deny it or at least have a normal talk with me dont just follow me around all creepy like =P

    Also annoying are the wanna be awesome bodybuilder types that have no idea what they are doing like lifting weights with bad form and not working there muscle groups decently or stupid discussions about having a shake before or after your workout
    ( ITS A MEAL REPLACEMENT !!!!! Only if you are unable to eat normal foods witch are bttr for you should you take a shake/bar if its time to eat again witch should be every 2,5 to 3 hours).

    Hahaha, unlucky with the weird stalker! Nice to feel wanted eh?

    There is also a girl at my gym that wears teeny tiny shorts. Fine except she does floor work without underwear. Yes i know this, as does everyone else in the gym because the short legs don't cover her. Now that is attractive
  • Hazelhaze05
    Hazelhaze05 Posts: 85 Member
    The not cleaning the machines has to be #1

    But, a close 2nd is I can't stand it when people go to the gym just to look pretty lol The girls that go there with long hair, you know they have to be sweaty and gross,but they wont put it up. The guys that look like they are ready for a night out just standing at the one machine by the track where everyone runs/walks by lol
  • Hazelhaze05
    Hazelhaze05 Posts: 85 Member
    * I'm definitely all for eye candy(even the guys should have some too lol). Just find it annoying when it's after work and the machines are full, but you have a bunch of people who don't even want to sweat taking up the machine lol
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Haha... this topic makes me laugh... mainly cause when I use to go to a gym (I just run around outside or do stuff in school now) people would normally do weird things like they were in their own little world... haha!

    This isn't really a behavior... but it was weird... this one older woman (I won't lie... she totally was a cougar to the max!!!) she had her makeup and hair all done (like a prostitute haha) just to come do provocative poses for all the 20 year old guys... it made me laugh... but still was a little weird to see a cougar on the prowl...
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I'm SO glad my basement is my gym and I can grunt and sing and sweat all I want!! LOL and I NEVER wipe my sweat on my hands or shirt, always on my towel....

    OMFG this thread is making me giggle and want to vomit at the same time. LOL!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Oh I hate this! When I'm trying to get my workout done and happen to glance toward the mirror, there is always the same dude in his underwear doing the same dang excersize as me. I thought this would stop when I built the home gym.. but nooo!! The moron follows me everywhere! Sheesh!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Oh I hate this! When I'm trying to get my workout done and happen to glance toward the mirror, there is always the same dude in his underwear doing the same dang excersize as me. I thought this would stop when I built the home gym.. but nooo!! The moron follows me everywhere! Sheesh!

    Bwhahahahahaha Its story like these that make me glad I don't have a gym to go to..But I do miss strength training in a gym.
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    I guess I come from more conservative standards, but I really dont need to see naked women in the locker room. I mean big, small, fat, skinny, shaved, unshaved... really?? I dont need to know ALL about you and your body. I guess good for you for not being shy to strip completely in front of strangers, but take it to a club and make some ones, because I am sure not throwing them your way!! :)

    One time when i was in the locker room, a naked woman asked me if i knoticed bug bites on her body, as if to check her out, wander if shes gay??? not that i have anything against gay people, its that i felt so uncomfortable at that moment, i barely, (No pun intended), glanced her way and said no.

    Frankly, I don't think a "gay" woman would have come at you like that...but if you were uncomfortable looking at another woman's body why not tell her; So, why go in the locker room at all if you have sensitivities about looking at neckked women?

    Its not that i have a problem with seeing anyone naked it was just what she said, that made me uncomfortable.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I once had a naked woman ask me if I had a spare tampon in the change room. That was...awkward.
  • Satya_Ayurveda
    Satya_Ayurveda Posts: 91 Member
    Where to begin?!?! There is always the not so stealth fart machine on the elliptical that happens to be on either side of me from time to time. Fun! I once saw an older man wearing shorty shorts and nothing underneath doing some very risque stretching and dragging his meatballs across the gym floor. That was quite special. Just the other day I saw a man in spin class wearing a helmet. Safety first! Gotta love the HUGE chick that shows up to zumba wearing TIGHT jeans and her butt crack that makes an appearance up to her neck, because of course she is wearing just her jeans and a sports bra. God help us all. Her source of hydration you ask? A 2 liter bottle of coke. This is JUST 24 Hour Fitness...not land o' freaks!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Yesterday there was a guy blowing farts out one after another while doing leg presses. Like, the last thing you need to breathe in when you're out of breath is his anal air.

    I came across someone's pile of toe nail clippings on the bench in the locker room once. WTF?


    It's not farts!!!!! It's rocket assist! All the cool kids do it......
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    People who don`t wipe the machines.I think it`s very disgusting.