Someone please reassure me



  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Just an update:

    I weighed myself this morning, and it wasn't bad AT ALL! I was shocked to see that after throwing my program out the window for 3 days, I weighed in at only 1 pound heavier than my lowest weight since starting MFP.

    It makes me wonder if being in better shape actually causes your body to handle the treats a little more efficiently. I am not saying I could eat like that every day or do 3 days off every week - but, I think that my body doesn't hold onto every single carb and gain weight as easily as it used to. Must be when your body is at a healthy weight, that your insulin production is not as wacky or something??

    Now, I am getting back on program today - the diet gods have been merciful with me, and I am not going to blow this second chance.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    the diet gods have been merciful with me, and I am not going to blow this second chance.

    Nah, nothing to do with diet gods (unless you are talking about moi) and everything to do with your body behaving normally.

    You have lost 36lbs. Lets assume that is all fat. 1lb of fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories (it's more like 3,600 in reality.)

    36lbs x 3,500 calories per lb = 126,000 calorie deficit.

    To gain back everything you had lost in 3 days that is the amount of calories you would have had to eat, over your MAINTENANCE level of calories as opposed to you deficit level. Did you do that? Of course not.

    Now, lets say your maintenance level of calories is 1,800 per day but over three days you eat say 3,000 per day due to stress. That is a daily excess of 1,200. 1,200 x 3 = 3,600 = 1lb increase.

    Did you really eat 3,000 calories per day, every day, over that period? I highly doubt it. In reality that 1lb increase is probably mostly water and a tiny amount of fat. Of course, if you keep over consuming the weight will creep back on but I doubt you will do that.

    I hope the above illustrates why, if you are mostly consistent, that a blip here or there will not harm your progress to any degree unless you make that a blip an issue and fall of your programme completely. I hope it also illustrates to others that you don't have to be perfect, just good most of the time. If you want a treat every so often or a free meal every week then go for it....
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I always forget about the difference between maintenance cals and the deficit-set cals... Good point!
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