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  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Tonight's WOD was Fran. I hate pullups.

  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I'm back!!! Or at least I did my first WOD today in the last 2 months. I got into a car accident and had to take a rest. I did not worry about my time, I was more concerned with finishing without irritating my back.

    4 rounds for time:
    400m run (I had to sub with 500m row)
    21 Wall Balls (14lbs for women, I did 8lbs)
    15 ring dips, modified with bands on rings
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My question is about pull-ups. No way in heck I can even do one, I've tried. I know that they are modified for beginners, and that it involves resistance bands somehow, but could anyone explain how that works?

    My box doesn't allow them. they suggest scaling: ring row|supine ring row|negatives|jumping pull up (hold) and practicing your kipping technique. I'm pretty strong but cannot pull up for the life of me... 18 months later and still can't pull up. They are the bane of my CF existence.
    I bought my own bands and can do 4 assisted pull ups using the band, but my box prefers I don't use them during my class... only on my own time after WOD's or open gym.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm back!!! Or at least I did my first WOD today in the last 2 months. I got into a car accident and had to take a rest. I did not worry about my time, I was more concerned with finishing without irritating my back.

    Welcome back! Sounds like a hard but good WOD. Good for you for finishing.
  • FindingTotalHealth
    I joined crossfit 2 months ago. I'm just looking for friends who "get it". I think my friends and family are getting tired of hearing about my time at the box. Haven't been in almost a week and starting to feel guilty/crabby. Hoping to go tonight.

    My name is Jenn. I'm 29 and live in TN. Feel free to friend me, if I haven't already stalked you and tried to friend you.

  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I joined crossfit 2 months ago. I'm just looking for friends who "get it". I think my friends and family are getting tired of hearing about my time at the box.

    My husband is tired of hearing about CrossFit as well, I think. I come home and I tell him what I've done and why [legs/arms/butt/shoulders/abs] are so sore. I think he tunes me out now.
  • snkeller24
    Tonight's WOD was Fran. I hate pullups.


    That's a great time! How much weight on Thrusters? I have yet to do Fran ... I feel like I can't say I CrossFit until I have a Fran time haha
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Tonight's WOD was Fran. I hate pullups.


    That's a great time! How much weight on Thrusters? I have yet to do Fran ... I feel like I can't say I CrossFit until I have a Fran time haha

    I did 45lbs on the thrusters. It was the first time I've done thrusters with an O-bar instead of dumbbells. Normally I would do 2 20lbs DBs. I found it a lot easier with the O-bar and probably could have done more weight.

    I can't do pullups, so I was jumping from a box and trying to lower myself down slowly. Slowly is relative, and by the end there wasn't much slow at all, but I was still doing it and definitely felt it the next day. I feel like it will get easier as I 1) get stronger and 2) lose more weight. I've still got about 24 to my initial goal weight.
  • snkeller24
    Pull ups are tough, I still can't do them without a band, strict or kipping. It's that whole pulling myself up I can't get. I have a nice kip and get height but can't finish it. Keep working!
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Kipping is fine! Good job!

    I got to do a bit of a CF work out tonight for the first time really since my first (actually second, but first this year) shoulder surgery in June fb another in Aug! I miss it SOOOO bad! Did basically 1 arm rowing 1000 meters, ran 800 meters, sit-ups, Ys, Ts, Ws, & Ls; Parts of SAM/HAM (ltd due to shoulder), & marching bridges fb walking about 25 min! Love my CrossFit family & really miss the WODs but mostly the camaraderie! I WILL be back, it's just gonna take some time!!!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Kipping is fine! Good job!

    I got to do a bit of a CF work out tonight for the first time really since my first (actually second, but first this year) shoulder surgery in June fb another in Aug! I miss it SOOOO bad! Did basically 1 arm rowing 1000 meters, ran 800 meters, sit-ups, Ys, Ts, Ws, & Ls; Parts of SAM/HAM (ltd due to shoulder), & marching bridges fb walking about 25 min! Love my CrossFit family & really miss the WODs but mostly the camaraderie! I WILL be back, it's just gonna take some time!!!

    At my box there is a girl with a birth defect causing her to basically have only one arm. She is amazing to watch. There are a lot of things you can do without using your recovering shoulder.

    (When we did FGB6, I was right behind her in the rotation. I was giving it my all, but she was blowing me out of the water.)
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Ugh. Yesterday was a rough one. I'm quite sore this morning.

    Skill: dead hang pull ups
    * 10 dead hang
    * 10 left mixed
    * 10 right mixed
    * 10 reverse
    * 10 narrow grip

    I used the green band and a box. I'm getting better, but still a long way from being able to do these on my own. I'm definitely feeling it my arms and my lats today.

    1:1 x 5 Thrusters, score is least done in round
    I wanted to be consistent, so I aimed for 10. I had trouble in the third round, so I wound up with a 9. I used 45lbs.
  • jell52
    jell52 Posts: 15
    We did Barbara Yesterday. 38:13 It was a tough one.

    I'm not feeling too bad yet but I know the soreness is going start soon.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Still healing from back injury so I am subbing a lot of stuff.. Sure does feel good to MOVE! :-)

    5 rounds for time:
    7 squat cleans (I subbed medicine ball cleans, 20lb)
    14 kb swings 1 pood

    around 10 minutes or so, I forgot to grab my time.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    extremely modified...
    5 rounds
    30 OH walking lunges 25lbs (I did one round with 10lb then had to do no weight)
    20 medicine ball cleans 14lb (I did 12lb, not enough 14lb balls and I was not going for 20lb)
    10 Toes 2 Bar (swapped for Knees 2 Elbows)

    Oy, my back was not happy with me after this one. A lot of mobility afterwards helped tremendously!
  • HeatherFeather10
    Lift - Deadlift - 175 lbs.

    WOD: AMRAP 12 minutes - 5 toes to bar, 10 TGU (5 a side), 15 Box Jumps - almost did 3 rounds (10 box jumps short!)

    Cash out: 500 metre row - 2.16 seconds
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Had to come here to drink the Kool-Aid after responding to negative comments re: CrossFit on another thread. It's not for everyone, so true... Loving being back at CF after a looonnng, unavoidable break!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Here is a good article about Crossfit that point out some issues that your local Crossfit gym probably won't tell you

    Of course it is up to you, but I would not recommend staying on the Paleo diet that many Crossfit coaches push for long. Whole grains and beans are an important part of our nutrition, and when you take them out of your diet, you might be missing some important nutrients. Besides, archeologists around the world have discovered that our ancestors have been eating grains and beans for as long as humans have been farming -- which was pretty close to the stone age.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    This thread is so cool! Great idea :)

    Okay, I'm hopping on a bit late, so here goes (I added some of my own fields):

    Where you live: Chicago!
    Time CF'ing: Six months
    Nutrition Plan: Paleo template (aka, I make my own adjustments. Also do one or two non paleo meals a week)

    Favorite lift - either back squat or overhead squat (I'm weird I know)
    I also love snatches, but they intimidate me as well.

    Other thoughts/what I'm doing:
    - I LOVE our goal setting meetings with the coaches. I have a check-in in 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months.
    Highlighted goal: do all bodyweight movements without assistance in the workouts
    -Yoga, mobility, boxing, and endurance class at the box
    -Games training group. I LOVE this. Two days a week I go in an additional time in the evening. We get 'homework' and also have a skill focus of the week. Definitely a great time. Skills so far have been double unders, rope climb and hand stands.
    -Olympic lifting and power lifting classes are coming. I think I'm going to join the olympic lifting group. How exciting - an entire hour dedicated to breaking down the lifts in itty bitty detail. We actually already do quite a bit of this anyhow, but it should be fun to have an extra focus on it.
    -Let's talk about how in love I am with Wendler 5 3 1. The wedding colors are picked out already. I love the idea of rarely ever lifting your max, and systemically working at percentages of it to increase. I've added over 50lbs to my squat from this!
    -Programming. Our coaches do their own programming for us. It is stinkin' brilliant! This article is from another box, but I feel we have a very similar approach Our owners put tons of thought and effort into our programming and it shows. Their college degrees and other experience in the field certainly shows.

    There is something that feels seriously magical about realizing that your potential far surpasses anything you ever imagined. I move slowly. I don't add weight quickly. (My coaches wouldn't let me anyhow!) But without sounding too conceited I amaze myself every month. I never thought I genetically could be this fit. I love being forced to check my ego at the door, and the humility that crossfit has given me. It's a great place - humble, yet exceeding any expectations you had about your own body. It's a delicate balance that crossfit has given me.

    I'm glad a found a quality, affordable place that works for me :) I hope everyone finds what works for them.

    Oh, and most exciting is that I shaved a minute thirty off my mile time... without ever running a mile! The half and full marathons this year should be seeing some PRs :)
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I forgot one more thing that I really value in Crossfit

    When I started, I was ALWAYS the last person to finish. Dead. Stinkin'. Last. Every time. By minutes. I used to be so insecure about my shortcomings in PE class and it was embarrassing here. But here, it isn't. There is no pressure - just come in and give what you can. No more, no less. How cool is that? And yet people would cheer me on and encourage me.

    What's really cool, is you don't stay dead last at everything for long. We use such different skills that as you get fit everyone is going to have strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes I'm still the last one done, but sometimes I'm the first. When I'm last, I often have friends who have already finished that will come and finish with me. And when my friends are last, I will go and run their last lap with them. Even going to a competition - everyone is rooting for each other, even the people they're up against. I played sports as I child, and I never was on a team like this (I'm sure they exist, but I never found one!)