Greek Yogurt - thank you MFP!



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    For those of you with texture issues-- do you not like pudding either? Cuz I think Greek yogurt (at least chobani & fage) are very pudding like :)

    What do you mean by pudding? To me (in the UK) pudding means anything sweet you have after a meal. Often stodgy with sponge and custard.
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    I had never tried greek yogurt until I read it here on MFP...I was curious and wanted to see what all the fuss was about and I got instantly hooked...My favorites are Chobani Pineapple, Peach and Dannon Honey...I remeber when I first opened up the container, i just raised an eyebrow at how it looked and assumed i was not going to like it, and now I have one every day, usually for breakfast around 9am along w/another piece of fruit like a banana, pear, apple and it holds me pretty good all the way til lunch time which is around 2pm for me...
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    For those of you with texture issues-- do you not like pudding either? Cuz I think Greek yogurt (at least chobani & fage) are very pudding like :)

    What do you mean by pudding? To me (in the UK) pudding means anything sweet you have after a meal. Often stodgy with sponge and custard.

    American pudding. LIke instant Jello
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    For those of you with texture issues-- do you not like pudding either? Cuz I think Greek yogurt (at least chobani & fage) are very pudding like :)

    What do you mean by pudding? To me (in the UK) pudding means anything sweet you have after a meal. Often stodgy with sponge and custard.

    American pudding. LIke instant Jello

    We don't have Jello either! Is that like jelly?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    No. It's like a thick mousse, I guess you'd call it. Somewhere between baked custard and chocolate mousse. Does that help at all? :)
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I only like Greek Yogurt for the texture because it is thicker (texture for me). It is more sour than regualr yogurt and I add splenda packets to mine or to a fruit smoothie.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No. It's like a thick mousse, I guess you'd call it. Somewhere between baked custard and chocolate mousse. Does that help at all? :)

    I love our cultural differences!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    LOL. Just looked it up. Apparently the closest thing is something called banana custard

    here's a pic of what I'm talking about:
  • dennypup
    dennypup Posts: 105 Member
    I first tried it in recipes, then I tried it on it's own and much prefered it over regular yogurt. I eat it plain with splenda, sometimes I have it with fruit but just as often not. It's a matter of taste so I agree with other posters if you don't like it don't make yourself eat it! I mean I can't stand cottage cheese unless it's in a jello salad with crushed pineapple, so I don't care how much my friends like it I ain't eatin it! I think the reason some of us rave over it is because it has so much protein and is very versatile as a swap for sour cream, (some of us really do LOVE the taste and texture too!)

    BTW I did NOT enjoy Yoplaits Greek yogurt, I buy Fage fat free.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    LOVE Chobani!
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    I had a bad taste to one, my friend loves them but she says it's an acquired taste.. I'm tempted to try different brands
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    My favorite so far is Greek Gods plain, full fat. I put strawberries, blueberries, coconut or granola on it. Tried almond butter mixed in a few days ago and that was awesome. Also I have recently started using it in place of sour cream because I was out, and I think it actually tastes better.

    I tried the chobani peach a while back and it was good....but the vanilla one was pretty gross!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    I had a very similar response the first tim I tried it. SO...I still kept hearing and listening to everyone talk about it and I thought Id try again. I bought strawberry chobani (which is made 2 towns southwest of me!) and I added about 2 tablespoons of Kashi go lean... It was WAY better.... well...days pass and I keep trying it...and now that I am used to it, I am addicted. I have tried other brands but nothing compares to Chobani. It is expensive though!
    I at first thought it tasted like yogurt that had gone bad. I think the trick is--- try it a couple times a few days a part and dont eat regular yogurt during this time....then youll like it! lol
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    No. It's like a thick mousse, I guess you'd call it. Somewhere between baked custard and chocolate mousse. Does that help at all? :)

    I love our cultural differences!

    Curious to know, from what country are you?
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    I only like Greek Yogurt for the texture because it is thicker (texture for me). It is more sour than regualr yogurt and I add splenda packets to mine or to a fruit smoothie.

    LOL! @ your ticker photo :laugh:
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Meh I love the stuff. :laugh:
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    really ? I love FAGE ! :drinker:
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    The only type my grocer carries is Athenos and Dannon. Of the two, I prefer the Athenos, and actually bought some this evening. Not all of us have such options, dear friends. :)
  • marulm
    marulm Posts: 26 Member
    It is so easy to make, and less than half the cost of the most expensive ones. Check out
  • Kalhow
    Kalhow Posts: 1 Member
    I HATE it too! I bought a few and did`nt want to waste them, so I started making smoothies with it, and it is good!