New here.. and the task before me is daunting.

xXsweetMiseryXx Posts: 22 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I'm new here, and I'm a little intimidated by the amount of weight I have lose. I've always been a large girl, and when I was 15 or 16, it wasn't that bad. Now, I'm 22 years old and have 3 little boys who are 4 and under. I started out, before I got pregnant, at 190. After all 3 of my kids, I was at 260. Then, I got post partum depression, and food became my best friend. Now, I'm sitting at 295. Recently, I had a health scare where the doctor thought I had diabetes because of my weight. Thankfully that wasn't the case, but it made me come to a realization... I need to lose this weight, or I'm not going to be here to watch my kids grow up. I'm only 5'4", so my current BMI is 50.1. That's morbidly obese, and it scares the crap out of me.

I started my diet and exercise today, and I'm not giving up. I have a family who supports me, a fiance who is willing to do whatever it takes to get me through this, and 3 beautiful little boys who need their mommy.

I've never worn anything below a size 14 in my life. I've never felt good about the way I look. I've never worn a bikini. I've never considered myself "hot", but I want all those things. Because of my emotional attachment to food, this is going to be incredibly difficult for me.

I have 150 - 160 lbs to lose. That's a whole person. I literally want to be half the woman I am now. It's daunting. My parents have given me incentives to lose the weight. My mom has told me that for every 50 lbs I lose, she'll take me on a $150 shopping spree, and my dad said that if I get to 140 lbs like I want to that he will pay for my fiance and I to go to Jamaica. Those are pretty sweet deals, right??

I know it's going to take time and persistence and that it's going to be hard. I just need a little reassurance that this isn't impossible, and to know if there are people out there who have done what I need to.



  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Hey, I started out with a BMI of over 40, with 100lbs to lose. I'm getting there slowly, but I'm getting there! The hardest part is starting, so well done to you :)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    you can do it! That's a great goal and some sweet perks for doing so. My best friend in the world from college was weighing in at 320 -- he now weighs around 180 -- He looks and feels fantastic. I was so proud of him and he hasn't gone back up since. YOu can do it! You have friends here-- make it happen!

    I'll be your friend and motivator!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It's totally possible! As you look around the forums, you will see many folks who have lost over 100 pounds--some even 200!

    When I started here(although I had less to lose) I just logged my food the first week so I could get a handle on what I was actually eating. Then I aimed for one new goal per week or two-staying in calorie goal, cutting some processed foods, eating more veggies or fruit, etc. For me, it was eaiser to try to make one change at a time than it was to try to change everything overnight. Maybe it will be for you as well.

    You can definitely do this. There is a ton of support here in the community, so add some friends, ask questions and share your successes and challenges on the forums, and don't give up!!
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    Your story made me tear up. Someone told me to get a little flip pad and write down each of my goals on a page. I wrote everything from being able to do a quad stretch to lowering my risk of disease. I look at those cards every morning (and sometimes several times a day) to remind me of why I am on this journey. If you make a flip pad, put pictures of your man and your kids in it to help you remember to put the chips down and do something good for yourself!

    You can do it!!!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Wow. You have some pretty good motivators right there though. The hardest part is getting started though. Once you get in a groove, it really is quite easy, but it's always hard work. Good luck to you. I'm getting ready to book a cruise for next year. That's my motivation. Set small goals along the way too!!!
  • SueN113
    SueN113 Posts: 46
    I started at exactly the same place as you. 5' 4" and 295. I too have never been under a size 14/16 and was 200 lbs at age 15. I started with 150 lbs to lose and know it seems impossible, but it is not! I am currently 193 and still working hard to get to 150-160. It has taken me almost 3 years so far. So it is possible, but it is a life long commitment. It takes lots of will power and understanding that it will not come off over night. Good luck, and feel free to add me.
  • spgipson
    spgipson Posts: 20
    I will is a daunting task...BUT you have so much to work towards and the rewards (not just the shopping spree and trip) will be so worth it. Your boys will benefit with a Momma who can play with them and will inspire them that they too can do what they set out to do with determination and heart!!! Once you accomplish this goat you will be unstoppable!!!
  • Take your big goal and blow it up into 200 mini goals. Walking 30 minutes. Check. 1 push up. Check... 1 lb lost. Check check check! Its way less daunting that way. My fiance lost 130# before I met him. He cut everrrrrything out. Plain lettuce with grilled chicken, subway sandwiches, protein drink for dinner. While I dont advocate boring diets (hard to stick to a plain), he has a strong will power. Point of all this is that it's possible and you can do it..
  • ChrisR0128
    ChrisR0128 Posts: 86
    Welcome to MFP. This is probably the greatest free site EVER. facebook......whats that LOL. I have been on here almost 3 months now and have lost almost 40 pounds. I hated exercising, now i run alot (ran 15 miles yesterday). Be honest about your logging food, ask questions, get up and move, add friends to support you (there are days they only people i feel understand me when it comes to getting healthy are here) Best of luck!!!!!! Dont gve up, you ARE worth it!!!!!!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    It's NOT impossible and you've come to the right place. Lots of nice people here ready to cheer you on:smile: Please, don't focus on how much weight you want to lose. That's a daunting hurdle for all of us, and to tell the truth, can be a little scary. Let's look at what you've done successfully today: You've decided you want to lose weight! Well, good for you!:bigsmile: Tomorrow, there will be some other sign of success (for example: you've stayed within your calories limit or you got some exercise). Don't underestimate the day to day challenges you overcome because they are JUST as important as reaching your goal:flowerforyou: It sounds like you have a wonderful support system and that is definitely a bonus. However, no prize is bigger or better than yourself and guess what? You've already won it! Good luck to you!

    I'm sending a friend request.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    You can definitely do it.

    Set yourself goals of 10lbs each, and give yourself a little treat when you reach each one (manicure, new clothes etc). I am looking to lose 82lbs, and that was daunting. I am now 17% of the way there though, and I couldnt be prouder of myself, even though I still have a long way to go.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Welcome! You are on the right track girl. The most important thing and at the top of your list is that you want to be healthy and you have people around you supporting you. Awesome! You will get a lot of support and motivation on's a great site! It will be difficult but if others have done it so can you! It will get easier as time progresses. It can be done!

    I agree with most...break down your major goal into mini-goals and it won't seem as daunting. :happy: You can do it girlie...

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. :bigsmile:
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    It's not impossible and you seem to have the right mindset. This journey is not easy, but being on MFP will really put things in perspective and you'll definitely appreciate all the support that you'll find here, so welcome to the site. As long as you're determined and willing to deal with some trial and error, I believe you can do it. You should check out the before and after pics that ppl put up! It's proof that no matter what your weight is that it can be done if you stick with it. I just hope that along the way that you try to remember that every day won't be perfect, you will need a break every now and again, but as long as you have a mind to always start anew with each day, there's no stopping of luck!!!:wink:
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I recommend putting aside for now that you need to lose a "whole person". Look at this as meeting many small goals. If you only lose 2 pounds per week, every week, in one year you have lost 104 pounds. Your first thought might be - but that is a whole year away! But you are sitting at 295. You are probably being pretty careful not to go over 300. That is right now probably pretty terrible to even think about for you. But if you accept 300, you will automatically relax enough with your eating that in a few months you will weigh 310 and on it goes from there.

    You did not gain this overnight and you can't lose it overnight. But small baby steps for one year will have you at 190 pounds. You will be so happy with yourself! I recommend the Hungry Girl cookbooks or go online to the website. Little changes add up to so much difference in calories - you will be amazed!

    Keep thinking of next summer at 190 and start one foot in front of the other and do it. Please keep us updated weekly or monthly on your progress....

    One warning - I found that when i had a "bad" day and ate the wrong foods, i could put back on 2 pounds in one day. Just don't give in to those bad days, take a walk, drink lots of water, and we are looking forward to the new you!

    joined march 2011 23 pounds lost
  • B140
    B140 Posts: 56
    You are gonna do great now that you are started! I suggest thinking up some things you can do when you want to emotionally eat that don't involve food. Some examples for me: take a long shower, go for a walk, go outside, dance around the house to loud music, watch a sappy movie, and, sometimes, yell at the top of my lungs and wave my arms around (you'd be amazed at how much this helps versus eating my anger). Also, since your parents are putting up some nice incentives, maybe a contract with them, written and signed by both you and your parents, that you can hang up somewhere you will see it all the time will help with staying on track. I'd love to help support you too, I'm sending a friend request. :)
  • shoebox13
    shoebox13 Posts: 8 Member
    You can do this! Just remember to use the logs and to be honest. I know that for me this has been so important. I just started logging my food again because it is so easy for me to say "screw it" and eat without thinking. It's easier to make food choices when you look at what you are really putting in your body.

    Slow and steady wins the race, right?
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    Good luck girl! Even though you have a lot of weight to lose, make small goals for yourself! Emotional attachment to food is a tough one! Learning new ways to cope with stress will help get you to your goals faster! :) Instead of indulging yourself in a brownie, try taking a few deep breaths or going on a short walk! Good luck to you! We are all rooting for you! :)
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    You can do it :smile: I look forward to seeing your future post
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Anything is possible if you want it bad enough! I have about 60-70 lbs too loose and I would love to help you on your journey! There's so much support here it's not even funny! I've found so many ppl here in the one week that I've been here. It's awesome! You'll do great if your ready for this change,it's going to suck *kitten* at times but when you see that scale move,it's GOING to be worth it! oh and one thing you really should do is set mini goals for yourself. Don't look at it like 160 lbs,look at it as 25 lbs or 30! It will help you to not get discouraged. Good luck :)
  • baya35
    baya35 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Im kind off new here too, I've been doing this for a week or so, and I dont need to lose a lot but it still feels daunting to me, because i havent been able to do it after many tries, I feel if u do keep track of all u eat here in this site, it helps u to hold yourself accountable for all u eat, and ,that's what it's all about, not how much you lose but to stop having chaotic eating habits where you dont even know how many calories you are feeding yourself!
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