New here.. and the task before me is daunting.



  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    First off congrats for starteing a program. When I started watching what I ate I was a BMI of 49.2, now I'm at 38.8 and hoping to be in the low 30's by the end of the year.
    It's a struggle and very hard if you look at it like a diet. You need to make changes in your life and stay with them.
    No matter what, how busy you are, no excuses, take a minimum of 20 minutes a day to exercise. Watch what you ut in your mouth and be 100% accountable for it.
    I would say don't look down the road because it is a real long road. Start with a goal to lose 10#'s, after you achieve that, go for another 10#'s or 5#'s. Before you know it, your losing weight.
    Were all here for you, anything we can do or if your having problems, just post:)
    Good luck, thsi can be done, you need to decide to do this for you and only you. Make you a priority so you can be 100% for those children.
    Don't live with regrets like I did with my kids. i was in the same situation as you, I was going to lose weight so we could go on rollercoasters etc. Well they are now 23&21, don't lose the special things and regret it as I have all these years:)
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Getting started is the hardest part. Good job! The thing you need to think about most is nutrition. I found that when I was restricting calories without eating highly nutritious foods, I was always hungry. That makes this journey really hard. I have found that the more nutrient-dense my choices, the less hungry and deprived I feel. Some things that help me through are almonds, low-fat dairy, lots of veggies, and lean protein. Don't get discouraged and know that it will take some time to lose the weight. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Welcome and know that you can do this. You really can. Something that really helped me is journaling and writing my thoughts and feelings. As an emotional eater it has helped me to notice and write when and why I am really wanting to eat. It has helped to recognize my patterns and the things that sabotage my diet. I figure it's a long process but worth the effort.

    Congratulations on the first step. You will find a lot of support here.
  • Shine004
    Shine004 Posts: 32 Member
    This site is a great help. You have great motivation. Make small goals and before you know your smaller ones add up and before you know it you have accomplised alot. Feel free to add me for motivation if you would like. I know you can do this.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Wow I could have written that first paragraph myself! When they weighed me before my c-section in 09 I was 300lbs even, I was soooo embarrassed especially because I had just lost 50lbs before becoming pregnant. Anywho I just wanted to say that it is possible, I officially broke into the 240s earlier this week for the first time since my daughters birth in Oct 09. Just keep your head up and focus on the goal! You will get there in no time at all :)

    BTW I'm going to request to add you :D
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member

    Changing your life / lifestyle IS daunting. You're right about that! But you have so many good reasons to do it, including just plain being healthy.

    I think the idea of breaking it up into manageable pieces is a great idea. Gives you more things to celebrate as you go along! :)
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome!! You have come to the right place. This site offers so much support and motivation. Nothing is impossible, you just have to try!! Be honest with your logging, set some mini goals and stay positive. You will have some "down" days, but the GOOD days will overcome those down ones!

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • amynicc
    amynicc Posts: 2
    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." You can do it!!!!!!
  • jsoaper01
    jsoaper01 Posts: 99 Member
    Just take one step at a time.
  • chollylops
    chollylops Posts: 149 Member
    Well you have taken the most important step - you have decided it's your time to do this. Look at this journey you are about to take as a lifestyle change def not a diet. Expect it to take a while and don't be put off by that. Set yourself realistic goals - I have been working on 2lb a week and luckily thats happening still - I am nearly 5 months in and 38lbs have gone this year. Yes I think it could have gone quicker if I had gone on a diet and upped the excersise but thats not what I wanted - I wanted a life that I can continue to live. I have learnt moderation. I still eat the foods I enjoy with all the family, I still have treats, I still have the occasional glass of wine, take away etc. Just all in smaller amounts. I know the changes I have made can be continued and hopefully by the end of the year I will be at a happy weight.
    Exercise - for me that has been the key to losing I believe. I manage the gym 3 times a week which fits in with work and life - I enjoy that time just for me - not sure how you will manage to find you time with such a young family but even 30mins to yourself would be a start - home excercise maybe fitted around sleeps for the children?
    Read success stories - you will find people who have had the same weightloss you desire - get intouch with them and ask them to support you - I am sure they will be more than happy to help.
    It sounds like you have the support of your family and thats fantastic - once that weight starts falling off you will need your Mum to take you shopping for new clothes so enjoy!
    Visit here as often as you can for inspiration and try and find a all the things that will work for you and your family routine. I wish you all the luck in the world it is soooooo hard knowing there is a long way to go but trust me when those lbs start to fall away it's worth it!

    Hello everyone. I'm new here, and I'm a little intimidated by the amount of weight I have lose. I've always been a large girl, and when I was 15 or 16, it wasn't that bad. Now, I'm 22 years old and have 3 little boys who are 4 and under. I started out, before I got pregnant, at 190. After all 3 of my kids, I was at 260. Then, I got post partum depression, and food became my best friend. Now, I'm sitting at 295. Recently, I had a health scare where the doctor thought I had diabetes because of my weight. Thankfully that wasn't the case, but it made me come to a realization... I need to lose this weight, or I'm not going to be here to watch my kids grow up. I'm only 5'4", so my current BMI is 50.1. That's morbidly obese, and it scares the crap out of me.

    I started my diet and exercise today, and I'm not giving up. I have a family who supports me, a fiance who is willing to do whatever it takes to get me through this, and 3 beautiful little boys who need their mommy.

    I've never worn anything below a size 14 in my life. I've never felt good about the way I look. I've never worn a bikini. I've never considered myself "hot", but I want all those things. Because of my emotional attachment to food, this is going to be incredibly difficult for me.

    I have 150 - 160 lbs to lose. That's a whole person. I literally want to be half the woman I am now. It's daunting. My parents have given me incentives to lose the weight. My mom has told me that for every 50 lbs I lose, she'll take me on a $150 shopping spree, and my dad said that if I get to 140 lbs like I want to that he will pay for my fiance and I to go to Jamaica. Those are pretty sweet deals, right??

    I know it's going to take time and persistence and that it's going to be hard. I just need a little reassurance that this isn't impossible, and to know if there are people out there who have done what I need to.

  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Don't think about 150 lbs, think about 10 lbs, or even 5 lbs. That is your goal. This will give you something quick to achieve. Don't let it get you down if you have bad days or "fall off the wagon", as it happens to everyone. The important thing is what you do about it. If you follow this program, you will lose the weight.
  • Hello! Welcome! I can tell you that i have lost 70 on my own and this is the place for you if you need support!
  • xxgot2doit
    xxgot2doit Posts: 4
    you can do it you have already taken your first step,keep walking forward each day. i just started my self would like to lose weight before my 30th anv.lets do it together
  • Don't let anything or anyone hold you back! You can be whoever you want to be. If you need to lose 160 pounds then so be it, you can do it. Push yourself to the limit and beyond. Don't give up no matter what! There are things you can do to make working out and eating healthy more fun. If you feel like you just can't do it alone, then get a workout partner! Eating healthy won't be harder because you have kids, you should get your kids involved! Make it a family affair! Let them help you cook better meals, and take a family walk. Bottom line is: You have to do this for yourself and for your family, don't let your kids and fiance become you you don't like being yourself. Let your fiance know your deapest darkest secrets, don't be ashamed. When you become who you want to become, he will see you as a more strong willed individual and he will know you have put your mind to the task at hand and you have accomplished it! Good Luck, you go girl!
  • Hello fellow newbie. I started yesterday and I love it already. I'm not much of a cheerleader type, but I think this is really going to work for me. Like you, my parents have offered me lots of incentives over the years to lose the weight. Even a shopping trip to NYC! But, of course, I never did it. The only thing that got me motivated and on track were my two beautiful boys - 10 and 3. About 3 months go my little one wanted me to go across the monkey bars with him; I could barely hold myself up. How can I enjoy this time with him if I'm sitting on the bench? Money and material things are nice, but the thing that's going to keep me going is my desire to be here for and be involve with my boys. I love them so much and I'm sick of watching them fromthe sidelines.

    Good luck to you on this journey and stay focused on your goals.
  • unaffected
    unaffected Posts: 154
    I'm an emotional eater too, so I completely understand how hard it is to step away. I'm a new member too, and I think this site seems really supportive! Sending you a friend add! :)
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