When or why did you say enough is enough!?!

Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
My breaking point was when I saw a picture of myself and I really didn't think I looked like that. Boy did it wake me up! Yes I knew my sizes were going up and up but I did nothing. I just bought the larger clothes and gave the skinner ones away or they were hidden in the back of my closet. I lived like this for years. I can't believe I got to the point I did and being told "Jessica you are over weight". Looking at that picture and hearing that made me so angry and I FINALLY got my a** up and said screw this I am getting it together and it starts today! Has this been easy people ask me.. HELL NO is what I answer. Do I want to go to the gym? HELL NO again. But knowing that I can now say I am in a healthy normal BMI and I can see my feet when standing is fantastic!

What was your moment of enough is enough? What made you get going and get on here? :happy:


  • elleninez
    elleninez Posts: 44
    I went for my girlie check up, stepped on the scale, and was absolutely stunned at the number I saw. I hadn't gained a single size in like 3 years...so of course by my logic, I was doing just fine. Overweight but fine. Apparently in that 3 year span I'd gained 50+ pounds (don't ask how I didn't gain a size - I have absolutely no idea.) The number up there terrified me, and I decided that unless I WANTED to be diabetic, WANTED to have heart problems, I needed to do something NOW.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    had surgery and the doc wrote on my History--well developed well nourished obese white female--OBESE are you kidding me??? I am not--went home-to check and sure enough I was obese--here I am--overweight--but no longer obese!!!!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    On Friday, March 18, 2011, my girlfriend and I were on our way back to the apartment from the grocery store. Her younger sister was visiting us from Alabama for the weekend. About a half mile from the house, I came up on a traffic accident where a pedestrian had been struck. I am a firefighter with medical training at a Paramedic level, it was in a neighboring department's district, so of course I stopped. I could tell it was bad. I've seen my share of bad, and this was one of the worst. As I get to her, out of nowhere, a fellow friend and paramedic comes up. I don't know how he was right there because he didn't live in the area. No emergency units were on scene at this time. We both just happened to be driving by at the right time. As we are working on this girl I hear 2 more nurses come up and ask if there is anything they can do. As the emergency units start rolling up, CPR is being administered, and we work to get the girl in the ambulance. As my adrenaline was on overdrive, I only have snapshots of the chaotic scene remaining in my mind from that night. I found out later that we actually nad 3 nurses, 2 paramedics, and an anesthesiologist that happened to be at that spot in those few minutes. I have never seen that happen.

    What motivated me about that night though, was the fact that this girl that got hit was only 15 years old. She did not make it that night. I could see that night she probably wouldn't. You see enough of them and sometimes you can tell. She was 15 years old, and hadn't had a chance to live her life.

    That motivated me to live mine. To live mine better and healthier. Friends....you never know when this life will be taken from you. Live each day to the fullest, love your family and friends. Everyday is a new day. Everyday is a good day.

    Good luck to you all.
  • sangreyleche
    I was going to turn 20 in about a week and I was like "if I ever want to prance around in a bikini I have to start NOW no more excuses". It just hit me REALLY hard for some reason, the time limit I guess. An existential crisis that went straight to my butt.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    For me it was a picture too, last Christmas 2010 when I wore black sweat pants and a black t-shirt. When I noticed that I can actually look big in black, which is suppose to make you look slimmer right? Wrong.

    Also feeling the need to wear spanx/tummy slimmer to every event that involves wearing a dress.

    I also had a break down in my closet when I could only fit 2 jeans and they were feeling tight. :happy: -> so glad I realized I needed to change!

    Lastly, I have two young kids and I found myself sleepy ALL THE TIME. As soon as I get home from work I was dragging. Adding exercise into my life had increased the quality of it with my family and me to have more energy. A happy wife/mommy makes a happy home!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Just like you I saw a picture of myself and how unheathly I looked. So I decided I was going to do something about it. Which I have and still doing it. Wish it would have hit me about 10yrs ago, but better late then never...
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    when the scale hit 201.1.

    when the eff did THAT happen and HOW did i let myself get so gross...im only 5'1".

    yeah, THAT did it.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    .... pulled the summer clothes out and noticed the makings of a "muffin top".................. enough said......... <quiver>
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    When I saw myself that someone video taped of me. OMG I didn't realize how big I really was. Also watching the Biggest Loser, there was a contestant that was the same weight as me and I looked bigger than her. The next day I got myself a gym membership, joined LA Weightloss (at the time) and a personal trainer. I have never looked back. I kept going and going. I didn't like going to the gym but went anyways. Always felt good afterwards. I am so glad I stuck with it. Went from a size 24 to size 12 so far. Plan to get to a size 6!!

    Good for you to start your weightloss journey!!!
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    When my mom told me in January that she was going to have her 2nd knee replacement surgery and I was consistently having swollen ankles and knees myself. I knew that if I did not do something for myself, I would need to start replacing my joints. I am happy to say that since I have been eating better, exercising more, and I have lost over 33 pounds, I have not had swollen ankles or knees. It is getting easier to do Body Pump and Zumba with every class (and I love them and look forward to every class) and I am becoming more flexible. I love that I can now do quad stretches when I was not able to just 3 months ago!
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    My breaking point was in january! My youngest was 14 month old and I had an oops and got pregnant with baby #3....which was great, but unexpected and I still had not lost the last 10 pounds from baby #2.....on top of what I was still hanging on to from baby #1....ugh! I was super upset that I had procrastinated and not lost the weight sooner, and now I couldnt. Well, I ended up having a miscarriage, and with that I decided to stop being lazy and procrastinating...I needed to be healthier and lose the weight...and I did it!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    For me it was actually a picture from when i was 14. I have ALWAYS thought that i had a fat tummy so i never cared, but when i saw that picture i was like.. "hey! wait a minute! I looked pretty damn slim and good back there.. what happened?!" so now i know that i once looked like that.. means i can do it again right?
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I've always complained relentlessly about being big and wah wah, poor me. The day I knew I had to actually commit was when my hubs got tired of my whining and just agreed... you don't like being fat? do something. So, ya, I'm doing something :)
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    Here is a blog with my story that i posted at end of march


    since then i have completed round 2 of shred and 3 weeks of ripped in 30 + i am out jogging.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    My dad had a stroke. It was a mild stroke, but for the first 48 hours they didn't tell us that (probably they didn't know). I learned that I have a higher risk of stroke because I have a parent who had one. I knew my risk of diabetes was high. I realized that I could change my odds and change my life. I was at a crossroads. I decided to get healthy.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i was sitting in hardees drive through waiting on my food. i was slouched pretty bad so i grabbed my steering wheel to pull my fat *kitten* up and looked in the rearview. the two chicks in the car behind me were mocking me with their hands making the movement with the car shaking, with their cheeks all puffed out to represent a fat face. needless to say, i pulled out of the drive thru without my food, and have been working my *kitten* of ever since!
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Great stories! I am so happy for you all and trying to either LIVE YOUR LIVE TO THE FULLEST or TO BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF completely..It takes a lot of courage and you guys are freaking doing it! We all are!!
  • njrower
    njrower Posts: 22 Member
    When the owner of my local pizzeria had an intervention for me when I went to pick up some sandwiches.........:tongue:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    My breaking point was when I was unpacking after moving and I came across a bunch of pictures from my early twenties...and realized how far I'd let myself go off track. Back then I was "a hottie", could shop where ever I wanted, could talk to anyone, got plenty of attention, and felt GOOD about myself.

    I think I let some of that move to the back burner when I met my now husband because I'm so in love but now I realize that letting that stuff go also made me lose a part of ME and who I am...so now I'm fighting like hell to get it back...
  • manenuff21
    manenuff21 Posts: 63
    When I stepped on th WII Fit and it told me "ONE AT A TIME PLEASE"