When or why did you say enough is enough!?!



  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I think it was the day I bent over to tie my shoes and I nearly threw up in my mouth.
    Or maybe it was when I stood up in the doctor's office waiting room and the chair came with me.
    It could have also been the day I saw myself in a group photo. All three happened in a very short span of time.

    Funny, but while I looked in the mirror every day to do hair and make-up, I never really LOOKED at myself, you know? I would see my face, would check the clothes for loose tags or lint, but I never allowed myself to see the whole picture.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I think it was the day I bent over to tie my shoes and I nearly threw up in my mouth.
    Or maybe it was when I stood up in the doctor's office waiting room and the chair came with me.
    It could have also been the day I saw myself in a group photo. All three happened in a very short span of time.

    Funny, but while I looked in the mirror every day to do hair and make-up, I never really LOOKED at myself, you know? I would see my face, would check the clothes for loose tags or lint, but I never allowed myself to see the whole picture.

  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    When I lost my job and realized I'd need to go on interviews. I have a son to support, so my weight must come off so I can get a new job. Otherwise, we don't eat and we lose our house. Now, that's motivation.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    For me, it was when I realized that my daughter was beginning to use food to comfort herself. She gained about 20lbs between her 8 and 9yr old check ups and did not grow all that much taller. She was finally dx with a learning disability and she was just generally feeling bad about herself. She was clearly using food to soothe herself emotionally. Afrer talking to her several times about making healthy choices when it comes to food and fitness, it dawned on me that I had zero room to talk. I knew that if I was going to talk the talk, I needed to walk the walk. Kids need positive role models and I knew I needed to be a better one for both of my kids. So, here I am. Best decision I have made in a really long time.
  • kelsey054
    kelsey054 Posts: 110 Member
    When did I say enough is enough?
    The day of prom, May 7th, I was getting ready. My dad said he wanted to help me get ready, so I asked him to zip up my dress and BAM! The zipper flew across the room. My mother had to drive EVERYWHERE looking for a new zipper (where I live sewing stores aren't opened on Saturdays and Walmart doesn't carry sewing stuff.) About two hours before prom, I had to get my dress altared.
    My mom and grandmother were telling me stories about my mother and her senior year in high school. She graduated the same weight that I will be graduating at...unless I changed that.
    After high school my mother had a child, which caused her weight gained. She became an emotional eater-being without a husband. Then she found my father and had me! Unfort. causing more of a weight gain. She had Gastric Bypass Surgery two years ago, and has lost about 150 lbs.
    And I do not want to be big like she was. She is my best friend, and I love her at any weight.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I was 25 - On the outside I was successful - had graduated with an undergrad degree from a prestigious college, had a full time job working for a good company, and was going to grad-school at night to earn my graduate degrees so I could get my CPA license. People considered me to be a good person, and I had a lot going for me professionally. However, I was depressed with life and realized that I really didn't like myself all that much. My first long-term relationship had just ended (not my decision) and I found out after the fact that my ex-girlfriend had cheated on me and broke things off because she couldn't handle the guilt and just wasn't really "feeling" our relationship anymore. Despite my outward accomplishments, I felt lazy and unattractive. The thought of trying to date again looking the way I did was mortifying. I had a long list of things I wanted to change about myself - weight was only one of them. (I reached a high of around 230-235 lbs, which is very high for someone who is only 5' 3.5")

    I started seeing a therapist that spring to help me deal with depression and life-issues, started losing weight late in the summer and haven't looked back. It hasn't been easy, and I'm still working on my list of self-improvement topics, but I am feeling better about who I am. (Don't be fooled by my ticker - I'm actually about 50 lbs down from my weight when I was 25, but I recently re-set my ticker to help me get moving again.)
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I was 25 - On the outside I was successful - had graduated with an undergrad degree from a prestigious college, had a full time job working for a good company, and was going to grad-school at night to earn my graduate degrees so I could get my CPA license. People considered me to be a good person, and I had a lot going for me professionally. However, I was depressed with life and realized that I really didn't like myself all that much. My first long-term relationship had just ended (not my decision) and I found out after the fact that my ex-girlfriend had cheated with me and broke things off because she couldn't handle the guilt and just wasn't really "feeling" our relationship anymore. Despite my outward accomplishments, I felt lazy and unattractive. The thought of trying to date again looking the way I did was mortifying. I had a long list of things I wanted to change about myself - weight was only one of them.

    I started seeing a therapist that spring to help me deal with depression and life-issues, started losing weight late in the summer and haven't looked back. It hasn't been easy, and I'm still working on my list of self-improvement topics, but I am feeling better about who I am. (Don't be fooled by my ticker - I'm actually about 50 lbs down from my weight when I was 25, but I recently re-set my ticker to help me get moving again.)

    Good for you! I am sorry about the break up but in reality you are better off and look at you getting your *kitten* together. Congrats! :happy:
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    When my young son made a man boobs comment. . .

    wow that's a killer... My husband made a comment joking around but it hurts. Good for you in making this change!
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    This past weekend - I was looking through a group of photos from age 21 through 31... just random photos of me in different cities, some with friends, some just me. My friends stayed the same size in all the pictures, but I could see that I was bigger, and bigger and bigger. My face changed. My smiles became less and less through the years. I looked drained. I didn't see myself that way though. It was definitely a wake-up call. Day 2 and going strong! :)
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I was on a hike with my boys and boyfriend, They wanted to go to the top of a waterfall and I couldn't make it. I told them to go without me but they didn't want to. I decided I was not going to be the reason my boys miss out on things.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    This past weekend - I was looking through a group of photos from age 21 through 31... just random photos of me in different cities, some with friends, some just me. My friends stayed the same size in all the pictures, but I could see that I was bigger, and bigger and bigger. My face changed. My smiles became less and less through the years. I looked drained. I didn't see myself that way though. It was definitely a wake-up call. Day 2 and going strong! :)

    Wishing you lots of luck on your new journey!
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    SHALLO I love Bob's Burgers!
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    One day in walmart to grocery shop and I had this feeling I was being starred at. I might of just been paranoid but that even set off a red flag. I was ashamed of who I had become after 3 babies (3 c-sections) with in four years i never thought to much about it until my clothes did not fit anymore. so that day in walmart I threw my grocery list out and headed to the produce....got every healthy thing I could think of. I have lost 12 pounds in 15 day and on my 2nd day of the 30 day shred. I have a ways to go but I WILL get there!
    SHIRLEYW02 Posts: 23
    I been talking to a friend about losing weight,that nite I told her I,i plan to start changing my eating habits. next day I started and have been determined to stick with it. I found this web site and this is the greatest site.been doing this since feb2011 lost 21 pds. and feeling great. I am doing this for me ,get off my 2 blood pressure pills. i feel wonderful and friends ,family support me .Plus have meet new men and dating!!!!!! life is great ! each day i have more confidence in myself. I know i can get to my gold weight,i am just taking 20 pds at a time , i love -MYFITNESSPAL.COM- SHIRLEY W.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm 45 and my hips and ankles were starting to hurt. In the back of my head, I was concerned I was starting to get arthritis. At the same time, I was fantasizing about being a runner. So... March 1 I started running (couch to 5k). On April 8, I switched over to the c210k program (same as couch to 5k, but shoots for a longer distance). Even running, I wasn't losing weight, so I came here and never looked back. I've only lost 5 lbs, but I've lost just as many inches. I can only imagine how much easier running will be when I'm not wearing a "65 lb pack."
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Mine was also pictures. I had two trips with college friends late 2009 (15 year reunions) and after seeing the pictures from both, I was floored. As others have said, I knew I was heavy but holy cow, I was totally in denial about how bad it really was. The thing that finally got me in gear though was losing 10 pounds in a week from the flu that November. I was determined to have that be my starting point and not to put any more back on. Well 2009 was the holiday season of baking for me so I did gain 5 back...

    Anyway, I joined Weight Watchers in January 2010 and haven't looked back since. Lost 60 pounds last year!
    Then, again, took the holidays off and put about 5 back on, then struggled with getting back on track, and put another 5 back on in the process. THANK GOODNESS someone referred me to this website!! I've lost that 10 pounds all over again and am so close to ONEDERLAND I can hardly stand it! :happy:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Mine was January 3rd of this year. I have had uncontrolled High Blood pressure for 15 years and after losing my mom to a massive stroke for the same condition two years ago I needed to follow up on my promise to get healthy. My primary sent me to a endocrinologist who also told me I had diabetes along with several hormaone problems. At 371lbs. I was at my heaviest and had bought into that whole "you carry your weight well" fanatsy. I was told I would need to go on yet another medication and all that goes with Type II Diabetes. We immediately when home to clear out the fridge and get ready for this new problem. My wife and I sat down and said this is it. I used to be a power lifter many years ago and my wife graced the front cover of Tucson Magazine when she was a cheerleader in high school. We knew we had to do something different. We got down to business and after one month I dropped 1 point on my AC1 random glucose test and went from being Diabetic to pre-diabetic. We test frequently and are committed to a healthy lifestyle not a diet and this site is a Godsend. I can't tell you how the support and contagious positive energy has not only given me strength and motivation, but renewed my faith in the decency of human beings. I believe the guys that founded this site deserve a Nobel Peace Prize and all the MFP peeps who have provided us with support deserve Sainthood. Today I have 4 weeks with my blood pressure at or below 130/80. For me, who ran fully medicated (8meds) at 180/115 regularly that's remarkable. God Bless MFP and all of you who are on here creating a great community.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I went camping last October and I saw the pictures of myself and I looked bloated. I lost a lot of weight in 2008, but had an ankle injury and got out of the habit of working out. I kept telling myself that I will start back up soon and even had a few fits and starts that fizzled soon after.

    After the camping trip, I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "Bob, you are going to start reinventing yourself starting today". That very afternoon I shaved my head (been wanting to do that since I used to shave it in the late 90s) and the following morning, I jumped on the elliptical and started burning off the goo. I found MFP on the iPhone about 2 weeks later and started logging and never looked back. In February, I started P90X and I finish my 90th day of the program this Sunday.

    The putting off was really getting me down and it was one of the most liberating feelings when I finally got my *kitten* back on that elliptical and got back in it. At this point, I don't know what I would do without planning my day around my workout and eating schedule. It is in my DNA now and I never plan on being as big as I was 6 months ago.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    SHALLO I love Bob's Burgers!

    Me too. It is my new favorite show. I love Louise!
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