Things that people just SHOULDN'T say!



  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    Somewhat on that thread i have

    Them :ooo how much do you want to loose'
    me : i want to be about 12 stone
    them: oh why not try for 9..

    or outside a restuarant with my OH
    'you need to loose weight'
    'really? now? do you not thing i am trying' then scream at him
    he walks over.. 'but i love you either way'...
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    "you were prettier before you lost weight....."

    :noway: :noway: :noway:


    I cannot IMAGINE who would have the galls to say that. So rude on so many levels.

    that would be my mom....
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Well i am guna throw a spanner in the works now..................BIG TIME

    Whats wrong with paying someone a compliment if it is deserved. Being a gentlemen is it wrong that I say someone looks amazing in their photos.

    If someone looks good should you not tell then???????

    I have my reasons for loosing weight and its cause I know deep down that I am not happy and I always say after the compliment that they must feel the same as me and they have there own motivations.

    With my clothes on I look OK, but off is another story. I think we all can say that cant we????????

    I think with my close friends on here by asking them that question you find out what really makes them tick, what really is their motivation then I can help them and support them on that motivational path.

    Summer holiday right, cool, u got the bikini yet, keep that in mind, is the picture of the villa on your biscuit cupboard.

    Maybe thats just me but I cant go into a full blown MFP friendship being able to motivate them by saying yer I can see why you wana loose weight.

    please don't slate me. maybe my close friends on here can back me up, PLEASE.

    compliments are great - when sincere. not when coming from a place of jealousy.
    "you look fine" and "keep up what you're doing, you look great" are 2 very different things.

    we all need to be on this journey for ourselves, but compliments and more importantly encouragement from people we care for and respect are essential.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Man, I'm sorry to read all the crazy put-downs from people. I get them too.

    That's why I don't tell anyone except my wife and my sister. No one else needs to know, and if I'm offered something I simply say, "No thanks" or "maybe later."

    Maybe at some point I'll be tough enough to let people say those kinds of things, but for now, I'm not.

    I guess I need to think up some good replies when people say those things, like "yeah, thanks." And then move on.
  • JoleenHitsPlay
    Some older man, I am 47 he is in his late 60's (sorry don't want to offend anyone). That is an aquaintance of our family constantly flirts with my 24 year old size 2 daughter (ewwww), and barely notices me. Which creeps me out but I am OK with. I hadn't seen him in awhile since I lost the 35 lbs and he asked me if I had been doing something different with my hair, he wanted to strike up a conversation. SUDDENLY he is interested in ME....ewwww After I felt the need to shower I quickly answered NOPE are you doing something different with your hair??? He blushed because, He is bald!!!! I guess what bothers me is it's sad that people should notice you when your heavy because of your size but you tend to go unnoticed.....or get made fun of. I wish we could change that as a society.
  • MommyLumpkin
    MommyLumpkin Posts: 129
    I hate it when family and friends tell me to not talk with them about fitness or weight loss. I only have the people on here and the girls I went to boot camp with as support. I realize that my friends and family feel guilty that I am taking charge of my life and they are still over weight. I don't try to make them feel that way. What's the victory in going from size 16 to size 14 if I can't share it with those closest to me.

    I am so with you on this one! It's like everyone was so encouraging in the beginning, but now that I'm surpassing them on my fitness goals and weight loss, they just sort of change the subject or act like I'm being rude for talking about it.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    now that you've lost weight, you can really notice your smile lines.

    thanks! i'd rather be healthy with wrinkles than fat with chipmunk cheeks!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Oh boy, have I been in your shoes. I swear it is a daily occurance for me.
    "you look great- you dont need to lose any more weight", "Why are you eating so healthy- you are skinny already", "I like you just the way you are".............. and so on and so forth........

    I agree that it is most likely an attempt in most cases to be polite, or to keep the conversation light, but there are days it gets to me too.

    I have even had people message me randomly on MFP and tell me that I dont need to lose any weight, blah, blah.... its like- who are you? How do you know what I need or dont need? If that was an attempt at a compliment- thanks......... I guess. But, again- WHO ARE YOU seriously?

    My husband is NOTORIOUS for this-
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    My family continually tries to over feed me.

    "theres lots left have some more"
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    I would have never thought that you weighed that much. LOL THANKS
    or You carry it well..... sheesh I don't wanna carry it all ALL!!!!!!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    "Oh, you weren't that big!"
  • StephanieMarie0416
    I just had a baby in December and when I went in to have her, I was 180 lbs after being on bed rest for 10 weeks. I lost a good bit of weight after leaving the hospital naturally, but I am not where I want to be. My husband actually fights with me because he says that I "just had a baby" and some people takes YEARS to lose their baby weight. I am not "other women". I have never had "love handles" or worried about having 15 pairs of jeans but NONE fitting. I am not 142 lbs but have 6lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy and 12 to get to where I want to be. I guess I am just tired of being told "you just had a baby". Yes, husband's are allowed to say that we don't need to lose weight, but please do not tell me that my size is fine TO YOU.. Keywords are TO and YOU. My weight is not fine to me!
  • StephanieMarie0416
    Stand your ground! I am nursing and my family keeps telling me that my milk production will stop if I don't eat a TON! I count every calorie and I know how much I need to eat to keep making milk for my daughter! Do not let them make you feel like you have to eat more! Eat what means YOU feel good/full!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Your boobs are getting smaller!
    or, I bet you are glad you had lap band surgery, you never could have lost it all on your own! ( do you really think I dont know this?)
    or, You are not fat, you are just big boned/tall/heavy set
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    My family asks me all the time, "You can eat that"? It's like why wouldn't I be able to have a small piece of something.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    My favorite--You look good for having 2 kids!

    HELLOOOOO I want to look good. Period. Sheesh!!!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    My family asks me all the time, "You can eat that"? It's like why wouldn't I be able to have a small piece of something.

    Oh yeah, I hate that one too. My husbands granma is the worst. I dont even like eating in front of her anymore!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    You are so pretty pity you are not slim...why do you find losing weight so hard?!!

    I hope your on your period while looking at my stomach.. Thanks DAD nope not pregnant your not going to be a granddad i am just fat!!

    Oh your sisters are so skinny... What happened to you? Yes im bigger than them but hey i am 10-11 years YOUNGER than them and like to remind them of it lol

    I could write a book on my moms insults alone....

    Does not make me sad makes me want to hit my goal even more :smile:
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    Two people today asked me what I am doing besides exercise to lose this what are you trying to suggest? I am just working out and watching what I eat...what else do I have to do?
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    "you have such a pretty face"

    It's like Oh well, even though you're big and fat, at least you have an ok face

    The other thing that I never ever want to hear again is: "oh well just start exercising a little, like maybe walk around the block or park your car in the furthest spot"

    That rates right up there with "oh well if you give up soda, you'll lose 10 pounds like that"

    Um, yeah, so even when I'm not trying to lose weight I don't drink soda or juice or anything with sugar other than a single daily cup of coffee with 32 calories from sugar. I walk daily for health and I do most of my errands on foot even when I'm not making an extra effort at weight loss. I get sooooo annoyed by the assumption that I'm big and fat because I never leave my couch and drink soda all day and all I have to do is quit soda and walk around the block and I'll be thin.