One positive thing required



  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I went to the store thinking that for a (semi) healthy lunch, I'd get some tortilla chips, my fave black bean and corn salsa, and some chicken to throw in there.

    Instead...I got taco shells to use as chips...less sodium and cals, organic mild salsa....less sodium and cals, and a Morningstar burger instead of chicken...more protein and less cals.

    Can't wait to eat it, lol!

    The cals are on my food diary already if you'd like to add me as a freind. :)
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    I went to the store thinking that for a (semi) healthy lunch, I'd get some tortilla chips, my fave black bean and corn salsa, and some chicken to throw in there.

    Instead...I got taco shells to use as chips...less sodium and cals, organic mild salsa....less sodium and cals, and a Morningstar burger instead of chicken...more protein and less cals.

    Can't wait to eat it, lol!

    The cals are on my food diary already if you'd like to add me as a freind. :)

    Good Job!!!!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    Double Post (deleted)
  • diembroadhurst
    loving all these positive statements!!!!

    In 22 replies between us we made healthy food choices, was kind to someone and probably made their day, saved a life and got into some smaller clothes!!

    I wonder what positive things await us now that we are looking for them!!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    My most positive thing was that I didn't GRUMP when my 4.5 year old woke me up at 2:00 because she had a nightmare. She just climed into bed with me and my 21 month old. (Lucky DH was in another bed and another room.) I never fell back asleep... but I got her back to sleep.
    AND I worked out this am. I was exhausted, but I did it.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    After I dropped my daughter off at school, I thought about stopping at McDonald's (was wanting a hash brown after seeing it in someone's diary), but instead, I came home and made myself a healthy breakfast.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Thanks! Love this thread....oh, and lunch is soooooooooo yummy, lol. 310 cals :)
  • ricepattikay
    ricepattikay Posts: 46 Member
    My coworker brought in homemade cinnamon rolls and I said "No thank you" then I decided I would just have half of one and then I looked at them and thought nope I'm just not gonna do it!! Yay me!! :)
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Watched "Biggest Loser" last night. Those three girls in the final four have made amazing transformations. What a positive influence they must give to millions of people. I am inspired by them.
  • diembroadhurst
    I just passed on yoghurt cake - home made - smelling nice!!! and beleive me it was an impressive feat - because it calls to me, sings to me - don't get me wrong I have had a peice - after dinner - but there was half a cake left (still warm - drool!) and I cut some for my husband and I got a plate out to have another slice myself - but nope I didn't I wrapped it up - I'm soooo disciplined!! hurrah!!!