I'm back at it again

DmansGirl86 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey All,
My name is Rachelle. I'm back at working out again, I used to all the time in highschool but that was 7 years ago...WOW!!! thats weird for me to say...anyways I'm getting married next year on the beach so I wanna look like what I did in High School...in order to do that I need to lose 80 pounds!!!!! HELP!!! any and all support is welcomed, I'm lacking the motivation I need to do this. :(


  • Nessiep
    Nessiep Posts: 171 Member
    hi ..you can do this...for that beautiful wedding on the beach..how lush!! ive lost 335lbs in 5and half mths..so any advice ..hola!! iwll add you :flowerforyou:
  • DmansGirl86
    DmansGirl86 Posts: 14 Member
    oh that would be great...:) ty
  • Gemini_at_36
    Gemini_at_36 Posts: 207
    Hello and welcome, one step at a time....Walking is great for starters....start with what you can accomplish and add from there....Like 15 minutes one way and then 15 min back to house.....for a few days and then add more...Good luck...Friend me if you like.:smile:
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    :happy: WOO HOO!!! ;) we are already friends but I know you can do it! Love you chickey!!
  • DmansGirl86
    DmansGirl86 Posts: 14 Member
    Love you too sista!!!
  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144
    Welcome and congratulations in taking the first steps. Remember the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Whatever diet/exercise plan you take these first steps will take you to success. And with those last words I will see you when you post on successes on the success thread!
  • ellehcar83
    ellehcar83 Posts: 13
    Welcome! I have found the support on this site is amazing and very helpful! If you want to, add me as a friend for motivation. Good luck with your journey and congrats!
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