Putting it out there



  • SweetLe
    SweetLe Posts: 157 Member
    Eating Disorder. I'm not sure if I have a disorder, but I constantly OBSESS. Sometimes to the point of tears - if I eat the wrong thing, or have a binge moment. It's hard, and I've seen a nutritionalist and a therepist. But honestly it's my mental block and I'm working on how to learn eat to live, not live to eat and food really is my friend. Oh my that sounds soooo nerdy. But it's aweful how food has impacted my life so much.

    I ate when I was happy.
    I ate when I was sad.
    I ate when I was pissed.
    I ate when I was bored.
    I pretty much ate when I saw food anywhere.
    That's how I got to be 284 lbs, and honestly, I am SOOOO afraid that fat Melissa will come back some days.
    I have learned so much thru MFP and keep looking ahead, taking one day- one calorie- at a time.

    This sounds like me...and in all honesty, I think to some extent this is an eating disorder...I think when food controls your life and your thoughts, its a dangerous situation.
    To everyone, there is a reason why we are all here, and this is no place for judgement, we all have our struggles and are here to support eachother through, sometimes it's easier to relate your probs and anxieties, fears, etc. to cyber-friends than to real-world ones.
    God Bless you all, and lets continue our journeys together. We can do anything we put our minds to!

    This is me 100%....more now then ever.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Hugs kiddo. I went through a very tough time in my life when I actually wasn't eating, at all. I was very lucky to have a close group of online girlfriends, many of whom were looking to lose weight. Instead of being judgemental about my issues, they supported me just as much as they did when I was trying to lose weight. We all helped each other through quite a bit. You're right, you've got to have a safe place to talk about things - it looks like you found one here :)
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Yeah anyone talking **** on someone with an eating disorder (or enabling it by sayin "good job!" on a diary of 500 cals) should be taken out into the field.

    I agree 100%!
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    First of all I dont have an ED

    2nd Well done Shannon for putting it out there and getting people to talk about it. Talking about it HAS to be half the deal.....

    Like i said i have no clue what its like to have an ED..... but i have had what i can call ......."food guilt" which was most odd !

    after eating something that was.....ok not to great for me............. but was still under my cals for the day, i spent that rest of the day worrying and wanting to get up in the morning to weigh myself to see the damage!!!

    like i said most odd !

    SO i say people should talk about it, and feel safe in doing so, if this post helps JUST ONE PERSON, JUST ONE,...... then its been worth it

    Well done LK xx
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    You know I'm recovering ana/mia (anorexia & bulimia for those who don't know). You also know I am FIERCELY protective over my ED friends. While I don't condone that behavior of say, eating 500 cals a day, to some of my ED friends, that is a huge accomplishment. Whether they eat 500 cals only, or eat 500 and not purge, it's small successes that you may have to have experienced yourself to understand. So to those who think we're saying YAY to a 500 cal diet, you're right we are. But not for the reason you think.

    I love ALL my friends and will continue to be an advocate for recovery in any way I can. Shannon, you know I love you :heart: