Insecure in 40's?



  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I will be 40 in November! I am finding that I am wearing the cute little halter tops that I always wanted to wear in my 20's and 30's. But I do find myself making sure they are not to low cut or mid-drift baring. As far as shorts go I want the mid length ones that cover the the thighs but not all the way to the knee. Can't find them anywhere, it's either all what I call booty shorts or Bermudas! I am not ready for Bermudas! As far as dresses go I have never been a dress person! I am ready to rock some cool hip clothing and be a fit and fab forty year old! I think it's all a state of mind, I was always frumpy feeling before I started losing weight and I am ready to bust out of that in an age appropriate way! No more hiding behind big baggy t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers! Bring on the cute fitting stuff!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    my situation is different...I have RARELY wore halters and tanks because of how my arms that I am losing and toning...I can't wait to put on tops to show my arms...not sure if it will be this summer or next summer
  • nurse_carolyn
    nurse_carolyn Posts: 348
    I had a wedding last weekend and it was tough finding an appropriate dress. I found that either everything was for 20 year olds (and I felt silly in them) OR they were for 60 year olds and they were way too old for me.
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    I'm 42, soon to be 43. I feel great. I look good. I have confidence. I'm in better shape then most 40 years olds; heck 30 or 20 year olds. I'm focused and ready for what life throws at me because I know I can over come things. Sure I'd like to be younger but I wouldn't want to lose the knowledge I've gained. Sure I would like to have my hair back but that ain't going to happen. I feel young. I feel like I'm 18 years old. I have so much more I want to do in my life and little by little I am trying to make things happen.

    40 is just a number, just like 30's was for me. Most of us are here to make a difference in our lives, to make things better. This is no different then how we feel inside; make that difference to.
    I wonder if that is different though because your a man? You know the whole men get more incredibly handsome as they mature!

    I only wish. I was one hell of a cute guy years ago but find that without hair I'm not as confident in that aspect. My wife and others say I look good but if I didn't work out and was just bald, they'd probably say something different.

    For myself, while there are attractive young ladies, I'm drawn more to mature women. With mature women you get what you are looking at; don't have to worry about body changes and such. They have a wealth more life experience, maturity and sexuality. And I can hold a better conversation with them and not have to fake it and seem like I'm interested. Nope, mature women got it going on; they rock.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    For myself, while there are attractive young ladies, I'm drawn more to mature women. With mature women you get what you are looking at; don't have to worry about body changes and such. They have a wealth more life experience, maturity and sexuality. And I can hold a better conversation with them and not have to fake it and seem like I'm interested. Nope, mature women got it going on; they rock.
    Your wife is a lucky lucky woman!!! :heart:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Not about clothing, no. Something that shows my arms or sholders is absoutely fine with me. I'm lucky that my arms have stayed pretty tight though.

    Shorts are an issue--not because I don't think I have good legs, but because I don't think a woman on the downhill side to 50 should be wearing shorts with a 1 or 2 inch inseam anywhere other than the gym or the beach. ;) Shorts are tough because they're only flattering when they fall at certain points on your leg. As I've gotten older I tend to wear a LOT more skirts and dresses and fewer shorts. Still flattering and cool but more age-appropriate.
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    LOL...I don't think this is a security problem at all, it's a maturity issue. As we age we need to dress age appropriately. I wore mini skirts in my 20's...not appropriate in my 40s, I wore halter tops too, not now. As my 37 y o daughters says, "Just because it fits doesnt mean you should wear it."
    FYI...You won't feel 50 when you turn 50 and I sure don't feel 60, but I am...I almost choke saying it, but that doesn't change it. I like to wear fashionable clothes, but I don't shop in the JRs. Department...IYKWIM!.
    Love ya girl,
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I am turning 40 this October. I still rock my tube tops and skinny jeans! Of course I have tattooed arms so that always makes me feel covered. In fact I feel naked when I am all covered up. Who I am wears well with my tattoos showing.
  • lisautley02
    lisautley02 Posts: 10 Member
    I just turned 40 in Febuary and I don't know if my self esteem dropped for me not to wear cute clothes..that has to do more with my white legs not being tan!! LOL!...but I did feel much more motivated to hit the gym again and get my body to the place that I know it can be. I have never felt better and the way I look at it being 40 is the beginning of ACT 2 of your life..who cares what other's the sundress!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    No dress, but I know I started feeling my age the last year or so, which for a guy can be an interesting battle with pride, ego, and the innevitablity of life. I can imagine though, how that stupid little dress was just starring at you...mocking your maturity! I have lots of items like that, including my body which seems to like to remind me I am not 18. Sometimes, it likes to pretend to be 18 again, but then wakes me up the next morning with extra aches, pains, and general mayhem.

    I get ya!