I suck



  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    my main advice for helping with portion control is to use smaller plates !
    also eat slowly. Chew every bite slowly and put either your cutlery or food down each bite so you concentrate on what you're eating -i promise this will help alot.

    last bit of advice is to drink more water, you're possibly mistaking thirst for hunger. And if you don't drink and just eat, you will never sate that feeling

    good luck, and yeah -it does take a while to get used to eating less -but after 5 weeks i have found i can't eat anywhere near as much as before :)
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    also maybe you need to change your weight loss goals? my cals are 1590 per day as when entering the info i put down that i only wanted to lose 1 pound a week.
  • mamaboobear
    mamaboobear Posts: 52
    I actually really agree with the whole its okay to be hungry theory. I think if i accepted that its okay to not be eat everytime I am hungry and learn to accept the hunger feeling for maybe a bit longer rather than run right to the fridge, I would probably lose all the weight I am trying to lose, for me its all about portion control, when I'm hungry i can't have just one bite of something and say thats enough, I have to have the whole thing, whereas if i just avoid the temptation and don't have that first bite at all, I can usually get over the urge, or craving and it passes.

    I do have another question for everyone though, did any of you gain weight when you first started MFP?
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    I actually really agree with the whole its okay to be hungry theory. I think if i accepted that its okay to not be eat everytime I am hungry and learn to accept the hunger feeling for maybe a bit longer rather than run right to the fridge, I would probably lose all the weight I am trying to lose, for me its all about portion control, when I'm hungry i can't have just one bite of something and say thats enough, I have to have the whole thing, whereas if i just avoid the temptation and don't have that first bite at all, I can usually get over the urge, or craving and it passes.

    I do have another question for everyone though, did any of you gain weight when you first started MFP?

    You are working against yourself if you are hungry cause you have to listen to your body and its saying HEY I need more healthy nutrients so it can keep burning food. The only way to ever lose weight is to eat healthy and burn calories through exercise.

    But good luck with your weight loss.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Haven't had time to read through all of this thread but had to put up a few things....first of all YOU DO NOT SUCK!!! Yes I am yelling at you, this is the hardest thing anyone can do, it requires a lot of work and drive, not to mention energy! If you don't have your diary open then open it so we can help. Reach out for support, please add me as a friend. Consider buying a heart rate monitor to keep track better of what you are burning. Now time to change your foods, make homemade versions of things you love, eat smaller portions, put food up right after eating, do not put it on the table, leave pans on the counter, drink more water, do not let you self get starving, eat healthy snacks. Eat something or take a healthy option with you when you leave the house so you won't be tempted to to stop and grab something. Take water with you but be patient this is a lifestyle change NOT A DIET! We know we have been there
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Well, there's hungry, and then there's hungry. There's REAL hunger, and then there's "I'm (insert emotion here), so I must be hungry. If the hungry feeling is in your throat, then it's not real hunger.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I fill up on veggies. Instead of say 2 chicken breasts with potatoes and veg for dinner I'll have one chicken breast, less potato and extra veg. That way I don't feel like I've got a tiny little portion while my husband tucks in to a full plate. I eat boiled potatoes instead of fries most of the time, have gone from 2 spoonfuls of sugar in tea to just 1, eat 1 square of dark chocolate after a meal instead of a dessert most of the time and have switched from sugary drinks to water. Not huge changes but they do make a difference.

    I don't think I've actually cut anything out of my diet completely. I know I didn't when I did Weight Watchers and lost 30lbs there. It's not about depriving yourself until you've lost weight and then going back to what you were eating before coming here, it's about changing your eating habits so you eat healthily most of the time. I fell back into bad habits after being put on medication that caused weight gain and getting married to a guy who can eat tons and not gain weight (he's a soldier so lots of physical activity). I'm determined to get out of them again and go back to how I was eating after Weight Watchers.