People who do not watch their carb intake?



  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I WILL NEVER GIVE UP CARBS!!! I love them so much. I do not watch it really. I know if I have too much. I don't go on carb binges but i do not anywhere near restrict them.
  • Luvmysixpack
    Right now plan is this
    Carbs 123
    Fat 28
    Protiens 100

    So I try not ot go over that number and I usually dont.
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    I WILL NEVER GIVE UP CARBS!!! I love them so much. I do not watch it really. I know if I have too much. I don't go on carb binges but i do not anywhere near restrict them.

    I love them too!! i would literally die on a low carb diet, when I wake up in the morning I am always so excited for breakfast hahaha bless me!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    I don't watch my carbs, I mostly pay attention to calories. I need my carbs to be a pleasant person. But I generally eat good carbs. I eat whole wheat bread, quinoa, fruit, vegetables, pasta (Barilla plus, can't stand whole wheat), brown rice. And I eat cake, cookies, sweets in moderation. I have lost 23 lbs. (my goal amount) and am keeping it off. I've tried "diets" in the past where I give up or limit my carbs and it's not pretty. I'm also not willing to give up carbs for the rest of my life so I had to learn to eat them responsibly.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    Less than 30 carbs per day? I doubt that many people here are that obsessive. Most of the people you will find here are here to lose the weight in a healthy way, which includes a moderate level carb intake much like yourself. Carbs are healthy and needed.

    Carbs are not needed. Essential Amino Acids and Essential Fats, there are no essential carbs. Not saying don't eat your veggies, just the science.

    Carbs are needed. There are not essential carbs, but there is a minimum number of carbs a person needs in a day I believe around 130 grams. Basically they are needed to provide energy to your muscles and brain. They are not evil, but over consumption of them, especially simple refined carbs, can lead to overeating them and thus eating too many calories.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    My macronutrients are set at 50% protein, 35% carb, and 15% fat. I focus on carbs in the morning and lunch and try to restrict my diet to mostly protein in the afternoon and evening. I am trying to shed fat and build some muscle, so this is what works for me. My focus is mainly keeping my protein intake up and fat intake down, and I will eat what carbs are left over to allow me to stay under my goal for the day.

    Coupled with P90X, I have lost about 1.8 pounds/week following this's what works for me.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm mostly veggie (occasionally eat shellfish), so there's no way I could live on a carb-restricted diet. Not that I'd want to. I honestly don't see how carbs have suddenly become the enemy for some people. Possibly the same way as fat was the enemy in the UK a few years ago? As far as I am concerned, a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veg is where it's at. And pasta....but then I'm genetically wired for pasta! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ETA: Sorry, forgot to say that no, I don't watch my carbs. Or sodium (I have so little sodium in my diet), or fat, or sugar. As I said, it's all about balance for me!
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    I am only obsessing about my calories, sugar and sodium. The protein and carbs are fine - if I'm eating healthy and not junking on high sugar foods - seems like my carbs are not a problem. I don't eat alot of bread, or pasta - some rice - that's about it. So haven't had to worry about it. Losing slow - but over 40 - so metabolism issues - but I expected that - but still losing so that's all that matters.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    My carbs are being tracked on my food log, but I don't pay too much attention to them. Sometimes I do notice they're over, especially if I'm having a BAD day [and then everything is usually red haha]

    Protein to me is most important
    , then Calories, then Fat. I do go over fat a few grams every so often. I should track sugar, but I switched it to sugar one time and about died when I saw how much they wanted to restrict sugars, so I switched it back to fiber and pretended I didn't see it.

    I try to go over in protein, and fiber, every day. :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm mostly veggie (occasionally eat shellfish), so there's no way I could live on a carb-restricted diet. Not that I'd want to. I honestly don't see how carbs have suddenly become the enemy for some people. Possibly the same way as fat was the enemy in the UK a few years ago? As far as I am concerned, a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veg is where it's at. And pasta....but then I'm genetically wired for pasta! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ETA: Sorry, forgot to say that no, I don't watch my carbs. Or sodium (I have so little sodium in my diet), or fat, or sugar. As I said, it's all about balance for me!

    I agree. I think carb obsession is quite an American thing. You don't see Italians or the French worrying about it, and not many people in the UK, though that's increasing. Look at the Italian diet.... and yet you very rarely see fat Italians in Italy (I can't comment on Italian Americans as I haven't met any). I spend nearly a month every year in Italy, and can't think of anyone I know there who is overweight.
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    As a vegan/veggie - I don't watch carbs at all. If you go into my diary - 90% of my carbs come from fruits/veggies/beans/legumes/nuts. The other 10% is from whole grains. This low carb thing makes my skin crawl. I'm sorry, but shoveling saturated fats in your body instead of healthy whole foods makes no freaking sense! My mom did Atkins for a bit, and while she was eating a plate of bacon and killing her cardiovascular health - I was having plates of veggies and fruits, whole grains, beans and nuts and losing weight much faster. I also kept all of my weight off, where as she gained everything plus some back.

    What I do watch though is carbs from processed, prepared, and white flours/sugars. Rule of thumb, if I can't make it at home in my own kitchen, I probably wont be buying/eating it.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Less than 30 carbs per day? I doubt that many people here are that obsessive. Most of the people you will find here are here to lose the weight in a healthy way, which includes a moderate level carb intake much like yourself. Carbs are healthy and needed.

    Carbs are not needed. Essential Amino Acids and Essential Fats, there are no essential carbs. Not saying don't eat your veggies, just the science.

    Ha - carbs may not techically be "essential" - but I sure as heck wouldn't want to try the long distance running I do without them. I happen to like having ample stores of glycogen in my muscles ready to provide quick energy for my long cardio sessions. The last thing I want to do is make my body work even harder to get its energy by making it turn to less efficient fuel sources during my runs.

    For those who are interested, here is a very well-researched, well-written blog on low-carb diets, how they work, what happens to your body. (The blog doesn't cite the sources, but the author is a well respected MFP member who is knows for being very well studied with it comes to stuff like this.) It's not "anti-low-carb" but it presents all the facts and recommends that if people go the low-carb route, they take that route fully informed.
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    You guys are all great, thank you so much! i've had a look at most of your diaries and can see I'm not over doing it on the carbs at all as you are all losing and eating a good amount of carbs. LOVE CARBS!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    No, not at all. I count calories and, to a lesser extent, fat. Don't bother with anything else, not even sodium. So sue me! :tongue:
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    Honestly, I don't pay attention to fat either... LOL. The fat I get is from veggie oils, nuts, and fruits - If I want a giant bowl of guacamole, I'll have it. The whole low fat thing is a scam too. Your fat should not be coming from fried foods, or processed foods, or even animals products. Unsaturated fats are the key to heart health and keeping the scale going downward. I don;t think I often go over the fat limit that MFP sets for me- and in fact, I've added more fat in since I realized I wasn't eating enough before. Adding in healthy fats has helped me continue to consistently post losses every week, even without consistent exercise.
  • clairibou1
    clairibou1 Posts: 124
    i have always wondered about this. when i first started myfitnesspal, i realized that my carb intake was way over, but so was my calorie intake. as i lowered the calories, the carbs also went down, but many days i still went a little over. even with the extra carbs, i am still losing weight without a problem- i think as long as you make sure you're not eating an extreme amount of carbs, you shouldn't have a problem.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    I weighed in at 240 in 2004. I was miserable. Even though my job was on my feet all day and I never sat till I got off work I still just didn't lose or gained. I did Low carb for 7 months and lost 63 lbs. I felt better off "refined/processed carbs" I think we each have a tolerance to things. I got pregnant at the end of the 6 months and I kept all but 10 lbs off for the next 5 yrs. This year in February I decided that Low carb alone wasn't doing enough for me. I decided to start tracking everything. This brought me to MFP.. I've lost 22 lbs and a lot of inches by keeping my calories under 1400 and I'm not being as strict on carbs. I still don't eat white rice, white pasta or white bread, sugar etc. I only eat whole grains and limit them to 2-3 servings a day. I mostly eat lean meats, cheese and of course veggies. I feel so good and I know for me I can't eat the "bad carbs" I feel horrible. I occasionally have a cheat meal and I usually feel like crap the next day. But, I've kept it up and am will meet my goal this year. I'm hoping to be at goal by the time my son returns from Afghanistan this year. (giving me something to focus on ..and not stress so much). So I would say I track everything..except fat ..I'm losing so I just watch my calories and keep away from "bad carbs".
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I don't watch my carbs, but I don't ususally go over on them either, which is so weird seeing how i'm almost always over on my sugars.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    I don't watch my carbs at all...however I am going to try and cut out white bread and pasta (my weakness) because i'm having problems with constantly feeling sleepy and tired, I think it's another issue altogether but I know I feel worse after a bowl of white pasta! It's just cheap and convenient. I glance at my fat etc but to me calories in are the most important thing.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I don't watch my carb intake, but I try to stay away from processed white carbs and get most of my carbs from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy. I haven't lost very much weight since I joined this site, but I lost more than 40 pounds before joining and didn't watch my carbs at all. All I did/do is watch my calories. I do watch my protein though because if I don't then I tend to not eat enough...