weight watchers or jenny craig?



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    I would stay away from slimfast. Those shakes are loaded with sugar....and its never a good idea to drink your calories. Its better to get them from wholesome full-filling foods. I agree with the poster who said Weight watchers because it will teach you about eating....No fad diet is going to work long term, you need to learn to adjust your eating and exercise habits.

    I agree that Slim Fast is not the way to go. Packed with sugar and you may lose the weight but you will gain back all and then some more. I've done both WW and Jenny Craig and would recommend WW since you control the points (calories, fat, fiber, etc.). Jenny Craig is boxed food that costs you about $15 or more per day and you still supplement with fruits, vegetables, and dairy. You meet with a counselor one to one and I don't think they will agree to set a plan that you lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks. They recommend 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week. After 3 months of eating their food you begin to wean off and learn to prepare your own meals and live a lifestyle of healthy eating. Not sure how that works because I never got there. Became frustrated that they gave me a different counselor every week rather than being able to establish a relationship with the one I preferred.

    If I was choosing for you I would choose My Fitness Pal. Great support, free, and you set the goals and settings if you choose.

    Good luck!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I would stick with MFP! I tried WW and really it's not worth the money because either way you have to log and track what you eat. With WW it's one more step of having to calculate the points, if you don't already have the point values...
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    its not working so wanna try either weight watchers, jenny craig or slim fast
    would like people who have tried either of these to respond
    How can MFP not be working? Did the rest of us miss the:huh: memo?

    If one does as suggested it WORKS without a doubt! But eating enough is just as important as not eating too much crap. Exercising regularly is important too.

    Plus a good attitude about the whole thing never hurts:wink:
  • limurr
    limurr Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing WW and MFP. As others have said, WW is teaching me healthier eating. If I did just MFP, I might choose the 100 calorie pack instead of a piece of fruit because they're the same calories. Through the way points are calculated, healthier foods are lower in points, so you're more likely to eat them to make your points last longer. Do that too much, though, and I eat too many calories. So I track in both places, and whichever I hit first (max points or my max calories) for the day, that's when I'm done eating. If I'm really hungry after that, "free" veggies or beverages. I'm losing much better than when I did WW alone (I think the free fruit was my downfall).