So what's your diet secret?

So periodically we all hear about little tricks and tidbits on ways to cut calories, fat, or both from our diets. I am dying to hear what other people have in their secret arsenal of diet tips.

One of my favorites is to replace salad dressing with salsa. Tastes great, and is very low cal. A quarter cup of Salsa has as many calories as a tablespoon of most regular salad dressings. It's usually fat free and depending on how much you have counts as a serving of veggies.

Put your favorite dietary tip in your response.

I'd love to see some of the ideas!


  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    instead of reaching for the cany bar, sweets etc I try to eat sweet fruit instead: strawberries, blue berries, black berries, bananas, braeburn apples. A lot less calories and a lot better for you!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Replace your mayo with wholly guacamole which is healthy and a good fat - YUM! I especially love it on my morningstar/boca burger.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    When I'm really craving a sugar hit in the evenings I make a cup of fruity tea with truvia. Sometimes, if I have the extra calories, I put a little real sugar in it--a tsp., no more. It seems to satisfy that sweet craving.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member

    (very interesting topic)
  • onlyJoanna
    onlyJoanna Posts: 20
    Chewing each bite for 30 seconds. It's amazing how even the smallest thing fills you up so much more.
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Probably no big secret, but I use low sodium, low fat cottage cheese in lieu of a salad dressing.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I've got a sweet tooth and if I try to deny it, it will end badly.

    When I get a craving (that nothing else is going to satisfy), I break out the dark chocolate chips. I eat one at a time to make them last, I'm getting the craving fix I need, and dark chocolate is good for you!
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    flavored vinegars work very well for dressings - I have Acai, Blueberry, Balsamic, and garlic. These add little to no calories as well! I also am cheap - so this works for me - I buy a small amount of expensive chocolate, and when I have a craving, I have to convince myself I really have the craving before having a small piece - it keeps me honest, and I can still fill that craving once in a while with something high quality.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Put your fork/spoon down between bites! It will slow down your eating, you will chew your food better and it promotes the satiety response.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Sometimes I give myself a week or two to maintain so I don't get all stressed out about an inevitable plateau.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Hot lemon water, it keeps me from snacking though the day and REALLY helps wiht water retention. I have about 4 - 5 mugs a day.
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    So periodically we all hear about little tricks and tidbits on ways to cut calories, fat, or both from our diets. I am dying to hear what other people have in their secret arsenal of diet tips.

    One of my favorites is to replace salad dressing with salsa. Tastes great, and is very low cal. A quarter cup of Salsa has as many calories as a tablespoon of most regular salad dressings. It's usually fat free and depending on how much you have counts as a serving of veggies.

    Put your favorite dietary tip in your response.

    I'd love to see some of the ideas!
    wow that's a great idea! i love salsa.
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
  • lizzycomp
    lizzycomp Posts: 64
    The other night I mixed fat free greek yogurt with a little low fat buttermilk and ranch dressing seasoning... was not disappointed!:wink:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Sometimes I give myself a week or two to maintain so I don't get all stressed out about an inevitable plateau.

    Congrats on the Weight loss... 190 pounds is awesome! You should be proud of yourself!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Use greek yogurt to replace sour cream in enchiladas, tacos, fajitas, etc! I'm a sour cream fiend, so this definitely helps me!!
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I actually dip my fork into salad dressing rather than spread it all over. But the salsa sounds awesome! I'll have to give that a shot
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    When I get the 3:00 sugar/choco craving ... I blend up 2 Tbsp of vanilla lowfat yogurt, 1/2 c of coffee and a tsp of hershey syrup with ice. Makes an 8 oz cup that stops the craving, fills me up, and gets me through to dinner without reaching for the kids' after school snacks.

    LOVE this topic!