Do you ever still feel like your former overweight self???



  • FitShark
    geez, I wonder how I undid the quote box! I thought by removing my quote, it'd just be yours, AJCM....oops....
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Since I have been overweight most of my life I have a lot of lose skin around my midsection and on a "bad day" it's the first place my eyes go. I can grab a chunk of it and think "oh my gosh! Look at all this fat I still have to lose!" depresses me.

    Same here. If I didn't have sooooo much loose and stretched skin, I don't think I would feel so bad about my body. Yes, I haven't weighed this little since high school or college, and when I look in the mirror I can see parts of my waist and kind of see (if I stand a certain way) in between my thighs and I can almost see most of my collar bones, all I can see is my stomach. It is so highly damaged from having 10 & 11 pound babies, that it REALLY bothers me. I have ALWAYS had a "roll tummy". Ya know, never flat, always 2 rolls. And it wouldn't bother me if knowing all this hard work would eventually get rid of it, but it won't. Nothing but surgery will get rid of it and even then, I would still see stretch marks on a "flat" stomach, b/c my stretch marks start at about 4 inches below my bra and goes from side to side. I probably have AT LEAST 4 inches of stretched out skin that I will never get back or return to "normal". If it weren't there, I could probably fit into smaller shirts. Also, my arms are really starting to bother me too, but that's another story.
    So, for me. It is always a constant reminder of the fatter me.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    What's really weird is that at times, I don't feel fat at all. I still see or I guess remember myself the way that I used to be. I mean not all the time, but the majority of the time I don't feel as big as I am, until I catch a glimpse in the mirror, or I try to do something that I used to be able to do and I can't do it that way anymore. What's even odder, is when I was younger, I thought I was so fat and big, and I look back and wonder what was I thinking? I was around all these people whom later on I found out were bulimic or anorexic.

    The biggest thing that I have learned over this past year is that my weight is a direct reflection on how I feel inside.

    I thought I was big at 110lbs. and often wonder why I ever thought that, but I know why now only after years of working through it. Oh the things I would've done differently had I known or if I had a higher self-esteem. It is absolutely how you feel on the inside. Back then, I was married to a man who was very abusive and would tell me things like "Ugly fatty!", or "Who would want YOU?! No one! You're lucky to have me", or "Stupid b***h!", etc...I could go on and on. After we divorced (I was 23), was when I discovered that I really wasn't such a bad person after all and in fact, there were people that would accept me the way I am. The words still run through the back of my mind sometimes and I have to remind myself of what I have now.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Same here. If I didn't have sooooo much loose and stretched skin, I don't think I would feel so bad about my body. Yes, I haven't weighed this little since high school or college, and when I look in the mirror I can see parts of my waist and kind of see (if I stand a certain way) in between my thighs and I can almost see most of my collar bones, all I can see is my stomach. It is so highly damaged from having 10 & 11 pound babies, that it REALLY bothers me. I have ALWAYS had a "roll tummy". Ya know, never flat, always 2 rolls. And it wouldn't bother me if knowing all this hard work would eventually get rid of it, but it won't. Nothing but surgery will get rid of it and even then, I would still see stretch marks on a "flat" stomach, b/c my stretch marks start at about 4 inches below my bra and goes from side to side. I probably have AT LEAST 4 inches of stretched out skin that I will never get back or return to "normal". If it weren't there, I could probably fit into smaller shirts. Also, my arms are really starting to bother me too, but that's another story.
    So, for me. It is always a constant reminder of the fatter me.

    I know what you mean. I'm just under 5 feet tall and have a medium frame. I was HUGE during all of my pregnancies and had two c-sections. The loose skin left over from each pregnancy will only be remedied by surgery. It can be a little depressing to know that even after I lose all the weight, that skin won't go away and is more than likely to look worse than it does now.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member

    I know what you mean. I'm just under 5 feet tall and have a medium frame. I was HUGE during all of my pregnancies and had two c-sections. The skin loose skin left over from each pregnancy will only be remedied by surgery. It can be a little depressing to know that even after I lose all the weight, that skin won't go away and is more than likely to look worse than it does now.
    Yeah, it's getting worse as the weight comes off. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: