Do you tell?



  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I was telling my hubby about this post, explaining in detail like we do at our house (never a short story!) and getting his opinion. When I was done, he looked at me and said "You just told me." We've been together 26 years. We have no secrets.... HE didn't know!! Wow. That shows how quiet I am about weight... Me quiet about something.... HA!

    ANYWAYS the point of the story is... he had a great answer. He said "...about [ x ] pounds away from my ideal weight."
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    Once I crossed over the 100 pounds lost, I tell everybody that asks. I worked REALLY hard and I am very proud of the amount I have lost. I don't exactly go up to people and open a conversation with, "Hi, I use to weigh 251lbs, but I lost 106 of it." However, I get stopped all the time and most ask me what I have been doing or ask me for any advice I have for them. I don't hide it anymore. I want to help.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I don't mind telling, I'm proud of what I've achieved. I find it easier to reveal on here hence it forms part of my signature. In real life not many people ask as I think most ppl realise it's a but taboo but after posting my before and after on fbook when I hit my pre pregnancy weight a post partum friend of mine who is the same height as me sent a text message politely asking. As she hadn't broadcast it on facebook and as she herself had gained lots during pregnancy I felt comfortable telling her. She was so happy afterwards to hear that someone the same height and age as her was aspiring to the same weight goal as her.

    Generally I get a good reaction when I divulge but ppl are shocked that my ideal weight is still high until I remind them I'm 5ft 9" with a booty and boobs!!