Look at my food diary....and let me have it.

I know i'm not the most fantastic eater and i'm well, weird. Have always been this way and i know this is why i'll never see results.
So i made my diary public for all of you to look at and maybe help? How can I get this weight loss moving, I only want to loss 10-15. Mostly just to tone up.
I'm struggling reaching my calorie intake each day but i'm probably the worlds pickiest eater. And believe it or not.....my "dinner" actually does fill me up....and I struggle just to finish it.


  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    I really didn't see any fruits, veggies, or things like fish, chicken, etc. Make sure you watch your sodium and drink your water. Just things I noticed that helped me, no expert or anything.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Well..first..your calories burned. Are you really earning that many? This site can overestimate calories burned quite a bit. I use exercise as just that. Exercise. Not to eat those calories.
    Food wise? You could eat so much more for all those calories. Ramen noodles offer CALORIES but literally ZERO nutritional value. Wait. They offer sodium. Which makes you retain water and weight. And your sugar is through the roof.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    You mean you have to force yourself to eat more to meet your calorie requirements as calculated by MFP? If you are not loosing weight while meeting the MFP goal, then maybe your estimated calories needed are too high. You could shoot for a lower total number of calories. How long have you been keeping track?
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    Try to eat some unprocessed food. Like fruits or vegetables, meat, or even bread for that matter. They aren't as convenient, but they have less sugar and sodium and more vitamins.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Well..first..your calories burned. Are you really earning that many? This site can overestimate calories burned quite a bit. I use exercise as just that. Exercise. Not to eat those calories.
    Food wise? You could eat so much more for all those calories. Ramen noodles offer CALORIES but literally ZERO nutritional value. Wait. They offer sodium. Which makes you retain water and weight. And your sugar is through the roof.

    I go by what my HRM tells me for calories. And I know my sugar is way too high, Dont really know what to do about it all the list of foods I'll eat is a very very short list, been like this my whole life and I know it's a probably but I feel like I have no options :ohwell:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I think you have too much sodium and sugar in your diet, not enough veggies and fruits. I used to be a picky eater too but now I eat everything. I literally had to force feed myself veggies when I first started eating healthy, and now the junk I used to eat doesn't appeal to me any more! Maybe try increasing your veggies and fruits slowly, like an apple with lunch or steamed broccoli with dinner?
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    You said your picky...what kind of food will you eat?
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    You mean you have to force yourself to eat more to meet your calorie requirements as calculated by MFP? If you are not loosing weight while meeting the MFP goal, then maybe your estimated calories needed are too high. You could shoot for a lower total number of calories. How long have you been keeping track?

    Yes, most of what I eat I pretty much force it because I was told once before i'm burning more calories then i'm eating and my body is in "starvation mode" i'm new to all of this and just joined MFP this week and I was going to continue how I have been eating for the first week just to see what it all comes too. before I joined I tried eating 1200 a day and was still really struggling, i'm a HUGE fruit eater and will eat carrots all day long if I could. All of what i've been eating was just to try and reach the calorie intake.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    I think you have too much sodium and sugar in your diet, not enough veggies and fruits. I used to be a picky eater too but now I eat everything. I literally had to force feed myself veggies when I first started eating healthy, and now the junk I used to eat doesn't appeal to me any more! Maybe try increasing your veggies and fruits slowly, like an apple with lunch or steamed broccoli with dinner?

    Before I joined this site I tried doing this on my own, i'm a HUGE fruit eater and love carrots. But was struggling to reach 1200 calories a day so i've been eating some not so healthy things to try and get in the most calories as i could.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    You said your picky...what kind of food will you eat?

    Aw man, well I do love fruits. Veggies, just carrots really. Mostly all cereals and I love noodles. That's about it. I hate anything seafood, or meat.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    What I noticed is some high in sodium foods. Ramen noodles will kill you on sodium. Sodium can make you retain water. You really need to drink ALOT of water to flush out the sodium. I am a picky eater as well and I have made myself experiment on foods to find food I will like, or search recipies with ingredients I know I will eat.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I would atleast make the change from the Ramen noodles to some kind of multigrain pasta. and have you tried greek yogurt? I eat a plain greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter (and sometimes a bit of splenda). Has lots of protein and good calories! You need some protein for sure, especially if you want to tone up. Protein builds lean muscle. What about sweet potatoes? A baked sweet potato is yummy and is filling....again good calories.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Before I joined this site I tried doing this on my own, i'm a HUGE fruit eater and love carrots. But was struggling to reach 1200 calories a day so i've been eating some not so healthy things to try and get in the most calories as i could.

    Ok that makes sense. Well I think it's all about balance. Eat fruits and veggies, but also more calorie-dense foods like a veggie burger. I think the sodium is really killing your weight loss with all the processed foods.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    I would atleast make the change from the Ramen noodles to some kind of multigrain pasta. and have you tried greek yogurt? I eat a plain greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter (and sometimes a bit of splenda). Has lots of protein and good calories! You need some protein for sure, especially if you want to tone up. Protein builds lean muscle. What about sweet potatoes? A baked sweet potato is yummy and is filling....again good calories.

    never tried the greek yogart but I might just do that. Are regular potatoes just as good?
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Before I joined this site I tried doing this on my own, i'm a HUGE fruit eater and love carrots. But was struggling to reach 1200 calories a day so i've been eating some not so healthy things to try and get in the most calories as i could.

    Ok that makes sense. Well I think it's all about balance. Eat fruits and veggies, but also more calorie-dense foods like a veggie burger. I think the sodium is really killing your weight loss with all the processed foods.

    I know this is going to sound dumb but what exactly is processed foods? like when I go out to eat?
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    sweet potatoes are better than regular....but regular are not awful. what about eggs? avocado?
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    The best way to eat food is in its most natural state. If a food has been overly processed, it means that it has things added to it to improve the taste or to preserve it. Usually these additives are sugar and salt.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    sweet potatoes are better than regular....but regular are not awful. what about eggs? avocado?

    Ok and eggs.....eh scrambled and basically covered in cheese. (hate the taste of eggs so I buried it) and i've never tried an avocado
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member

    I know this is going to sound dumb but what exactly is processed foods? like when I go out to eat?

    Mostly anything that comes pre-packaged. (Ramen, crackers,Toaster Strudel).
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member

    I know this is going to sound dumb but what exactly is processed foods? like when I go out to eat?

    Mostly anything that comes pre-packaged. (Ramen, crackers,Toaster Strudel).

    So my entire diet basically.....dang