Look at my food diary....and let me have it.



  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Have you tried egg salad with lowfat mayo? Chicken salad with diced apples and low fat mayo? I know you said you dont like meat and fish and to be honest, I am not a huge fan of the taste of chicken....but I usually season it up enough to disguise the taste. But I eat it because its lean and healthy. I just really need to cover the taste up (like you do with eggs) with things like BBQ sauce or grillmates seasoning.
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    My recommendation is, up your protein, lower your carbs and REDUCE your sugars. It looks like most things you're drinking the sugar to protein ratio is out of sync. Look for things that have less than 14g of sugar per servings. For example, Ensure is HIGH in sugar, try using Pure Protein shakes or Adkins. They have more protein and less sugar...carbs too.

    Remember, simple carbohydrates break down in the body as sugar. Try to stay way from white rice, sugars and wheat. Get grilled rather than fried chicken from Chick-Fil-A.

    Hope that helps....I didn't see any exercise...but make sure to vary your workouts
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Have you tried egg salad with lowfat mayo? Chicken salad with diced apples and low fat mayo? I know you said you dont like meat and fish and to be honest, I am not a huge fan of the taste of chicken....but I usually season it up enough to disguise the taste. But I eat it because its lean and healthy. I just really need to cover the taste up (like you do with eggs) with things like BBQ sauce or grillmates seasoning.

    My mother will make potato salad with eggs in it and low fat mayo, I'll eat that without hesitation. Anytime I try to eat chicken it's usually in nugget form and drenched in ketchup. :ohwell: With meat it's the taste and texture of it that drives me crazy, I just can't stand it. I love animals but i'm no vegetarian
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Anytime I try to eat chicken it's usually in nugget form and drenched in ketchup. :ohwell: With meat it's the taste and texture of it that drives me crazy, I just can't stand it. I love animals but i'm no vegetarian

    Nuggets aren't really meat or even close to chicken IMO. Just mashed up bits of different parts of the chicken. Try some roasted or grilled chicken maybe? There is a huge taste difference. You could ever make your own "nuggets". I know there is a recipe on skinnygirl.com for some. :smile:
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I am going to there are no fruits and veggies in there, not enough water and nothing with any value in it! Try a grilled chicken sandwich instead of fries and slaw. Have some more protein...
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    I eat greek yogurt and mix it with EAS 100% Whey Protein Powder, Vanilla. It tastes yummy...so long as you make sure to mix it completely...it ups your calories, protein and calcium!
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Anytime I try to eat chicken it's usually in nugget form and drenched in ketchup. :ohwell: With meat it's the taste and texture of it that drives me crazy, I just can't stand it. I love animals but i'm no vegetarian

    Nuggets aren't really meat or even close to chicken IMO. Just mashed up bits of different parts of the chicken. Try some roasted or grilled chicken maybe? There is a huge taste difference. You could ever make your own "nuggets". I know there is a recipe on skinnygirl.com for some. :smile:

    I just really cant stand meat. If I do try to eat nuggets it's only maybe one or two and i'm done. Makes me gag anytime i try to swallow meat,
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Well, I suggest taking the things you know you will eat and try to find a way to change them up and make them healthy. Make the potato salad and just switch it up to low fat mayo. Trying making egg salad (since you will eat the eggs in the potato salad) and eat it on whole wheat bread or toast. The best thing you can do is just experiment. Try the greek yogurt and peanut butter. It will be trial and error, but find the things you think you can stand and after a while your body will get used to it. Trying making your own chicken tenders with real chicken....and still use the ketchup if you need to.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    I eat greek yogurt and mix it with EAS 100% Whey Protein Powder, Vanilla. It tastes yummy...so long as you make sure to mix it completely...it ups your calories, protein and calcium!

    Thank you, i'm going to pick some up tomorrow
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Well, I suggest taking the things you know you will eat and try to find a way to change them up and make them healthy. Make the potato salad and just switch it up to low fat mayo. Trying making egg salad (since you will eat the eggs in the potato salad) and eat it on whole wheat bread or toast. The best thing you can do is just experiment. Try the greek yogurt and peanut butter. It will be trial and error, but find the things you think you can stand and after a while your body will get used to it. Trying making your own chicken tenders with real chicken....and still use the ketchup if you need to.

    Thank you, i'm heading to the store tomorrow, guess i'll conduct my own little experiments, can't hurt to try.:smile:
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Be sure you're accounting for all of your calories. Two entries list large quantities of cereal, and yet no milk? Another entry lists 2 waffles, but did you just eat them plain? If you had fruit or syrup or sugar or whatever on your waffles, that needs to be added to the calorie count. The rest of the posts have covered all the other issues I would bring up.
    Good luck!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    When you go to the store, shop the outside walls: produce, meat, and dairy. Try to stay away from the actual isles as MUCH as possible. look for recipies of foods you will eat. Those are the three tips I have hope it helps.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Someone else could probably explain it better, but here is my take. Processed food is most food that comes with a label that lists all kinds of stuff that you don't (or any one) have in your regular home kitchen. Usually the longer the list of ingredients, the more processed. A good example was on the movie SUPER SIZE ME when he revealed that McDonalds Chicken McNuggets had (I think) over 50 ingredients not found in a home kitchen. That means aside from what ever chicken is supposedly in them there were over 50 ingredients added aside from salt and "spices". Chemicals, additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives, artifical colors, artificial flavors, etc.

    If you pick up a box of anything at the store, read the label. When you come to the first ingredient that you don't know what it is, you should put it back on the shelf. Candy, cookies, and junk food usually have a longer list of ingredients.

    Unprocessed food (many foods are processed to some degree, but are done simply like milk, many breads, fruit juice, and frozen veggies. Food should look as close as possible to how it grew in the ground if it came from there like tomatoes, grapes, carrots, onions, and even meat (steaks, chicken parts), etc. Breyers ice cream (although not a good "diet" choice) commercial says "just milk, cream, sugar, & fruit" and whatever else you would recognize as food that you might find in your kitchen or a friend's kitchen. Then pick up a cheap grocery store ice cream and compare that label. I like crackers, but choose whole grain Triscuits. I think they have 3 ingredients in them. Compare them to more dazzling crackers like maybe cheese crackers and see how they shape up label wise.

    It's a learning process for everyone. May as well start researching nutrition and healthy eating for yourself if you are not all that familiar with the topic. There is a lot of information out there and many wonderful foods to try. I just discovered Kale. Probably not your beginner veggie, but I like it!

    Good luck to you.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!I think you could eat more protein and veg and fruit.
    good luck!
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Be sure you're accounting for all of your calories. Two entries list large quantities of cereal, and yet no milk? Another entry lists 2 waffles, but did you just eat them plain? If you had fruit or syrup or sugar or whatever on your waffles, that needs to be added to the calorie count. The rest of the posts have covered all the other issues I would bring up.
    Good luck!

    I added the milk to my drinks and yes I eat the waffles plain. Thank you for the tip though.
  • katslosingit
    katslosingit Posts: 41 Member
    I just saw on the Drs. yesterday, to lose those last 10lbs, focus on strenght training. Building muscles as a woman will not make you bulk up but will help you burn more calories throughout the day even while resting.

    Also, go back to how you were eating before (assuming that was healthier), don't add junk food into just to meet your calorie goal. And try guacamole (avocado, lime juice, salsa, garlic and I add jalepenos in because I like spice), I am 38 yrs old, a very picky eater, but finally decided to try it one night and now I'm hooked! I eat it with veggies instead of chips. It's a great way to get a fruit, veggie and healthy fat in.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    When you go to the store, shop the outside walls: produce, meat, and dairy. Try to stay away from the actual isles as MUCH as possible. look for recipies of foods you will eat. Those are the three tips I have hope it helps.

    Thank you!
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Someone else could probably explain it better, but here is my take. Processed food is most food that comes with a label that lists all kinds of stuff that you don't (or any one) have in your regular home kitchen. Usually the longer the list of ingredients, the more processed. A good example was on the movie SUPER SIZE ME when he revealed that McDonalds Chicken McNuggets had (I think) over 50 ingredients not found in a home kitchen. That means aside from what ever chicken is supposedly in them there were over 50 ingredients added aside from salt and "spices". Chemicals, additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives, artifical colors, artificial flavors, etc.

    If you pick up a box of anything at the store, read the label. When you come to the first ingredient that you don't know what it is, you should put it back on the shelf. Candy, cookies, and junk food usually have a longer list of ingredients.

    Unprocessed food (many foods are processed to some degree, but are done simply like milk, many breads, fruit juice, and frozen veggies. Food should look as close as possible to how it grew in the ground if it came from there like tomatoes, grapes, carrots, onions, and even meat (steaks, chicken parts), etc. Breyers ice cream (although not a good "diet" choice) commercial says "just milk, cream, sugar, & fruit" and whatever else you would recognize as food that you might find in your kitchen or a friend's kitchen. Then pick up a cheap grocery store ice cream and compare that label. I like crackers, but choose whole grain Triscuits. I think they have 3 ingredients in them. Compare them to more dazzling crackers like maybe cheese crackers and see how they shape up label wise.

    It's a learning process for everyone. May as well start researching nutrition and healthy eating for yourself if you are not all that familiar with the topic. There is a lot of information out there and many wonderful foods to try. I just discovered Kale. Probably not your beginner veggie, but I like it!

    Good luck to you.

    Thank you!
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    Too much sodium, too much sugar. It's hard inlove them both but I am trying to limit both as I too don't need to loose any significant weight just tone and tighten but those go to the belly 1st
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    I just saw on the Drs. yesterday, to lose those last 10lbs, focus on strenght training. Building muscles as a woman will not make you bulk up but will help you burn more calories throughout the day even while resting.

    Also, go back to how you were eating before (assuming that was healthier), don't add junk food into just to meet your calorie goal. And try guacamole (avocado, lime juice, salsa, garlic and I add jalepenos in because I like spice), I am 38 yrs old, a very picky eater, but finally decided to try it one night and now I'm hooked! I eat it with veggies instead of chips. It's a great way to get a fruit, veggie and healthy fat in.

    Thank you.