You Cheated! I lost weight the "Natural way"



  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    people are too quick to judge others when they dont know the full story, ive been offered a gastric band myself, for medical reasons not as a quick fix, its a very hard decision,not 100% sure if i will have it done, good for you for loosing and working with you tool, u have my support x
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I used to be one of those people who thought anyone who had surgery was just lazy!!! But I had never met anyone until recently. One of my co-workers had gastric bypass a year ago. To hear her talk about the surgery changed my mind. She was working her tail off and it didn't help. Having the surgery she is down 150 pds. AMAZING!!! She has a new lease on life as I am sure you do. I'm not sure I am brave enough for the life change you need with surgery but it is an inspiration to me to do it without surgery. You keep up the good work!!! And maybe you'll turn a non-believer into a believer!!!
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    So what I'm getting from this is you would have had to do the same sacrifices if you hadn't had the surgery done...
    Why do it then?
    Mind boggling.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    You did what was best for you and your body. Its nobody else's business. They can kiss your now-smaller *kitten*! Let the comments roll off your back! You are healthier and weigh less for it. That's the main thing. Keep up the good work!
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    That is mean of them to say that!

    Surgery is a tool to help weight loss like any other tool out there. It may be a little more life changing than hiring a personal trainer or drastically changing your diet but in my mind it is nothing different.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    I am so sorry you appear to be around jerks most of the day! I have 3 friends who went that route do to health reasons and what have you. I can tell you, as an observer, you didn't choose an easy way to go. Unfortunately, from what I have seen, once the surgery happens, there isn't any follow up for all the changes that happen after..guidance, counciling, what have you. I think it is very difficult to maintain, and you have to be committed. the exercise is cirtical, and the nutrition as well. I'm very happy for you that you are staying on top of it and doing everything you can to maintain your health post surgery. It's just as hard a road as the "natural way." In fact, i think, from what i've seen, it's harder.
    Good luck to you sweetie! I have only positive thoughts for you! Check with your Dr to see what you need to eat, or drink, to keep from having kidney stones. All 3 of my friends have had a bad time with kidney stones..usually in the 2nd or 3rd year after surgery.
    If you want to talk, don't hesitate to contact me! (and tell that guy he can shove that "natural way" right up his behind!)

  • ElGordoJUAN
    This is what I would reply: "It seems to me you have also found a few pounds the NaTuRaL wAy"

    Seriously, dont listen to stupid ignorant people. Be proud of your accomplishment and dont waste time listening to negative nonse
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I have a MIL and a SIL who've both had this surgery and there is no way I would say they "cheated"! My MIL lost a bunch initially but then didn't make wise choices and gained quite a bit back. Fortunately now she's recommitted and had lost again and is now maintaining for over a year. This is a woman who went on every fad diet know to man! She passed out and fell off the front porch once because she was on a "white rice only" diet! So yeah, we're pretty happy that she's got some guidelines about how she needs to eat and there is no way I'd say she's had it easy!

    My SIL had the surgery and lost a lot as well but then slipped into alcoholism (she just replaced the food with alcohol) and gained a portion of her weight back drinking herself silly. Again, fortunately she went into rehab and has been clean and sober for coming up on two years now but she's had to really face the emotional issues that have caused her to overeat and then turn to alcohol. It has in no way been easy for her either and I'm really proud of both of them.

    I don't know you but 95 pounds is a lot of weight to lose and takes dedication and hard work, surgery or no surgery. Try to ignore the uninformed and ignorant and remember that there are those of us who understand and applaud you.
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Don't let what others say mess with you. They are ignorant. Bariatric surgery is a very difficult process to go through. I should know because I had my stomach stapled in 1985. I felt so great, looked fantastic and didn't care what anyone thought about it. Then after my fathers death and my divorce the weight started to come back on. Because I hadn't let go of my old behaviors. I was using food as my comforter. I put on more weight after a back injury. I made a lot of bad choices in my life. But had I not had the surgery all those years ago, I probably would be dead right now from heart disease. Last year I was undergoing all the tests for the Lap Ban, but the week before my surgery was scheduled, my employer decided that they would drop Bariatric surgery from their coverage. I tried to fight it, but it was no use. That really made me angry and I decided to get serious and do this on my own. I had no other choice. I am so glad to see the inner strength I had inside me. I know what it's like on both sides. As long as you are doing something to make you healthier, you are benefiting yourself and expanding your life span. I applaud you for your weight loss. I do suggest that you find a support group with other people who are or have been through the same experience as you. This will help you vent and problem solve with others. I wish I that I had that support back then. I'm so thankful to MFP friends who support and encourage me daily. I wish you the best.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Wow that's ridiculous... People like that deserve a swift kick in the pants!!! You deserve to rant about this one, that's just stupid!!
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Good parents raise their kids to only use it when it's necessary.

    It's not the way I choose to do it, and I don't think it's the natural way. But I don't judge you for doing it. If it's the way you chose, and you're fine with your decision, other peoples opinions just don't matter.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you are surrounded by such rude and ignorant people. For my way of thinking, you chose the hard way to do it, so big congratulations on having the strength to make those decisions and stick with them. You've had to spend time educating yourself and getting to know your body in ways that someone who does it the "natural way" may never have to do. That's amazing dedication, which again shows your inner strength. We all have different journeys to take, and only you know which path leads in the right direction for you.

    Best wishes for continued success.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you cheated by getting medical help, then I'm cheating every day I put my contacts in my eyes instead of squinting. :wink:

    Do what you have to do, and ignore the naysayers.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss -- you've worked so hard to get where you are today and intelligent people will recognize that.

    I've also used a "tool" to assist with my weigh loss -- it's called a treadmill. Does that mean my weight loss is "not natural" as well? Oh man -- I've used my computer too -- and my TV and my weights. Wow -- all man made -- scientific inventions. Not to mention the weights and the treadmill probably had to be designed with at least some input by medical professionals.

    What should matter is that we all have taken a step towards getting healthier. Anyone who razzes you about the tools you use in YOUR journey -- is small minded and obviously has their own esteem issues if they feel it necessary to pull you down to their level. I say -- send them a wish that someday they feel better about themselves and let it go!!

    :heart: and hugs doll
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I'm sorry to hear that people in your life (and on here) find the need to put their beliefs on you. It doesn't sound like you asked this coworker for advice, or if you should get the surgery or not. I can understand people's point of views on both sides of the discussion...but to try to tell someone that the way they are chosing to become healthy is wrong (since the doctor recommended it...obviously you would have to be conscerned if someone stopped eating all together to lose weight). Perhaps these people who find the need to push their thoughts on you are just frustrated in their own life and belittling you is the only way they can feel better about themselves.
    95 pounds is AMAZING, leading a healthier lifestyle is AMAZING!

    There are ALWAYS going to be people who have to complain, nit pick, judge etc. (OMG you ate COTTAGE CHEESE to lose weight??? That comes in a container...I'm doing it the "natural way" and wiping the dirt off of the carrots I pick out of the ground!) haha :wink:
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    I have a couple people I know in my life that have said and still say "I lose the natural way"

    and I think...oh yeah? and how many times have you done the natural way? :) how many times.
    you're barely eating and you think this is natural?. REAL world people, you need to eat, your crash diet is going to crash you eventually and you're going to gain your weight back if you don't do it right.

    I had bypass surgery over 12 years ago and kept off over 200 pounds.
    Ive gained 50 or so back IN 12 YEARS! let me see all the rude people DO THAT.

    anyway. people like us are not doctors, and their natural ways make me laugh.
    so, whatever.

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    People are *kitten*
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have considered the surgery at points in my life, but have just been too scared to "go under the knife". I think anyone who chooses this "tool" is brave, and by no means should be though of as taking a short cut. Weeks off from work/school/normal life while recovering, pain from surgery, DRASTIC changes to may not be "natural" but it is definitely not taking an easy way out, IMO! And as Sommer said above, we all use tools of some kind, and this was your choice. Screw the rest of them. ;)
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    You did what you had to do to get healthy! Don't worry bout what other ppl think. Your doctor recommended you get the surgery done and that's exactly what you did. You apparently needed it or he wouldn't have recommended it. You are prolly alot healthier now then what you've ever been before and you prolly are able to do the exercises now that you once couldn't do. When it comes to weightloss you gotta do it for yourself. Not for everyone else. They should be proud of you for making a healthier choice. And a very risky one at that matter. Either way you are now alot better off then what you were before and that's all that matters!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    One of my colleagues had surgery a couple of years ago and lost a bunch of weight but, from what I've seen she is not taking care of herself. She frequently comments that she missed breakfast and I know that she does not exercies. Every now and again when we're eating together I'll see foods that are extremely high in fat and sodium.
    No matter how you are able to loose weight, if you don't address the issues that causes you to put on weight in the first place, you are most likely going to go right back where you started.
    You should be proud of your accomplishment!