How Many Calories Do You Burn Every Week??



  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    My goal is set to 3500 and that is usually the figure i get. I work out about 2 hours 5 days aweek,. I do Zumba, strength training, fitness walking. I tried to estimate on the low end as well.
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    I burn 3500-4000 a week. Jillian Michaels work outs are awesome my heart rate is up the entire team even during strength moves. In 20 min. I burn 300 cals. I also ride the bike for an hour and use the elliptical about three times a week. On average I work out 1 .5 hrs. A day 5-6 days a week.
  • maggieschuck
    maggieschuck Posts: 174
    maggie - what type of exercising do you do?

    I'm starting to wonder if I'm/my HRM is grossly underestimating my burn or if others are grossly overestimating theirs. I know it matters your size and fitness level (i'm 5'3", 134lb and pretty fit). I work out daily for an hour (as I mentioned before I run and do P90X). Even doing the Plyo workout on P90X, I burn in the mid 400s (that's my max burn for the day).

    I do boot camp 2 times a week ( we rotate arm, legs and core), rowing, running, walking, elliptical and weight training. I work out from 1-2 hrs, 5 days a week. I'm training for Tough Mudder in Sept so Im really trying to build my muscles and increase my endurance. I see the biggest burn on the elliptical ( level 17-18 ). I do log any extra actives like major house cleaning, yoga, and gardening. Im a student/ mom so I feel its all extra cals burned that aren't a normal part of my day. Plus if im sweating then Im burning extra cals.

    I use my HRM to keep track of my cals burned and its usually less that the machine by 50 cals. I'm 5"4' and current weight is 164 lbs. I only loose about 1/2 - 1 lb a week but body fat is down and inches are down. I do keep a close eye on my food and meet with a dietitian once a month.

    My food and exercise diary is public. Feel free to check it out.
  • sid678
    sid678 Posts: 1
    I burn about 3000 calories a week running 5 km everyday
    I am new to to running and regular exercise
    I've started it like 3-4 months ago and lost about 9-10 kg
    I hope to find smarter ways of living and maintaining a healthy life
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    So far this week 3079 kcal burned, over 7.5 hours of working out.

    I do about an hours worth of ashtanga yoga in the morning 6-days a week, and around 25-30 min of swimming in the evening 4 days a week. This is a typical week for me right now.

    For reference I'm 178 cm and weigh 92.5 kg.