(Pics) Loose belly skin. Has anyone looked like this and tig



  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    I would like to know the answer to this one. After three children, full hysterectomy and other surgeries, mine is so bad--it makes your belly look great! So, let me know, if anyone has succeeeded or if the only solution is tummy tuck.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Mine is much, much worse and I plan on getting a lower body lift eventually. My stomach and thighs because my skin is very loose after losing so much.
  • DancingYogini
    DancingYogini Posts: 377
    I have been doing yoga, and my tummy is flat, I still have loose skin though. I have a longer torso, so it stretches out, but when I lean over you can see it...only a tummy tuck will help :sad: ...I have 3 kids: 6, 10 and 13. I gained about 50lbs with each pregnancy, so I have loose skin and stretch marks. I have my belly pic's on my profile...the worst of it is hidden below my yoga pants...luckily. I am also tall and have a low BMI, so that helps also. You can get a flat tummy, the skin will shink a bit, but you will always have something.
  • Malloryrae1211
    Malloryrae1211 Posts: 60 Member
    I have the same problem. I thought getting down to 110lbs would solve it but I'm at 114 and it still looks the same. I even have nice abs under the extra skin. I run 4+ miles a day and do at least 30 minutes of insanity with cardio abs. I have used Mederma and it has made it a little tighter and the stretch marks a little less noticable but not enough to continue spending $40 a bottle for. :( I think it's just extra skin and aside from surgery nothing will fix it. :(
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Just keep working it, it will get better. I have been were you are in the past, a long, long time ago, I got a somewhat sexy belly back. But, if you don't keep exercising and all, you may end up like me one day. Stay on top of it and it will get better. Do some ab work outs at least once a week. It normally takes anywhere from 1 to 2 years, depending upon how big you got. An old college professor told me one time, it takes a woman's body 10 years to get over having a baby. ????????
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Mine looks like that when I'm standing. Yours is not bad at all.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Mine looks like that when I'm standing. Yours is not bad at all.
    This! lol.... working on it.....
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    It can and will go down especially considering you just had your baby. You need to do strength exercises for the stomach everyday or every other day if you can manage it and with time and a good diet you can get it back flat. It's already gone down, just give it time and never give up!
    I have a before and after stomach shot in my pics. I'm not where i want to be but I'm no WHERE CLOSE to where i started and i know my tummy will be flat again because i see the improvement every week!

    I have a close friend who was well over 230lbs and is now in her 130's and she has a 6 pack now, all from doing stomach exercises and eating right!

    Once again you can do it!
  • jlblight84
    jlblight84 Posts: 7
    The 'bio oil' that you can buy helped me to reduce the stretchmarks - dont think they will ever go away completely though. I am sure you will be able to improve it with work but likely wont go away entirely. But dont spend your time worrying about that! Give yourself a chance! Youre only 3 months postpartum! Enjoy your little one, eat healthy and exercise. It will reduce over time!
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    i wish my tummy looked That good!
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Yes i did and mine was much worse:0( i couldnt tighten it up and there was too much after losing 12stone so my doctor put me in for a tummytuck under the nhs!Now i have a much flatter tummy its still not perfect but is so much better more liveable lol

    Uhm, holy crap...a tummy tuck under NHS? In the US there isn't a healthplan around that will pay for a tummy tuck for any reason. OK, in very rare cases when someone was grossly obese and lost a ton of weight and the huge skin folds are getting infections all the time. Then, MAYBE if you win the lottery of healthcare. <lol> But I can't believe the NHS covered that for you. Yea for Britain/Europe! :wink:
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    Eat extremely clean and build muscle underneath...muscle doesnt show unless you burn all the fat thats covering it.....look into Tosca Reno/EATING CLEAN....
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    I'm going to put this here as I've had three children, 2 by c-section I've tried so many things to be honest. A while back I bought a 6-second abs item. It can be found online, it uses resistance bands to increase the amount of resistance so that you can do the same about of crunches at each work out but increase the resistance as you improve. I haven't lost nearly the weight I want to yet so I can't tell you if it will get my tummy completely flat however that pooch that has been there now for 8 years (since my daughter was born) is slowly tightening and disappearing. I know it won't get rid of the stretch marks but there are creams for those now...to help make them fade. I know I'm so glad I spent the money I can feel the burn in my abs for hours after I use it every single time. I'm currently only using it 1-2 times a week hoping to get up to using it at least 4 times a week or 2 out of every 3 days.
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    My second daughter is 2 years five months now ... and my tommy is like yours !

    I hope I can flat it !
  • ProudMomoftwo
    ProudMomoftwo Posts: 525
    I am confident you will be able to do it with time and effort.
    You are only 3mos out - go after what you want.
    Oh and for all those that want to decrease the appearance of scars, liquid Vit E is the best.
    Rub it in liberally and keep at it...it really does do the trick.
    It isn't expensive either.
  • TanyaPearce
    TanyaPearce Posts: 41
    Unfortunately when your skin gets stretched rapidly (weight gain then rapid weight loss, or in you case a babies) you loose the elasticity. It is like stretching a rubber band and it gets to where it doesn't bounce back. Surgery is the only option.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    3 months? Damn girl give yourself a break. It took 9 months to a year to get back to normal. And normal isn't old normal, there is still a little bit of excess skin but that won't go away without surgery (which it is so minimal I would never consider it).

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    The answer that I have posted about 20 times now-

    It either has fat under it or it's loose skin.

    If the skin has stretch marks around it you most likely will have that for life as the skin has been broken and wont tighten back up.

    If it's fat then you need to lose more weight. Doing core exercises will build up the muscle under the fat but will do nothing to help lose the actual fat that is bothering you.

    The good thing with lose skin is that if you build up enough muscle to take up the space where fat once was then you wont have the lose skin anymore but the only problem with that is fat is larger in volume then muscle so sometimes to take up that room it wont look right physically.
  • mcneelymama
    mcneelymama Posts: 42
    It can and will go down especially considering you just had your baby. You need to do strength exercises for the stomach everyday or every other day if you can manage it and with time and a good diet you can get it back flat. It's already gone down, just give it time and never give up!
    I have a before and after stomach shot in my pics. I'm not where i want to be but I'm no WHERE CLOSE to where i started and i know my tummy will be flat again because i see the improvement every week!

    I have a close friend who was well over 230lbs and is now in her 130's and she has a 6 pack now, all from doing stomach exercises and eating right!

    Once again you can do it!

    Thanks soooooooo much for the encouragement :smile: :smile:
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    in my predator voice (movie) "No problem, anytime lol"
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